Dear God

Dear God,
just bring him back, please.
*sigh* I miss Obama so much...

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so china and iran can grow to become an even greater threat than it did under his watch? lol fuck that. he never had the balls to tackle the real issues facing america today

it's been going badly since bush ii

also.... if if if if if if if if if if if

how is Iran a treat comparable to China
why are the us obsessed with Iran

The drone president who killed many murricans on murrican soil with drones, but HEY! the media did not cover it, so we conveniently like him.

>a nanosecond

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Schleich di

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So long sweet prince.

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t.proud 1/463278536864th """""""""""german"""""""""""-american

Jokes on you my mom is from BRD.

And Trump does?

I would do it in Planck's time.

Go back, retard.

He's a neocon.

>Iran and China
It’s like saying ‘Belgium and China’ or ‘Gabon and China’

yes. he has no illusions about winning china and iran over through diplomacy like a typical globalist retard. they're not western democracies, they only understand the stick


lmao iran isn't a threat to anyone but colonial apartheid states like israel or evil theocrasy importing terrorism like saudi arabia. why should westerners be afraid of iran?


china just wants to do business. this is good for westerners

>why should westerners be afraid of iran?
because they are too close to american bases

Attached: US Military Bases around Iran.jpg (1556x1190, 272K)

Well so far he showed off his big mouth more with his empty threats and his big stick is safely hidden from view. All he has to show is some meaningless platitudes from Kim while North Korean missile facilities are still being upgraded.

FYI this was one of Dubyas neocon cheerleaders.

the US is about to put a 10% tariff on 200B worth of chinese goods as soon as this wednesday. US JPN AU are starting its own BRI initiative. on china trump is not fucking around

When did you cut off your penis?

Well, good luck with that. I admit that on personal level I despise this caricature of an entrepreneur, but I sincerely hope that his shenanigans won’t fuck you guys up. And if by some twist of fate some of his shit actually works, then even better.


because Iran owning nukes means Saudi owning nukes and so on

Holy shit, I don't like Trump at all but calling Warlord Obama's years "lost golden age when reason and morality reigned" is so ignorant it hurts.

>Warlord Obama

But Trump is helping China.

All american presidents are murderers and war criminals, not much difference between them
>someone calls this marauding nigger's presidency reign of reason and morality
The absolute state of muttland

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Lol. If other politicians seem more “moral” to you then it’s because they come from weaker countries.

Iran sits on the geographic choke-point for a significant amount of the world's energy. It takes at least one aircraft carrier battle groups to keep the Strait of Hormuz open. In the absence of that, it takes a few row-boats to stop all tanker traffic. If they mined the Persian Gulf, global oil prices would skyrocket, crashing the world economy. Even though the US gets its oil from N. America; we still like the ability to control the on/off switch for our allies, rivals (china), and neutrals. Iran threatens to take that on/off switch for itself.

Attached: oil_exports_2015.png (1920x1056, 1.21M)

Eu already caved

Were actually winning these so called "trade wars"

obama was based

>Morality reigned
*Drones thousands of civilians*
*Deports children*
*Helps destabilise the middle east, again*

I don't get it, trump has brought back manufacturing jobs, increased workers wages, started deporting illegals, won the trade war against the eu, started the pacification of north Korea and has brought the gdp up to record heights
Why don't people like him

>implying the US - EU tradewar wasn't 5D chess to give cover for both to go after china

>max boot

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Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?

they said 0% tariffs are fine, because they're politicians. but it's not going to happen, cause the people who said that aren't dictators, they need approval from a lot of countries. The thing is, many Europeans like protectionism more than Americans, they're not going to go for 0 tariffs; they'll veto any move towards 0.

Even if they did go with 0 tariffs, the non-tariff barriers are a bigger problem for trade, and they're certainly not going to get rid of those. it invalidates the main reason why countries are even in the EU, to avoid the tariffs and barriers. if they let non-EU countries trade without tariffs or barriers, without submitting to EU rules, then everyone would just want to be on the outside, with full sovereignty.


Imagine being this cucked.