>tfw sudden changes in the market don't affect you anymore after the Q1 massacre and yet you know deep inside that crypto is your only way out of this miserable life but you still convince yourself you should work hard for your money and earn it and you justify the losses that way but you don't care about boomer life lessons and really just want some fucking money to buy your freedom and not have to deal with the endless agony of the societal and capitalistic machinery of the lower levels
Just buy when it's cheap and sell when it's expensive and be patient
We are going to make it friends
Oliver Robinson
I was at over 60k, now im at like 12k. biggest shit investment was COSS, I knewingly invested in that shit even though I knew it was shit because missing the KCS train nearly drove me insane.
feeling shitty for missing train is no. 1 reason for getting rekt From next time think of it this way, the total money you have does not reduce if u miss a train so be patient
William Sanchez
>yet you know deep inside that crypto is your only way out of this miserable life
Would you also agree that crypto is just a fucking pyramid scheme? I mean, think about it. Of course, there are valuable uses in blockchain technology, but most of it is just useless bullshit by startups trying to rack up the most money. We just have to take advantage of people pumping their hard earned dollars
Leo Bailey
I am you but i got fucked by rhett that and the btcp memecoin, I am back to slightly above 20k from 60k after an all times low of 5k anyway we are all gonna make it user just don't give up
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>crypto is your only way out of this miserable life no just no if that's what you honestly believe you need to stop close all your crypto tabs spend the time you spent on crypto finding some other way to be of use to society worst case, find a crypto job if you know crypto so well
trading a highly volatile market is not your way out of anything don't be like the old poorfags who buy lottery tickets every week don't listen to larpers with their tales of ubergains with 100x leverage on bitmex you only hear from the people who got lucky you don't hear from the majority who fucked themselves into a hole just like no-one brags about how much they lost at the casino (unless they're showing off how much they can afford to lose)
seriously all the time you spent staring at charts you could've spent learning a useful skill that's what you need to do to buy your freedom
crypto gives you a dopamine rush there's always something new and exciting there's numbers that affect your emotions as they go up and down it's an addiction if the rest of your life is shit, then you need to quit now a richfag can get away with doing some blow on weekends a poorfag can't get away with having an addiction if your life is shit, you turn to your addiction for escape and comfort but it will only make it worse quit and invest in yourself instead
Mason Reed
Do you have a kik? Would like to talk about investments in crypto
David Gomez
>tl;dr sorry too busy deciding what color lambo I want when I make
Jayden Lewis
shut the fuck up
the other day i met some fucking russian who retired off of investing into BTC
motherfucker sold at 18k and has millions
anything is possible
Wyatt Turner
any way to make 100€ to 100k?
Jackson Hernandez
anyone who isn't using their free time to learn skill that can make you money outside of crypto is retarded.
Henry Wilson
Yep bitconnect123
Wyatt Bailey
yah, use that 100 to pay for internet so you can learn a skill that will net you 100k
Nicholas Morales
you know, you could do both? crypto is also a waiting game, unless you like to short
Cameron Wright
>tfw just got back to wagecucking after a week off >tfw felt the regeneration kicking in only to crush it again after a sleepless night before another monday of toxic cubicle atmosphere and daily triteness >tfw my boomer parents keep telling me I should keep going and build muh future >tfw I just want to make it with a crypto bang and live a life of gym, books, languages and mushroom hunting >tfw when I see red I see the dream procrastinating
I think you underestimate the shitty situation many people find themselves in. I have a title and I study new things during my free time, but that isn't enough to get a decent job in my country. I truly do believe that making something out of yourself and achieving success by your own merit is something to strive for, but then, reality slaps you in the face. You need money to get anything done, and the old ways just won't work. Jobs here are getting closer and closer to slavery, the situation is horrible. Hoping that crypto will get me out of this may be delusional, but funnily enough, it's all I've got for now.
Gavin Russell
This is a really shitty poem.
Isaac Mitchell
It is always nice to see another fellow mushroom hunter. Truly a patrician's hobby. I hope you make it so you don't have to slave anymore.
Just left my shitjob past week, looking to learn some decent skills that will pay off without having to slave 10-12 hours a day as I was doing. Look at the bright side, the cubicle farm is more comfortable than most other jobs if you know how to make profit from the lots of free time you have to pretend you're working. I'd be reading books nonstop if I were you.
I understand that I understand that it's unhelpful when someone tells you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don't even have any boots but it's the only advice that's actually valid
I grew up poor in a third-world country then got thrown into an upper-class life in another country and I now live a middle-class life in yet another country I've been lucky I've had things handed to me that allowed me to get to where I am and I see how near-impossible it would've been without them I can see people in my original home country who didn't have those things struggle hopelessly but there's still no better advice I can give them than "invest in yourself" there's no other way (unless you're willing to go down unethical/immoral paths)
it's fine to be a little delusional but it's not fine to let those delusions take up time that could be better spent
if you're investing in crypto, that tells me you're not risk-averse why not take a different sort of risk, then? scrape up what cash you can and move somewhere with better opportunities doesn't need to be another country do your research do some preparation, make some contacts, dip your toes in then dive in head first like you have nothing lose because it sounds like you've got nothing to lose anyway
or if you're really balls deep into crypto and can't pull out look at ways to profit from crypto that aren't via investing learn to code, build some crypto apps maybe do some bounties some crypto platforms can have unique profit opportunities during the chaos of initial mainnet release try to use some of the projects you're investing in, and you may find ways to profit by using them instead of investing someone said the other day: in the ICO world, there's no shortage of money, there's a shortage of people and skills see if you can fill that shortage
Brody Phillips
I do kegels while checking crypto so it's not entirely time wasted. Crypto is my way out. I will never sell until I make it. If it dumps, I'll kegel all the way down to zero. But I'll never sell.
Cooper James
lol fuck off boomer cunt
>invest in yourself
yeah, and after that your still in the rate race. kill yourself
Christopher Long
You might not become rich, but at least you'll be able to cum harder.
Ayden Baker
user. My man, my brother. The sun isn't any brighter no matter how much money you have. The girl you have a crush on won't suddenly love you. Your crippling depression won't go anywhere, chances are it'll just get worse once you realize money wasn't the gateway to happiness you thought it would be
You either realize happiness dwells inside all of us and all we have to do is embrace it, or you'll waste away your entire life trying to chase for it
Hudson Taylor
Dead ass. Thats me.
Logan Jackson
>If it dumps, I'll kegel all the way down to zero. someone make a banner out of this
Bentley Ramirez
Ill stick up for what boomer is saying. Diversify your skill set by being a jack of all trades and work several entrepreneurial skills that add up to getting paid more than a wage slave job. Be your own boss and you can do this by being a neet. Yes one skill is crypto trading, coding, small online business..
If you are to stupid to do this then stop fighting it and become a wage slave. If you are too lazy then thats your coping mechanism for being too stupid but somehow your narcissism gts in the way. Enjoy being poor brainlet, kek.
Christian Martin
the boomer approves of how you put it
Nathaniel Adams
learning how to code dapps is the best skillset you can acquire right now
William Garcia
definitely and because it's such a new field, you're not as disadvantaged against others if you're only entering it now