

Attached: 1280px-Number_of_grammatical_cases_hic01.png (1280x1298, 483K)

What's the difference between one case and no cases?


>The more superfluous cases, the shittier the country
I am completely and utterly shocked by this development

Bulgaria is shit

don't talk shit about basques

t. Aleksandr B'lgarsky

(note: Urdu, Arabic and other de facto languages of the UK have cases)

yeah, all those pakis and bangladeshis that speak arabic

Russian technically has four more (locative, vocative, caritive, partitive), but they are only used for a few nouns.

Hungarian has only two cases at best. Now go and be an indo nigger elsewhere.

18 cases???

the further the diviation from 4, the less white

Not real cases like. Here is an example used on English language:

Hungarian cases:
nom: dog
gen: dog's
dat: dogto
abl: dogfrom

Indo-nigger cases

nom: dog
gen: déág
dat: dűg
abl: dohrjorjó

There also hungarian case: dogyourghey


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brainlets cant use cases


This. Their simplistic Indo-European languages are well suited for them.

>hungarian language have accusative, dativ, genitiv or anything like that
using suffixes to mark relations != actual grammatical case
You are insisting, rightfully that Hungarian doesn't have cases like indo languages and then you make a parallel that insinuates that we do.

I hope you die from cancer soon.

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I think it's like the English have a genitive (that cheeky 's at the end of nouns) and nothing else when it comes to case morphemes.

t. too stupid to comprehend my example

>1 grammatical case

might as well just speak in Java, subhumans

>marking romanians and hungarians in ukraine
>not marking russians and tatars at all, even in crimea
t. autist

We have 7. Not too many, not too few, just the right amount.
In the vast majority of cases we just change one or two letters at the end, and those letters are the same for large groups of words. Then some letters like n can get softened to make it easier to say dfferently. It works much better with long words.
What? - dog: suns
Of/from what? - of-dog: suņa
To what? - to-dog: sunim
With what? - with-dog: suni
(duplicate case because apparently with withdog and withdog are somehow different)
Where? - where-dog: sunī
When addressing - heydog: suni!
(Exclamation is mandatory)



You can larp all you like but at the end of the day most of Hungarians came out of IE dick