All hail the undefeated lion of Damascus!

All hail the undefeated lion of Damascus!

Attached: Assad.jpg (364x374, 38K)

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If he's undefeated why did was large portions of his country under control of either ISIS or rebels for seven+ years?

Because the USA+Israel+Gulf buddies started a war to erase Syria from the map, but he managed to survive, rubuild and retake his land.

Don't think you have a good grasp of what undefeated means lad

Excuse the amerikike he's understandably SEETHING at the american failure in syria


Idlib when?
Raqqa when?
Kurds dead when?

Hard to be defeated when you never fight in the first place.

It still means a lot when your country is being invaded by three of the world's biggest military superpowers at the same time and you still manage to keep it together. I'd like to see how your orange, mentally handicapped Oompah Loompah for a president would react if USA got in the same situation.

Based Lion Assad, he BTFO'd all """""moderate""""" islamist scum like ISIS who American liberals were cheering on.

His army was full of traitors.
>bu muh snipers against civilians
Tell me the last time an american or israeli soldier defected after killing innocents.

Fuck American forgien policy in the Middle East. And fuck their oompah oompah “””drain the swamp”””” president.

>half of you military defects to moderate headchoppers/ISIS
>waaah why did he lost territory?

yeah let's all take advice on peaceful foreign policy from a fucking german

>t. lapdog who joined on every single americas imperialistic war

HAIL Assad

if you wanna go that way, your ancestors genocided the aborginals, and as such, your opinion is irrelevant.

t. eternal scum

Hail british ophthalmologist!

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Idlib pocket quite active today.

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i wouldn't expect a fin to understand the concept of bravery or loyalty


>can't mosad the assad
um no sweetie
Because Russia didn't intervene back then, and only in september 2015, when the head of muh based assad was about to roll in the street, they used their superior air force, thus basically won the war. So if anything, all the praise should go to Putin

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After Yankees go home

I like how you conveniently ignore the russian army/mercenaries, iranian army, Hezbollah and Shiite militias from Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. He would have lost without them.

Based lion

assad smells like freedom americans smell like fast food

They never will, i remember a few months ago the SAA crossed the euphrates to take on the ISIS pocket and they got bombed by USAF.

>russia iran and assad vs rebels and ISIS
>"wow what a glorious victory for assad!"
Why are your standards for victory so low?

>Kurds dead when?
I support Assad, but also the Kurds too

>supporting communists


>ISIS and rebels /w US support

Don't hide the facts Chaim.

Bashar the Lion will prevail.

You’re forgetting the T I G E R forces
And that beautiful encirclement of aleppo in late 2016. Textbook stuff.

The pipeline to Europe won't happen. That kinda sucks, but we were on the offensive and managed to annihilate and depopulate the whole fucking country.
Syria is thankfully destroyed and not a threat for years, more US bases in a flashpoint, Russia had everything it has there already.
Kind of mission-accomplished, though I really wanted to see Assad, his wife and children anally bayoneted.

The enemies of the West lost so much fucking men and materiel, at minimal cost for the West. It's pretty juicy.

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Can't mossad the Assad

>Syria is thankfully destroyed and not a threat for years
How the fuck was it even a threat before?

The whole country is in ruins, depopulated and hosts American bases, and is a playground for Israel to destroy

All this at minimal cost. So why would we be seething ?


Yeah, good luck with that kek.

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He didnt want a pipeline to save Europe from Russian gas dependency ?
His country is half the country it was in almost every way. That's what you get when you defy the West.

If it weren't for thin skinned Obama we could have regime changed and isolated Iran more fully, but w/e. It's not a bad outcome.

Definitely better than if no war would have happened.

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It's Kurds fault they are not ally with Assad.

Syrian civil war completely destabilized European unity with the migrant crisis. Don’t delude yourself. The West thought Russia would have to go full boots on the ground to get anything done(they didn’t), Dyad’ko

"White genocide isn't real but it really should be" the post.


yea so they got weapons and shit , but they're untrained and facing 2 major countries and one whatever he was before he killed his own people.

>yeah we fucked europe in long term with a non-stop migrant crisis while giving Russians a morale boost

Rebels did got trained tho, they just defected to Al-Qaeda.

I couldn't care less about European unity.
All we need is a good relationship with the US for our survival.

Muh migrants is such a blown out of proportion retardation funded by Russian secret services. The numbers from 2015 and 2016 are NEVER coming back.

We needed this crisis to make people skeptical of migration anyway. Better to have a huge influx that fucks shit up, followed by tough policies (which are implemented), rather than a slow trickle that takes over the EU over decades.

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Of Syrians ? Yes. They made their bed. Now they can die in it.
I wish Bibi would have the balls to assassinate Assad. What are they gonna do about it, anyway ?

That's my only problem and why I would be '''seething''. That him and his family survived. They can find another Russian puppet and I wouldn't give a shit, but at some point Assad MUST DIE.

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Dyad’ko, no one cares about some symbolic US base in Syria. And the US can’t harm Russia directly, it needs europe for that. And large swathes of europe(italy, hungary, bulgaria) want to get rud of the pressure and just trade with Russia again

This is because of the decline in euro unity and euro-us unity

Romania's trade with Russia increased by 20% since sanctions.

