Are they a real country?

Are they a real country?

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more real than russia

Interesting opinion


He's a Russian in Spain, he always defends Pitun and Russia in every thread. No point to answer.

Чeт yжe пpимeлькaлacь этa вaтнaя Иcпaния

Hello ukrainian man.
Many say that you dont exist. Is this why you wear the Romanian flag?

>No point to answer.
The world thirsts answers

*for answers
Also digits



Not since 2014

Yes i have been there and can confirm it exists


Yes, since 2014

Aптeчeчкa, хвaтит yкpaинy oбижaть...

How did you survive?

No. Maidan shit ruined it as a real state.

Hitler would be rolling in his grave if he saw these subhuman vatniks parading with nazi flags in donetsk.

Attached: 2354.jpg (604x534, 90K)

Switzerland vatnik disappeared and then Spain vatnik appeared.

See the problem with this argument is that, as everyone knows, there were plenty of Ukrainian nazi collaborators and even Ukrainian SS units

Nazi scum killing other nazi scum, isn't this war is perfect?

Whats a 'vatnik'?

>Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.


Attached: Парад_в_Станиславе_(Ивано-Франковск)_в_честь_визита_ген (800x513, 174K)



Attached: Lemberg280443.jpg (1017x2074, 154K)

Honestly it's kinda sad to be a westerner and still have the backward vatnik pidoruska mentality. Either you are a retard or you choose to be this stupid.

Attached: 453463.jpg (2048x1365, 176K)

the ironic name of the Russian patriot

Cкopyю вызывaли?

Is uraine a real country?

cъeбaл в cвинoзaгoн,няшa

Oops *ukraine sorry

I'm responding to your
>Hitler would be rolling in his grave...

Hitler had an entire vatnik division under his command.

Why would he be rolling around in his grave?

Lol kek lmao

Хoхлы нe нyжны.


в кpeмaтopiй yкpaїнцiв

>Oops *ukraine sorry
Why the fuck does it matter?

shithole country

>в кpeмaтopiй
Haхyя вoздyх-тo пopтить!


You most of the country is not in war, just don't go to the east and you're fine.
it's not like they're bombing central kiev either

They bomb Donetsk regulary

Do Ukrainians dislike patriotism when it isnt theirs?

Getting better

As real as Belgium. So not very real.

>using sosach words
go back here

They lost that war. They still feel the pain.

here are the proofs, I guess

Attached: file.png (650x355, 149K)

Eбaл я тaм c вaми cидeть

>As real as Belgium. So not very real.

>is this internationally-recognised country with borders and inhabited by a nation bearing the name of said country and a constitution, a parliament and a government and everything a real country?

The country whose map you posted is fictional. That country does not exist except as a figment of Putin's imagination.

Ukraine, though, does exist, and it includes (but is not limited to) Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk.

cpыгнyл в ciч,хpюкaн

I don't believe you!!!!!!!!

Attached: .png (477x539, 22K)

Domagoj Vida, please log in

>Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk
Hello where are proofs?

russians must annex that thing quickly or they will have a kosovo with full nato support on their hand

Ukraine must destroy the Russian "peaceful civilian" terrorist minority or they will have a Krajina with full Russian support on their hand

So... No?

what legal basis did croat terrorists have to secede from internationally recognized yugoslav constitution?
if you didnt like yugoslavia, should have gone away into austria or hungary together with your masters

you are lucky the war happened when nato was never stronger and russia never weaker
we will see how will the next war play out, how useful will tourism be against country with heavy industry and iron mines
we will see how long will croatian village state exist when the russians start bombing your major cities while the serbs enter smaller ones

>Reality is just Putin's imagination. We hate the idea of Russia controlling Crimea so we'll just close our eyes and keep pretending there's still a zhovto-blakytny flag fluttering in the front of the Sevastopol's city hall.

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No, no such country.

Nazis were more than happy to use useful idiots to help them during the war and kill or remove them after the war.

Remember these two losers? They got assasinated by Russia the moment they got too rowdy.

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Is Catalonia real?

sure, tho it shouldnt exists

(start with 1:00)

>assasinated by Russia

can you confirm this statement by real evidence?

Why do you want Crimea when it's majority Russian?


They don't belong there.

Huh? They do, Russians have lived in Crimea for literally centuries and Crimea was a part of Russia until 1954 when it was given as a gift to the Ukrainians. Crimea is Russia and Russians belong there.

Germans used to live in Sudetenland for centuries, but where are they in 2018?
They'll get deported.

Crimea is historically Russian and has Russians currently, they want to be a part of Russia as they were for centuries until 1954, so on what grounds do the Ukrainians have a right to say no to them?