Why people hate me because im illegal imigrant?

why people hate me because im illegal imigrant?
just because i am illegal doesnt mean im bad person

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yeah it does


i work hard to support family. i had to come illegaly for better job. im not bad person

I don't user. No worries.

thank you friend. i dont know why people hate illegal immigrants they just want better life for family

If it makes you feel better, my parents entered illegally before I was born but are now naturalized citizens

just curious, why couldn't you immigrate legally?

Because they’re an easy scapegoat for the right. They want to divide the workers so they won’t lash out at the oligarchy don’t challenge the status quo. Displaced aggression.

They hate them because they're insecure. Keep working hard. I hope it pays off. Good luck to you. As long as you're working and know the language I believe you have every right to be here. Don't listen to haters. Their punishment is that they're mad about something they can't control so they will take it out on you personally. Just be a good person and I hope everything turns out how you want it to.


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because its very hard to get legal citizen in america. i needed to come illegaly to support my family and get a better life

fuck you beaner
you are a criminal, whether you like it or not

this is what im talking about. racism from americans just because i want to give my family a good life. i am not a criminal. i work hard and dont steal

You dumbfucks actually fall for the bait? Jesus Christ.

Related:. I wish we could just dump all the fucking worthless shits that don't want to work and are illegal. Every country should do that. I don't give a fuck about immigrants who want to work and do work (wanting to work and not doing anything is bad too). I get enraged about fuckfaces who come to our countries and don't want to integrate and do fuck all day getting that sweet sweet money for free. Dump them all and keep the ones who are willing to work and integrate. But if you say that they call you a Nazi, these fucking leftwing cucks with the savior complex.


why people racist online? some imigrant cant work because of health issues


respect my brother. thank you

Trust us.

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is the bird illegal?

why is it hard? Why can't you just work harder in your country?

Illegal = Criminal
Criminal = Nigger
Nigger = Bad Person

Everyone wants a better life for their family. That doesn’t give us the right to do whatever we want whenever we want. Americans don’t like you because they told you they didn’t want you to come to their country and you chose to ignore them and do it anyway

Because you're probably not paying taxes and working illegally taking away jobs from other American citizens, it's not fucking rocket science.

Because it's not fair. How many other families do you think would love to come here? There is a process to everything and you can't just defy the law because you want more money.

>inb4 refugees
When you're a refugee, you go to the FIRST safe place. There are plenty of safe spaces in Mexico. When my family were refugees in the bosnian war, they went to the closest safe space and then returned to bosnia when the conflict was over. Then they applied for legal immigration and were granted while other family members were not. That is life and we are grateful for the opportunity to come here. Perhaps we would have more legal immigration if illegals didn't drain our tax payer money.

But it is hard for a reason. Just getting into America means it is now impossible for you to starve, die of treatable illness and it is hugely unlikely that you will get killed for any reason other than old age. Being American or in any Developed country is a pretty sweet deal.

But that comes with a cost. People need to pay taxes to support that lifestyle and illegal immigrants don’t pay tax. I’m not saying I disagree with people trying to get into a developed country through any means possible. But I think it is fairly reasonable for people to be annoyed that you are illegally there.

Legal immigrants hate you because you cut in line. The police hate you because you broke the law. Jow Forums hates you because you're foreign, and just about every one is peeved at you because you don't pay taxes, but still use public services.

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t. mujo

We don't want you here funneling OUR taxpayer dollars to foreign nationals

It's as though you were breaking into someone's house stealing their TV and saying "muh family"

KSG yourself

Go be a good person back in Honduras, Pedro.

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Illegal immigration is criminal behavior by definition. You cannot break the law without being a criminal. You can not care about the crime and you can still do everything else with moral fiber, but it doesn't change the fact that you have commited a crime.

Very insightful

These, basically. I have genuine sympathy for your plight, have known many kind, hard-working illegals, and wouldn't have the heart to ever report you to an immigration officer or anything of the sort. But you must suffer from some sort of profound narcissism if you don't grasp why your illegal presence is irksome to many.

well done friend.

Then they should die, the worthless shits.

>funneling OUR taxpayer dollars
he is not a fucking congressman dude

i think he means that even thought it could be a crime it's not a morally bad thing to do

False flagging white

this dude is trolling. nobody except other illegals like illegals

what about ill eagles

Fascists are the only people right now who actually want to lash out at the oligarchy. Meanwhile the left is taking money from people like Soros so they can throw their pride parades and feel good about "punching the Nazis"'. Right now you're defending the situation of someone who works illegally making good money for his rich employer while not paying taxes back to the society he fled to in order to feel safe and cared for. He lines the pockets of the oligarchy while doing nothing for the workers who built the society surrounding him. This is exactly what the financial elite wants and why they're pushing for open borders so they can obliterate the welfare state.
Have you ever tried to critically examine your own side? Read a book.

life isnt fair my friend. i broke the law for good reason (to help my family).
white people have lots of privilage in america, but i never complain. what is wrong with illegals that respect the law and pay tax?

Yes being illegal means you are automatically are a bad person. Native Americans would see you just like wh*Te invaders. Filthy mutt

why did you start a family at the time when you weren't able to support it?

