>Practically inviting the Chinese military to spy on you
Why do yuros allow chinkshit phones to be sold in their country?
>Practically inviting the Chinese military to spy on you
Why do yuros allow chinkshit phones to be sold in their country?
The last time Euros tried to stop foreign companies from spying on their citizens armies of magapedes sperged out
Huawei phones have unironically less backdoors than US crap. Selling US phones should be illegal tho.
Because its sold near at cost and it's not used for syping unfortunately.
Not to mention Huawei run’s Google’s OS Android.
Why the fuck would you care about that?
Says the guy with the goverment with PRISM.
>implying "spying" is the reason for their ban in the USA
You guys banned it because it would have been killing Apple if not. It's tapping in the same market, at half the cost.
Also, euro companies supply half the components of those shits (antenna, cameras, etc).
better than amerishit spying
Its not to protect apple they just dont want chinese tech to do well.
Better them than you lot, atleast chinks don't start retarded trade wars.
I have an Oppo
Instead of the NSA ? Neat
rather chinks than y*nks
Kek, went to school with the daughter of the former CEO of Huwai France and know the current boss. They seem alright.
He studied in France, although he is natively Chinese, but don't think he has anything against us.
Also someone Messi to shave. I don't like the beard.
I just boy korean stuff because i want to be spied by korean qts
I'm all for equal representation, if the mutts are spying on me, i'll let the chinks do it as well.
>America is evil
>China is not America
>therefore China is good
Im more worried about the digital retouching on Messi's face.
Like who tf is that even?
No ur both evil. But Id rather the chinks did it than you
You realize that
1. The CEO doesnt make all the decisions
2. In China companies don’t get to make these decisions at all
>buy europhone
>get spied by filthy Jews that wants to ruin Europe again
>buy USA phone
>get spied by NSA that works for Jews
>buy chinkphone
>actually cheap and get spied by CCP that's only trying to make you buy more Chinese stuff and maybe grab some information about euros (which isn't important for average users)
It's the best option desu
Nobody thinks China is a force of good but many people lost their faith in the USA to be a dependable ally.
And of course in a typical American manner the first thing you do is sperg out and accuse people of liking China to spite the US.
US has Samsung, LG, and others which are not really different other than not being engineered in China.
Apple also sources most of its components from China. China could easily retaliate by restricting Apple ability to do business over there. So I don't see it being about protecting US companies.
All "empires" are evil.
No of course, just a redundant observation that I had lapsed into knowing two CEOs of Huwaei France. I doubt they call the shots for anything but advise how to sell in France.
Incidentally Huwaei France is now the biggest Chinese empliyer in France so eh...
>liking China to spite the US.
but there are people in this thread claiming to do exactly that
Damn... Messi looks like THAT?!?
>And of course in a typical American manner the first thing you do is sperg out and accuse people of liking China to spite the US.
Americans think like children.
There's not
Ur fucking retarded. Stop posting immediately. Your surveillance prigram is way more intrusive than China is even capable of
It's also cheaper. You know, the reason why people buy Chinese phones.
I've had a Chinese phone (Huawei) for more than two years now, it's good quality and it's cheap.
The spying stuff I don't care so much as it would be the same with an American company.
That’s edgy imageboarders. The EU has always been suspicious of China and often bans some of their products especially when they start dumping again.
But considering the events of the last 15 years it’s been clear the USA isn’t reliable at all
God I can't wait till the US collapses and China takes over Europe
How fucking predictable
There'll be no "taking over". New silk road means just means expansion of trade. It's business, not conquest. It will be based to have a business partner that's reliable and trustworthy, EU - China relations will be good for both bringing in peace and harmony to the Eurasian continent.
I guess the thing I find strange is Europe passes GDPR which is squarely aimed at US companies (not that I have a problem with this - I wish the US had a similar law) but seemingly turn a blind eye to the Chinese, by way of backdoors in their phone technology, of doing the exact same thing.
