Why do subhumans (namely muslims and slavs) hate gays so much?

Why do subhumans (namely muslims and slavs) hate gays so much?

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Gays ARE subhumans.

I don't actually, and I think that's pretty hot. Please post more.

I'm both and I literally and unironically love them and I'm not even overstating

WTF I love muslims now

they are too dumb to understad love
based and redpilled

You are gay yourself so it doesn't count.

The things is that I'm not, my love for them transcends into a worldly kind

i hope you don't end up dying for this post

Aren't you Muslim yourself?

yes, but people here are barely religious

It's like that everywhere. It's mostly just appearances, the diasporas are the ones who tend to be really religious. Most people here are barely religious as well.

slavs are gay

Everyone hates fags tho even other fags

Where did you get the impression from that Bosnians are religious?

you would probably be killed in qatar for being gay, unless you come from a wealthy family.

balkan country

Nah. I know a couple gays myself. Yes, it's not fully socially accepted as it would be in a European country or whatever, they get made fun of a bit here but it's just banter most of the time. It never really got serious to the point where they'd hunt down gays and lynch them or some shit.

Bosnians are literally too retarded to practice religion, they aren't able to memorize Isha prayer because it's too long

what about the pajeets? they would honor kill or something

In what muslim country you get lynched for do the homo sex?

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