>he is making good money.

bait is triggering me but I'll answer anyway.
broke it when you came here
only sales tax which everyone pays

>all these butthurt trumpcucks
You are doing god's work OP, lay low until President Harris naturalizes you in 2020

Why couldn't you work hard in your home country ?

because theyre are better jobs in america then in mexico. i took big risk with my life to help my family live a comfortable life by doing this and i dont deserve hate simply for being illegal. i work harder then most citizens and i respect the law

if you respected the law you wouldnt have come illegally and you wouldnt be working illegally

Like I said, its not fair to anyone else. Congrats, you make money for yourself and aren't impoverished. But how will other people, people who can't just cross the boarder, do the same? You are literally ruining it for them and for tax payers (illegals cost us billions). Not to mention mass migration of the same culture encourages exclusive communities and slows down assimilation. You did an immoral thing in my eyes.

you can say that being illegal is bad just because its illegal but i don’t agree. you want to know what is bad? taking away families simply because the parent is illegal. imagine the look on a poor child caused by racist people who want to split families

What is it abou you mutherfuckers that makes you think you have the right to go anywhere in the world whenever you want? Do you think you’re some kind of special person that has more rights than everyone else?

>what is wrong with illegals that respect the law and pay tax?
How can they pay tax if they're not citizens of the country? They have to work off the books, right? Also, forcing yourself into a country and disobeying it's well-founded laws on immigration makes it harder for people who have real reasons to seek asylum. The place you and your family illegally occupy in the US for economic reasons could have been given to someone who had suffered war crimes and was in real need of protection.
If there are illegals in the country they will be an unaccounted for burden on amenities, authorities and other systems. Systems carefully put in place and maintained by legal citizens for other legal citizens.
Another reason is called "brain drain". The smartest and hardest workers tend to leave their home country first, leaving it in a way worse state since all the best people leave as soon as they can. If he was such a good and loyal worker maybe his home country could make better use of him to develop to a similar level as the US?

There are loads more reasons for why illegal immigration is a problem. I think you know this already.

There is no such thing as an illegal person!!

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well my wife got pregnant. what are you supposed to do?

>why people hate me because im illegal imigrant?
>just because i am illegal doesnt mean im bad person
Well you already broke one of our laws as soon as you showed up...

blame the parents for using their child as an excuse to stay illegally

Oh fuck off with your bait

i know that youre white because only a privilaged white person says this. if you were in same situation as me you would do same thing

Do you pay taxes and do you have kids?

parents use their children to stay in the us. there is an actual term for it you dumb spic.

Good money for his employer? Yes, since he only pays a fraction of what a legal citizen has the right to demand. This is a well-known problem and encourages slave like conditions in some places of employment. The left makes it harder to seek out and shut down these places when they deny the problem like you're doing now.

it is a human right and people should be able to move freely as long as they are not criminals (like REAL criminals, thieves, murderers etc). illegal immigration is not a crime. we are not evil.

>Divide workers

Tfw when you are a local worker and see wages, healthcare and rights go down because of illegals working for a cheaper price and politicians encouraging it in the name of muh competitiveness.

Fuck off Slovacko

Kek. Good bait. You actually had me going for a second

>I might be breaking the law, but that doesn't mean I'm bad

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How ilegals are a burden for american taxpayer? Wich public services do they use?

people break laws every day. they speed for example

>using the law to determine morality

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lol everything. They live in the US so they use all US amenities.

absolutely not a burden. dumb poltards are just butthurt because trump told them illegals are the main issue in this country.

Use condoms like white people do when they know they can't support a family?
bait and saged btw

>law = good
literal retard

truth, they're nothing compared to how much tax money is wasted on excessive military spending

>white privilege

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Sorry i didnt understand you at first. I though you were saying that ilegals make good money

i feel you mane
shit happens i guess

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yeah man fuck borders n sheeit. Laws don't determine morality. So lets make murder legal nigga like wow

this site is unironically becoming a mix of the worst of something awful and reddit

Yes, this is exactly what I meant but more succinctly put. These naive retard leftis actually increase income disparity by defending shit like this.

yeah, america spends trillions to help europe support their refugees but then americans complain that they can't afford immgrants in their own country.

Or how much money is wasted trying to rehabilitate braindead opiate-addicted Trump voters in rural backwater shitholes in the midwest.

holy shit i've never felt enraged by someone's studity like this

murder is immoral. confused much? these are simple terms.

So you think one instance of bad spending cancels out another?

Then you know I feel when you say stupid shit dumb faggot
Of couse it is, that's why it's against the law. Because it's bad. Are you retarded

they were told their main problem was mexican illegals. they would have been a lot more successful and wouldn't do drugs if there were no illegals in this country. BUILD THE WALL

6.9% of all kids in your public schools are in your country illegally. You don’t think that costs you anything. Oh sorry i forgot if it’s been said on Jow Forums then it automatically ceases to exist because /poltards are retards

>If you waste money on one thing then every other expense is justified

I fucking hate illegal immigrants in Japan. Good people wouldn't illegally into foreign countries. I really have no idea how some Americans forgive them.

but crossing the border is not immoral.
confused still?

but trillions are spent on stuff that america doesn't really need, like military programs

Imagine being this dumb. Your country has Kinder eggs banned you stupid faggot. Are they "immoral"? When your shithole finally balkanizes we will hunt you like animals.

No, but it says plenty about priorities when people are concerned much more about a form of wasted spending that is much smaller compared to another.

because the "americans" are illegals themselves.

>crossing the border is not immoral.
It's against the law. And it's bad. Confused still? dumb anchor baby

Kinder eggs aren't banned they have them in the states. My grocery store has them.
>we will hunt you like animals.
lol stop talking.

SeeI don’t think the us should be spending nearly as much as they do on their military either but that has absolutely nothing to do with this

you would come illegaly if you had hard life. i love how only privilaged asians/whites from good countries are the only people that hate illegal immigrants

A lot of bleeding heart Americans refuse to see how these problems are connected. They hear on the news that schools are overcrowded and teachers are overworked and underpaid, but they don't want to make the connection that maybe if we didn't allow illegals to get free education without paying taxes in return this problem would diminish greatly.

>It's against the law.
>using the law to determine morality