What is winter like in your area? Do you enjoy it?

What is winter like in your area? Do you enjoy it?

Attached: Mountains 2.jpg (3840x2160, 865K)

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freaking bone freezing cold with very fast awful winds
the snow on the north and central kaz is almost 1 meter somewhere it gets 2 meters
everyweek they close interstate highways and airports because of blizzards and ice cold weather
fuck winter
but at winter there are less cars since shitbox cant drive through high snow its good for me

here enjoy it op
guess you have never evr experienced something like this

Muddy snow for a week or two. Not cool

Winter what?
Snow is just a myth.

>that dog
Hahaha no fucking way

Miserable. I underestimated the wind chill while riding my motorcycle in the freezing cold so many times. I had to place my fingers on the exhaust so i can deter the numbness. Thankfully im moving to somewhere warm

I live on the coast, so our winters are wet and grey for most of the season.
It's gotten a lot worse in the last couple of years, less snow, more rain etc.
I will never not be mad at China, India and the US for this global warming bullshit ruining my winters.

too windy, not cold enough

I prefer Dunedin's winters

Like this. I hate digging my car out of the snow every morning.

Attached: shoveling-out-bill-and-lori-09-email[1].jpg (1350x1013, 173K)

Windy, grey and with freezing cold rain all the time

Fairly regularly gets below freezing for about 1-2 months but warms up through the day to about 16-20C
Travel west and up the ranges there's usually a little bit of snow sometimes but not enough you could really ski on it, didn't get much rain though so we're in for a very dry summer

It's absolute shit. Lots of snow that quickly gets grey, strong winds and the day lasts like 6-8 hours. Combine it with ugly grey buildings and dirt all over the roads. That's what winter looks like here.
Imagine a country not only poor as fuck but also has an extremely shitty weather like 9 months a year. I mean no wonder our suicide and drugs/alcohol (including surrogate alcohol) consumption rates and the number of related deaths are so high.

Unlike most of Norway that is snowy and cold(like the stereotype is), i live on the western shore. Mild winters with a shitton of wind and rain mostly. Sometimes we get snow, usually only some days or maybe a week. Every 10-20 years we get a real winter with lasting snow, but this is less and less usual. thanks CO2.

A friend of mine from the eastern interior once told me; "your town only has to seasons; spring and fall". That is very correct.

Attached: weatger.png (1300x1300, 246K)

the blue represents the wet wind that comes smashing in.

Spring and fall are the best seasons though.

Its very cold and it snows a lot

Attached: spokane snow.jpg (1024x768, 245K)

Not when you cant walk 10 meters without being warm and cold at the same time because of the mild temperature and cold wind that makes you sweat like a retard, at the same time your hair get blown everywhere and getting wet. When i lived a year in the inland and actually experienced a real summer and a winter, i made the desision to move as fast as i could

Rather average (referring to Pennsylvania). The winters don't usually get excessively cold, except last winter when it was between -3 and -15 for two weeks. That really sucked.

Cool and rainy all the time. Snow is something we have to emigrate to Europe to find out about.

How cold is cool?

Cool, no real winter weather or snow except in high mountains. Currently is about 10 degrees.

Egypt is a desert climate so I imagine similar to Arizona, which means summers have extreme heat and dry conditions while winters are in the 4-12 degree range with lots of precipitation.

Fucking sucks having to shovel the driveway every day. The first week is nice but once the snow start to accumulate you can fuck off

Really, the winter temperature you have is almost the same as us

-55C is average in my city in December-February

Come on, you don't get that much rain even in wintertime.

Attached: 474787476444.png (650x639, 16K)

It's just cold, grey and rainy
When I was a kid it snowed most years in my region but not anymore