Is it possible to get a MENA gf in your country?

Is it possible to get a MENA gf in your country?

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Its possible in any country with a Diaspora, next question.

The Kuwaiti girl was the qtest girl on int.

Why don't you have one?

I don't have a social life. I remember seeing this mena qt on the bus, I think it was her that triggered this attraction to mena girls. She was a qt.

i wish they were Hindu :(

I can't get any gf so i wouldn't know


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>The Kuwaiti girl was the qtest girl on int.
Post thread I wanna judge.

Shiva smokes feces

jokes on you I'm Punjabi and don't worship Sh*va

Honestly guys just be confident, work out and sign up on tinder

Sikh is a religion made from spite. Jokes on you Singh

Working out hasn't made me confident this far

It’s not hard guys. If you want a ho, then you guys aren’t trying. If you want a righteous girl then stop your pornographic degeneracy and start confidence building. I went from basement dweller to part time chad in a year. It’s possible lads

Singh is a Kshatriya surname, the Punjabis just stole it. Punjabis ain't Singhs.

I was in skåne this whole year and I feel swedes (and Danes) can be super antisocial. It’s surprising cause your ladies are so outgoing

I know the whole deal. Many of My friends are from the motherland and are back in India rn. I got the whole story and stuff. India is so fucked up it’s crazy. Btw I’m pretty sure Sikh males keep Singh in their name for “baptized” reasons or something. Forgot desu


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Wow, I usually say Egyptians and gulf arabs are the ugliest but she’s cute. More?

Not my type but she's a qt


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Some Russian posted it from her IG but when I go there now it says profile deleted unfortunately.

She said her mom was Persian and her dad was Saudi.

The great thing about the US is that most MENA women are Christian here.

So false. You mean the Lebanese are mostly Christians. Otherwise it’s mostly muslim. If you go to South America though then it’s allll Christians. Of course everyone helped the Christians getting bombed but the Muslims were an afterthought.

I don't know about non-Arab MENA diaspora but more than 60% of Arab-Americans are Christian.

wouldnt mind one if she was white-ish

>girls are more outgoing
wow what a revolutionary insight

Quite being a faggot. I was trying to help but it’s obvious a self victimizing cuck will always remain as one

I can't be a cuck since i have never and will never have a gf, i am uncuckable

Yea and most are in Cali, Chicago or NY I think. I’m a Dixie fag so I see less Christian arabs here

Fair enough but you got a Toxic attitude. user get off of Jow Forums this weekend and have dinner with somebody you don’t usually. Go from there.

she had a swedish bull boyfriend

No. The gf supply of any kind is completely exhausted.

Why would i do that?

Did you know she‘ll come to the netherlands?
t. Acquintance

Yes. Had a few. They suck dick and usually take it in the ass but the pussy is off limits. They need to stay pure and untocuhed for marriage.

No I am not kidding.

Christians or ones that aren't religious yes

Practicing Muslims no, unless you're a Muslim

This is literally me if I injected estrogen, stopped lifting and straightned my hair.

Unrelated, what's the "t." stand for?

She called me a creep :(

I don't think I've ever met a NA girl but i've met plenty of ugly ME girls

By the way, what am I supposed to do with this information?

Do you live in the heartland? The fugly Palestinians live there

>muslim girl at work keeps bumping me with her hips
>now she keeps staring me down
God I want to date her but shes too tall. Shes actually very curvy/thicc but shes at least 6'3 and I'm only 5'8. I'm too short to do anything.

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I don't know desu. Her nose screams plastic surgery. And her face overall looks waxy and unnatural.