Why is this shit falling so hard?
Also summoning walletbro
Why is this shit falling so hard?
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Nobody cares about the short term value of a project with such a potential
Reporting in my comfy stack. I hope you keep buying into every single dip. This shit will be your early retirement in 2019-2020. Sadly the majority of you will look back, regret your decision and in the end you will kys.
This is a one life opportunity. DYOR, read the medium articles, watch the interviews and videos to understand the team philosophy and enjoy the ride.
Literally scammed
Cold storaged and blocked all charts for it. How stupid to consider selling when its during speculation and devopment when most likely its being suppressed by whales or the fact its on a garbage exchange.
Its also been stated multiple times development first marketing later. So i believe exchange listings would count as marketing. The fomo it would induce when its time is going to be an andromeda mission one crypto has never seen. Imagining potentially missing the liftoff make would keep me awake at night.
The last time ive made a trade like this is iota @ 40cents and antshares at @3.50. With both trades >50% of my networth. This is one i am completely confident will be yhe same tier of gains in the future.
I'm pretty heavy in JNT and have been for a while. I know I could probably be using my JNT money to increase my overall portfolio and buy back in bigger later, but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm early in this project because I'm afraid of being late. We are very early though. I don't expect any significant price movements for a quite a while.
Now we wait for Q2 update I suppose.
>he expects a price surge in q2 when everything important and big is planned for q4
dont set yourself up for disappointment
I'm talking about the Q2 update you sperg
but it wont fucking matter
Well I'm interested in hearing about their progress you dim-witted cunt
>So i believe exchange listings would count as marketing.
I believe this is a cope. Let's hope for good news on that q2 update-- maybe they've managed to release the beta of their wallet in the last three months......
Are you new to the crypto world? The market doesn't wait for an implementation, the speculation will be way earlier and the price will surge. It is a question of when and not if.
In the end, exchange listings will play a big role, like already stated.
Getting antshare vibes too from this. Holding way too much JNT to be objective though.
Enjoy your life and come back in a year. Buy more in true meanwhile
Great comeback. Are you not looking forward to hearing about their overall progress? What's your point?
this is usually true, but I'm pretty sure this project won't move in q2, and probably not even in q3
comeback to what lol, you are just swearing randomly at me like a teenager
my point was, dont set yourself up for dissapointment
I also own 50,000 jibbies, but dont expect anything from it before q4
>This time is different
Why would it? Every project surged in anticipation of listings, releases, conferences etc
But we can agree on, that nobody knows when.
You're talking about price expectation, I'm talking about news about the overall progress of the various Jibrel products. Or are you too stupid to see the difference?
is this an ian curtis wojak?
Not sure, just a random image
its a speculative market.The market wont wait for the time of releases etc, it will be speculated way before.Have you learned nothing?
the only thing I learnt is that JNT doesn't moon, everything is always delayed, and I shouldn't expect anything in 2018 if I don't want to feel bad
Jibreltards are the new link bagholders.
Missing all their gains cause they think their meme coin will moon someday.
I am willing to hodl medium to long term for safe gains instead of being in chinkcoins who come and go from day to day
When you play the game with another level of portfolio size you change up your strategy
>market crashing for the zillionth time this year
9 am wallets on Sat 7661
wallets right now 7706, an increase of 45 wallets and i was pushed back six spots..... i like it, this means six people bought over 50k of this shit.
Bibox wallet:
9 am Saturday, it had 4,171,444
right now it has 3,909,964 a net loss of 261,480 so over a quarter million.
They've actually sold more than that and you can see thier JNT blockchain transactions here:
so this all bullish right, why the fuck is the price dropping? No fucking clue, the coin lost 25% of USD value from a week ago even though they released the AMA and bullish news came out of Dubai.
If you're looking for a quick gain this is not it, i aint going anywhere and will continue to hold.
i will have a better breakdown of other wallets and have a feeling gate.io is the exchange thats keeping JNT down because it has a direct pairing with USDT. USDT sucks the life of any coins its paired with.
as always hodl the fuck up, lets all get rich
buy ETH, EOS or BTC instead then. They WILL go up or crypto is over anyways
Why would i buy more BTC...always holding a percentage of my portfolio in BTC, but buying it for gains is ridiculous.
EOS? Already overvalued as fuck, but the hype and FOMO keeps the price up.
ETH, always a must have in every portfolio.