>but seemingly turn a blind eye to the Chinese
GDPR target all companies, CHinese are not exempted. Maybe they simply are less intrusive and more compliant than US ones.
Only countries with a US military base allowed in, right.
This is bad competition is all it is, it's Cuba is targeted but not because it was caught pushing spy tech in its phones, only US had been caught doing that. China is singled out cause US wants less competition AND China is politically easy to target and blame anything on, and burgers would believe their Brennans and Clappers again
>There'll be no "taking over". New silk road means just means expansion of trade. It's business, not conquest
>Today, nations increasingly carry out geopolitical combat through economic means. Policies governing everything from trade and investment to energy and exchange rates are wielded as tools to win diplomatic allies, punish adversaries, and coerce those in between - War by Other Means:Geoeconomics and statecraft.
because it competes with their tech e.g. apple
if this were true the US would block all non US phones. it's about CCP spying, not market competition
Messi is so
A e s t h e t i c !
Trade sanctions and trade agreements as a tool of political pressure or an alternative to war are as old as trade. That doesn't mean any big int economic project is a tool of war.
Throw that book away the guy doesn't know what he's taking about
>better the Chinese mandarin hat than the American baseball cap
US policy makers only block those they politically can. China is easier to target with defamation
source: your ass?
desu EU should ban iphones and other american tech for same reasons
Not a single line in the GDPR specifies the US.
However not a single Chinese website is common in Europe. If they were, they’d have to comply too. European companies have to comply as well btw
You people are fucking caricatures.
iphone encryption and privacy is pretty airtight, their business model doesn't revolve around selling user data. feds and law enforcement is even trying to sue to get courts to force them to open up their phones. not sure what your fixation with apple is, they're pretty good when it comes to privacy
>they're pretty good when it comes to privacy
He’s right
I've got a small cheap Huwei phone. Bought it for around 50AUD four or five years ago. It's a piece of shit that's really only good for calls and text messages but seems to be pretty solid, a bit like the old Nokia 3310/3315.
Trying to fit China and East Asia into the imperialistic framework of America and Western Europe is the exact reason why braindead American economists have consistently been wrong about China every year for decades.
Do you think people have completely forgotten what Snowden showed the world?
Your government has backdoor spying arrangements with Apple, Microsoft and other massive US companies.
What the fuck, man?
his leaks showed PRISM tried to craft spyware targetting iphones, he never said apple actively worked with the NSA, like the CCP can coerce chinese companies too. stop being such a cringelord
*to do
China is the lesser of two evils yes
He's not
Whichever we think with. Might be different on US, for me no, not ass exactly. Anybody with a brain knows its politically easier to sanction China than Germany, say
chinese are our best friends
They are much better than Amerimutt phones. You are the ones being spied on 24/7 by your own government, not us
Don't worry OP, my phone has Android, which means I'm being spied on by the Americans instead. Happy?
There's literally a secret court that US companies are compelled to obey and apple never denied it obeys court orders that push them to provide data that could be then funneled to PRISM framework. Because Apple is prohibited to confirm or deny it in the wording that is itself secret
>That doesn't mean any big int economic project is a tool of war.
>Russian gas pipelines
>Renaissance dam
>The Marshall plan
>Panama canal
>Act East policy
>The Belt and Road Initiative
>The EU
You've got it wrong, only some of them are a tool of war, others are a tool to pull smaller nations into the sphere of influence and to obtain control without war. The fact that Australians and Canadians on this site are constantly referred to as "Chinese colonies" are literal proof of that.
>the guy doesn't know what he's taking about
Yeah, the guy who worked as a diplomat, ambassador and part of the United States National Security Council has no idea what he's talking about.
>Trying to fit China and East Asia into the imperialistic framework of America and Western Europe is the exact reason why braindead American economists have consistently been wrong about China every year for decades.
