Why don't you like Greek women?

Why don't you like Greek women?

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Because they won't have sex with me.

princess complex narcissism


what is there to explain?

what is princess complex narcissism?

narcissism rooted in princess complex

when people are narcissistic because they have some sort of complex that would make them feel like they are a princess

You cannot convince me at this point that balkanoids are not just Muslims in disguise.

and what's bad about that?

Greek-American girls are often like this too. It's a bummer because they're usually pretty.

Because i dont like olive oil
I wish it was a shitpost but its not
Every time i went to Greece to have a good time i found what i could only explain as a wife, perfect for me, likes me, has interest in me and my life, cooks for me, washes my clothes, goes on lithurgy with me, learns things from me, but in the end attacks me for what and how i eat
I might die when im fifty so im already in the mid life crisis and im not willing to change at all
So they dont have room in their life for a man which wont last in years when old age wisdom is tested
Its like having a jamie oliver ruin your every bite, or get startled when ever i bake my specialities for which if i sold them in amerika from a fast food truck i would be a trillionaire and a president
Also, i cant stand the sea or the ocean after 5 days
Its a shame really, because i would die and murder for Greece and Greeks

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nothing wrong with bossy, domineering sluts if that's your thing I guess
you need help

just tell them to shut up

breaking off all contact is preferable
they don't learn otherwise

what about slapping them? do they run away or obey then?

you think a culture that breeds princess complex narcissists would tolerate DV?

What would happen if I get a Greek girl and choke or slap her if she doesn't behave?

>know a hot greek girl
>her name is "Artemis"

why are greeks allowed to name things?

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that's pretty based desu

she would call da popo