Finnish crime series gets worldwide distribution by Netflix

Finnish police detective daily lives and crime series named Carp is now approved to be distributed by Netflix and available in all countries and subtitled in English.

The series starts in 23. August.
Only a few countries don't have this service:
China, Syria, North Korea.

Series was developed by Finnish film and tv company Dionysos Films.

Attached: carp.jpg (750x400, 67K)

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Finnish entertainment everyone

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>nordic crime series
do something different for once

stop posting your shitty news about your shitty country.

>crime in first world countries

Lmao what is interesting about it

Netflix originals are garbage.

>two wh*tes as the main characters
What is this, 2010?

congrats Finland, also very nice fish

this desu, always the same shit

Cute fish.

Dont watch it, or you gonna get autism

Thank you Ameribro

Space niggers get out.

found a trailer

series have also been started on Finnish tv earlier tihs year, the Netflix part is new

Do hou expect them making comedies or dramas? They are too autistic to do anything else.


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Is she the autistic milf cop?

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honestly i am disgusted
but maybe someone else likes it

So it's just another copy of Bron?

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who cares

that one was good

It's awful. Everyone has this "I'm acting"-serious face. The characters are shit, the writing is shit, the cinematography is shit. Every other second there's some out of place musical sting.

Third world countries don't get creative free range psychopaths like first world countries do. I wonder why? You can have brutal gangs torturing and murdering for cash, but I rarely hear of you guys getting serial killers who do it for the sheer sadistic thrill of it all.

I'll stick with Tatort.

Garbbi :-DD

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>Every year the bathtubs of Poland are filled with these

dude we do
but the rest of the world never knows about them

also this type of personalities gang with gangs so

But we have serial killers

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I am surprised, I prefer your wierd crime series because they are so unrealistic. Tatort is very well made on average, but hits to close to home for me
What do you like about it? Do you speak german?

And we have crime series called The Capercaillie
Agree. Hunt for petty criminals or poorly-written maniacs is boring AF.
Though there can be gold, like Miami Vice

based and redpilledf

>Third world countries don't get creative free range psychopaths like first world countries do
the USA has a bunch of psychos that disprove your point

awesome, will watch.

Different investigators. No bad main plot arc to pay attention to. I can watch whenever I want and not miss out on anything.
>Do you speak german?
I can understand and read but writing a response takes a moment. I haven't actively studied in a couple years.

What percentage of normies have a Netflix account? Is Netflix the new Youtube?

About 100%

I have too slow internet speeds for netflix
But my connection is free and that is all I are about
Its good enough for Jow Forums

They are too good for netflix.

wow this is not banned from youtube?

Thought it was a hippo taking shit before expanding the image