China has been using stick and carrot tactics for a long time. China rewards South Koreas rejection of US missile defence systems by extending new trade deals. It rewards Taiwanese companies that promote Beijing's policies. It penalizes on trade with countries that host the Dalai Lama and will leave imported Philippine bananas to rot on the docks when Manila does something China considers unfavorable. The US has been playing Hegemony game through power and protection, China is entering the game with soft power and economics, they're different sides of the "imperialist framework" coin that ultimately lands on the same want for hegemony.
The US and China are basically the same.
These guys are really making a bigger push than other brands to establish their brand in the third world. They invest a lot here, they invite a lot of third worlders that don't neccessarily contribute to anything (such as National Telecommunication ceos from third world shitholed for instance) in their summits, and are quite generous with their invitations. They have a clique here, it's kinda funny, they use line but use 'pretend' arab names in line and irl because chink names are hard for us
if the NSA and CIA can provide evidence of an eminent national security threat then yea FISC can force US companies to give data, but that is not nearly the same thing as apple working with the NSA to put spyware on all their products on behalf of the US government. it doesn't work like that here
Any app maker can put spyware on any phone. And so can any phone maker. There's no such thing as privacy on phones.
> american politician or a diplomat means he must be capable
Really the same credentials as Hillary, book likely more political taking points and scare mongering than actual real thoughts or beliefs.
If your can name a single time USSR or Russia used the pipeline for anything other than making the much needed money is be grateful. every US aid package to other countries has a political purpose only cause US is rich and can afford it. Russia just needs the money, China just has excess workforce it had put to use our face domestic trouble. To become politically more influential than US all they have to do is not invade as many places. They'll manage it if they're economy doesn't implode. belt and road is mainly a tool to that end, same as ghost cities.
That's a secret court. Unless you say in on a hearing, you can't know how heavy the evidence must be. There have been reports that it need not be too damning
>American phone
>We'll spy on you
>It's expensive
>Chinese phone
>We'll probably spy on you though there's no evidence
>It's cheap
Real question here is why aren't you buying a Korean/Japanese/Binland phone?
It runs an american os, what pills are you on?
>Real question here is why aren't you buying a Korean/Japanese/Binland phone?
this. OP was asking about chink phones and euros spun this into an american thing
>why aren't you buying a Korean/Japanese/Binland phone?
Huaweis are by far the best for cost/value
I own a nokia, it's still chinese though
Good post
Got this chinks phone for less than 150$
Why would i spend more on a device that i'll have to replace in 2-3 years ?
>buying an ameriphone for twice as much so the NSA can spy on me instead
>Really the same credentials as Hillary, book likely more political taking points and scare mongering than actual real thoughts or beliefs.
Because a book about objective experiences has little to do with thoughts or beliefs. It spends a chapter heavily criticizing the US government on the fact that since the fall of the Soviet Union, the US has lacked a comprehensive foreign policy, the pentagon has either underfunded or overfunded its operations, it has backed the wrong belligerents, and failed to anticipate consequences of its actions. There is little room for emotions and beliefs.
>If your can name a single time USSR or Russia used the pipeline for anything other than making the much needed money is be grateful.
They dont have to, thats the point of soft power. The UK is quicker criticize Russia than Poland is, Countries under Russias energy thumb dont have to be reminded why they shouldnt criticize Putin over MH17 or the illegal annexation over Ukraine.
>To become politically more influential than US all they have to do is not invade as many places.
Thats not how geopolitics work. By this standard all 3rd world countries with decentralized governments must have the most global influence of all. To get influence, you need to force it through a reason. The US hegemony is tied together with its navy and capabilities to protect countries and their trade. China is doing it through trade and stick and carrot tactics for its immediate neighbours. It will soon strive for a strong, capable navy and protecting international trade much like the US model now through its increased presence in the surrounding Asian seas and modern blue water navy.
I think nippon should solve this.
Let fujitu and Sony to do international business of smart phone again and protect minnas privacy for the name of the trusted desu.
Do poeple really think USA is a force for good?