How much do black people consume white culture?

I used to go to rock festivals and gigs when I was living in somewhere west and I found that there were no black peoples. Literally zero. There were no aisans either except me. That was weird. Do black people enjoy white music?

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The only white music is academic and black metal, so guess yourself.

Rock was created by blacks.

All styles of music in the New World were created by blacks with the exception of tango

its far more common to encounter black people into weeb shit and kpop than into metal or indie rock

So you're saying American culture is nigger culture?

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I’m into indie rock
I see

Rock and metal is primarily suburbian white people music, rednecks listen to and play folk and country ,while Rap and Hip hop is innercity black people music

Black people gave up Rock to White people in the 70s and made disco/moved on to other genres.

>Do black people enjoy white music?

Some do.

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It seems to be less common, but I do see black kids with metal shirts on. Hispanics are more into rock and metal than white kids in the US now. There is also the gangs of Wadeye in Straya.

Unironically yes

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It’s a mix of nigger and wh*Toid

WHat about shitty shows?
Do they find South Park funny or offensive ?

Hip Hop is the biggest genre right now ao I’d say other races listen to it more too

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Everybody watches or used to watch South Park, regardless of race

Metal shirts are in style for rappers. They don't actually listen to it

Memes and a lot internet culture was created by nerdy whites in the 90s
Also niggers are starting to get into comic books with black panther so they eat up a lot of traditional “nerdy” white culture
Also I’d go as far to say that movies and television are exclusively white culture so they eat that shit up a lot

I saw Kendrick a few days ago :)
Oh that’s a relief

>movies and television are exclusively white culture


I guess there's that as well. Hip hop is as mainstream as ever, even if it has been immensely "popized".
You can see other styles receiving the same treatment in the past, like how funk gradually dissipated after being taken out of dance clubs

I wasn't aware of this. That's extremely weird.

upvoted Xddd nigs btfo!

Black "culture" itself is based on white culture.

upvoted this as well ex d

I would.

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>go to techno festival
99% white
>rock concert
100% white
>hardcore festival
100% white
>hiphop event
70% white - 25% mulatto

A lot of stuff is just almost exclusively white.
Hell just 10 minutes ago I saw the first black cyclist (like a sports cyclist) in my life

techno festivals aren't like that in america m8

It’s perhaps the whitest type of music with only some Asians, Acid Arabs and black people with only white friends over here.

>Rock was created by blacks.
citation needed

Also hiphop is now music for white teens too.
Going through the pictures of the Netherlands biggest hiphop festival is just hilarious. Nothing but white teenage boys and some mutts .

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Only been to small metal venues. Never seen a single black person in attendance. Honestly don't know how I'd react tbqh

Do you mean just music or culture in general? Because if it’s the second then they consume a lot (best exemple would be clothing and fashion in general)

>black metal
They have blacks too

Zeal and Ardor, Blasphemy, ???
Most BM autists hate Z&A though and probably blame it on niggers

Most white music has some token blacks. Even in the 90s there was the Darkraver or for example 2unlimited and nowadays in EDM there’s Afrojack but the fact remains that
1. There seem to be less than back then
2. They’re still the same tiny minority despite having far bigger nummers

Techno started in Detroit (or Chicago?) by black dj’s and look at it now. It’s Berlin music for white hipsters and some 1/4th mutt girls

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Techno comes from Detroit, Michigan niggah.

Yeah it did and if you go to any techno event now it’s almost exclusively white and all the non-whites are mixed race girls that go to university.
Maybe it is really different in the USA, but in Europe blacks couldnt give a shit about techno

House music is from Chicago.

>we assign cultural goods pseudoethnicities now

Black people in the US are too busy trying to copy white people now, meaningwhile whites are copying blacks. It's a bizzaro world we're living in now.

Yeah we do. Go to 50% white cities and look around you. Most bars, events and sports there are either >80% white or >80% non-white. Everyone with 2 eyes noticed this by now


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I'm black and I've always listened to "white" music genres but I'm too scared to go to shows because I'll probably stick like a sore thumb and I have no friends

>not being that one black friend who cannot act black even if his life depends on it and has to pretend he doesnt mind jokingly getting called nigger by his friends because he’s an insecure beta

But you do have barakku pipu Japan.

Looks like they do go outside. Maybe visit a hiphop place.

Literally me

What is wrong with that dong

They do have guitar solos with their live performaces though.

I thought it came from German Kraftwerk?


indie rock is pretty white, but there's other genres that are enjoyed by both blacks and whites at large

Like what? Blues?

I can only think of hiphop and Reggae

There's Industrial and a couple kinds of electronic music.

Kraftwerk isn't techno, but they were a big influence on the founders of the genre.


Tango was created by blacks, afro-argentines too.

Modern rock is all shit. They do hiphop and a few of them do techno that is basically held by white audience.

They’re called uncle toms, euro user.

I've met only three black people into rock/metal. One was a mulatto and the other two were black girls that wanted to land a white bf.