Tell euromonkeys what state I'm in

>tell euromonkeys what state I'm in
>they start chimping out because they are too low IQ to understand that every state is different

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You live in a shithole mutt, whatever your state is.

There's more cultural difference between your states than among countries in Europe.

>t. Abdullah Malakmuhaba

Thank you Bulgarian bro. I'll track you down through my cia connections and bring you here to live in whatever state you want.

>t. Tyrone Rodriguez al-walmarti

There is a larger cultural difference than Europe and Asia

Massachusetts has a higher HDI than France.

>dude I swear I'm different and not part of one mass media consuming cucked block

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Delete this

>muh american consumerism
Europe is the same. Stop being pretenious


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>americans praise france all the time here
>french posters are just anorher part of the hate bandwagon that Americans get here.
Why is Jow Forums so unfair.

Except they have a history before "Americanization."

>mfw americans brag that they're visiting "europe"

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We have history too it's just short. Even your country has history.

Delaware is my favorite US state

Not fair. Some states are legit comfy but you could probably count them on one hand.

What's funny about travelling to several countries in the same continent? The fact that arr rook same or?

Which ones?

Delaware is a nice state

Fuck off leaf

NH, Montana, North Dakota are the ones that come to mind. There might be others that i haven’t been in yet but i have been to a lot of states and those 3 are the only ones that i would say are comfy as a whole

>North Dakota
>New Hampshire/Vermont
Yep that sounds about right

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Europe is too broad term, it means a lot of different cultures, people, customs, etc.

When you say "I went to Europe" that doesn't tell me anything. You might have been in a museum in Moscow or went swimming on Spanish beaches

Why can't Euros just accept that "America" isn't a single homogeneous entity like their small countries are?

Because they're silly

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France must be one of the most Murica-hating countries of Europe, desu.

>When you say "I went to Europe" that doesn't tell me anything
Because you don't understand English.
It means "I went to various countries in the same continent." There's a very high chance the person will talk about all of the different places he visited.

You're forgetting Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, Utah, Maine


not the worst place to end up but not very interesting


top tier nature

>north dakota

boring featureless hellhole, terrible people, becoming a lawless wasteland because of oil

>boring featureless hellhole, terrible people, becoming a lawless wasteland because of oil
d u m b b y

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I believe you. I just passed through it but it did look very nice.
Too hot. A lot of the people seemed kind of weird.
>All the other ones
Haven’t been yet but i’ll try if i get the chance

Hi I'm Manolo from Albacete

The Frenchie looked me up and down, curling his lip and disdainfully noting:
"ohhh le Americano, mucho le pari oui anal"
Dismissing his garbled bloviating, I added:
"I'm from New England actually. Massachusetts to be specific."
His face went white is surrender. He started shaking, his cigarette fell from his lipstick smeared lips.
"Try no to start any forest fires, ok?" I quipped, as a extinguished the smouldering cancer stick with this heel of my boot. Turning on this heel I left him quavering.

Learn how to write in your own language you fucking retard

"Learn how to write in your own language you fucking retard" The canadian whipstered.
"Pretty funny you would say that in my language, Canadian" I told him.
Visibly upset, he dropped his syrup on the ground. Trying awkwardly to pick it up he got it all over his sticky hands.
"Sorry, I cant stick around" I got him, as I left him in the dusts