This post was brought to you by the Western European country of Romania

Who's his likely successor at this stage?

His brother or son prolly.

He has a politically active son? I thought he kept his kids hidden away

Symbolic or not, I'd like to see them accidentally stuck by a zealous Iranian. They are a thorn in the backside of Eurasians that's not going away without a good deal.

Well there is no doubt that he uses chemical weapons against civilians and slaughters his own population. He is indeed a tyrant.

I think he has a brother on politics, his kids idk. His son was actually here last year, participating in some math olympics or some shit.

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>And the US can’t harm Russia directly
They literally imposed sanctions on a few russian oligarchs not so long ago which made Putin stop actively supporting Syria's advancing to the north almost completely. The US not only is capable to harm Russia (without even firing a single bullet) it can fuck it up and destroy completely like they destroyed the USSR. The thing is that the US still needs NATO to exist (in order to control europe and keep it under America's boot), that's why they are not trying to annihilate Russia completely.

Russia needs to exist, and it needs to be strong, and it needs to be a threat.

Only such we will get a glorious conflict of civilizations between Western materialistic individualism and your oligarchic, genocidal, mongolic, Eurasian collectivist virus.

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Complete nonsense. The US can’t pose sanctions on Russia that mean much because they have pretty much no economic ties with Russia. What hurts Russia are European sanctions. US sanctions mean nothing. You’re lying out of your ass.

>woof woof

What the US does is have its allies impose sanctions on Russia with it.

Why are israelis seething about Assad the Lion? Is it because your bois the ISIS are losing?

They can kick them out of SWIFT banking and completely wreck not just their economy, but the architecture of their financial system which is still pretty tied to Western institutions.

Only describing the facts

Based Assad
I wish Europe/EU worked more tightly with Russia and China and gave the warmongers from the USA the boot.
Let America be first on their own.

They wont, you boot licking subhuman Ivan.

The Eurasian project goes through Poland and Romania, and it's never going to happen without World War 3.

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t. ryssä

you have to go back, i'm sure Assad the Lion has a proper welcome readied for you :^)

Rojava aren't le gommie you brainlet

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I'm not a Russian you dirty gypsy.

International jewry

That only works the first time. The next time they redistribute their assets to make them less vulerable. At this point in time Russia has already digested sanctions to such a degree that they are a non-factor when predicting economic growth now.

You have to go back.

Putin huilo.

They killed over 200 of your countrymen and you still lick their balls.
What a pathetic limp-brained piece of shame upon your rationalist, mercantilist ancestors.

Some rogue unit made a mistake.
Remember how the USA shot down an Iranian airliner?
Besides I knew no one on that flight. It's not like it's affecting me. People die everyday.


Allah, souria, bashar ou bas

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Eipä ollu.

Syö paskaa vitun ryssä.

Does Al-Qaeda support the rebels?
whats their interest?

>Remember how the USA shot down an Iranian airliner?

They gave the captain a medal. And the president said that he won't ever claim that America's responsible. Not even Russians were that evil.

They're basically the same at this point.

Regular RF unit. They didn't make a mistake. Russians wanted to show they can kill westerners.

hahahhaa ootpa, postaa kätes neekeri

I think in the beginning they were all actually moderate and then Al-Qaeda took over those groups. Now all the rebels are basically ISIS but they use green in their flag.

They were regulars wanting to cuck you. They succeeded.

Too bad they didn't target Suomiiiiii Airlineëëë

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They thought that they had shot down a cargo plane bringing supplies to Ukrainian army. They even celebrated it on twitter before they got to the shot down site.

t. knower

Eipä ollu.

Miks muut kuin ryssät puolustas jotain vitunaikasta Assadia?

You have to go back. Stop using our social security.

"""Strelkov""" wasn't running ops, just making propaganda out of anything.

miksi kukaan muu kuin hiekkaneekeri jihadisti puolustelisi ISIStä? niinpä, mee takasi paskakolomaahas mistä oot tullutki ennen kuin ajelet autoja väkijoukkoon.

Asusin mielummin ISIS:n naapurissa kuin ryssän.

Suksi sää takasin Venäjälle, ennen kuin aloitat tukemaan Venäjän armeijan operaatioita täällä. ISIS on mitättömyys verrattuna ongelmiin, joita ryssä aiheuttaa. Kiinnosta vittuakaan joku sun moottoripyöräjengi tason ISIS. Nyt takasin ryssälään ja ota MV-lehtes mukanasi.

Enkä puolustellut ISIS:ä missään. Ryssän kätyrit, niin kuin Assadin, voi kuitenkin ampua ihan vapaasti.

>Asusin mielummin ISIS:n naapurissa

ahahahah lopetin lukemisen, kyssää ittes terroristi pedofiiliuskovainen

> terroristi pedofiiliuskovainen
Hyvä kuvaus Venäjästä.

Literal subhuman. I can't wait for the day he dies a cruel death and Syria become finally a free Islamic State.