Brits never really got this whole "cuisine" thing, huh?
Brits never really got this whole "cuisine" thing, huh?
Their national dish is from india, that should tell you enough.
I wish our national dish was from India though.
>one arctic "no plants or spices grow here" nation makes fun of another one that is exactly the same
go eat fish lul
>fish and chips
>national dish
It's trash fast food mate.
I have literally never heard of Serbia in my entire life.
Is that swedish food?
looks good but FUCK swedish "people"
Most pies insides look like that.
Wait are you upset that a country likes pies?
The inside of my digestive system looks like that.
Do biscuits count as part of our cusine? I think they redeem the negative aspects.
Pie and Mash is unironically tasty
Brits have good food
>t. Nigel Disraeli Pumpernickelbottom
t. Abdulla al-Stockholmi Bin Rezaeian Muslimi
This, also jellied eel is good as well
I had it in London once
>t. Oogu Al-Jihad Muhammadson bin Hassan-Svensson
muslims like you cant into geography
pic related, no clue where its from but it has 99% chance of being sverigestan
t. Ring-a-ding-ding Pip-pip Bottomsqueak Westsmith
Funny thing is womens going to a mosque is haram so they can get bombarded if Abdul had a bad day
Chippy tea, chippy tea, I want a chippy tea, you keep giving me posh nosh it don’t agree wi me, I don’t won’t lobster Thermidor wi raspberry coolis, am a workin man from Lancashire! I want a chippy tea!
You're the one calling European cuisine bad Abdullah Mohammedson
t. bög-göran mywifesson
what's wrong with canned food?
Nice one Albin Allahuakbarsson al-Växjö
We dont have a national dish
I actually want to try this sometime to see what the fuss is about. I tried balut for the same reason and it wasn't bad.
>country gets insulted
>whiter than you Muhammad
Typical slavshit behavior, can't wait to turn your country into a car park
>t. Kalle Kuksmaskarn
brit food is comfy
looks bad but maybe it tastes good. Reminds me of pesto heaten up with cream or pizzoccheri leftovers
>Sweden and UK
Ok Mehmet
>jellied eel is good as well
said no one, ever
Not every dish has to be fancy to be good
This. It's not exciting but it's good.
turning my country into a car park would require an air force
air force requires the iq and the funds
unidos estados, aka brazil 10.0 in 10 years will have none
its already 56% el creatura so say goodbye to iq
and its welfare is already 3 times gdp so say goodbye to the funds as well
>oi m8! do u have a loicence to collect that rainwater?
>shouts freedom but doesnt even have privacy
america is a joke
Scandinavians eat Lutfisk, Surhaj, and Surströmming, Jellied Eels are right up our alley
>he does it again
*throws bone*
that one honestly looks a bit shit
the carrots should have herbs on them (and ideally be baby carrots, not sliced), the potatoes should be crispier, the gravy should cover the whole thing and I don't know what the fuck that cauliflower is doing on there.
except the two Vol-au-vent looking things in the middle, can you explain what makes it an english dish? cawliflower, peas, carrots and potatoes, might be everywhere in europe
cheese on beans on toast is grim
European comfort food is about the same, exceptions are southern Europe i guess where you have more Seafood than Meat but otherwise yes, European food is very similar.
That’s a Sunday roast and they’re Yorkshire puddings, have some respect ya cheeky bugger
yorkshire puddings, It's just some standard sunday roast, you can make it posher but I just picked some simple one. As said it should be drenched in gravy
nah, stick a bit of Worcestershire sauce / hendersons relish on, it's grand
no they don't???
Daily reminder that if you're going to make fun of anybody for not having any culture whatsoever you should bully Canada.
Their national dish is literally AMERICAN boxed Mac n' Cheese.
What sort of poncy gaff did you grow up in? Herbs on a Sunday dinner!! Me ould mas spinnin in her grave
Literally autism
based and hotpotpilled
why did brits even bother to eat?
life is meaningless man
I dont see where I disrespected you but w/e
Apparently Shitalians like them too
but only elderly cockney bongs would eat those monstrosities
Wouldn’t mind a bash of that! Never had a hotpot since it’s ash in manc
>hendersons relish
literally never heard of this. northern thing?
all food is just a combination of ingredients that no one invented
Is there a dish on earth that's whiter than a full English?
I think it's a Yorkshire thing. I know a girl from Sheffield that talked about it quite a bit one night.
yeah it's made in sheffield, it's a point of pride or something I guess, nice relish like worchestershire sauce
Are those ingredients local? Traditional? that cut of carrot is typical from a specific place? that was the indirect question. 's answer
was more than exhaustive
black pudding (blood pudding) is absolutely amazing, I heard there were some import laws against it in america like with haggis, you know if that is true?
Black pudding is bitchin indeed. I don't think we have laws against it, although now I'm interested to find out. I think Americans are just weird about blood so it's unpopular.
Tbf even Britbongs and Amerisharts, or even Asians hear about Serbia, so you shot yourself in the knee with this post
What's good English cuisine, no jokes this time?
The specific issue with haggis, in case you didn't know, is the lungs. They're considered unfit for consumption by the FDA for some dumb reason.
very good food
where's the fucking jam
Probably tea and little pastries. Also maybe chocolates.
we can't even into proper black pudding these days
apart from a few artisan producers it's made with rehydrated dried blood
i thought fish & chips was the national dish
you are not officially a serb till you have a tiny shed so full of meat you personally killed, butchered, smoked and dried that it quite literally hangs from the roof
Irish white pudding is better tbqh
Den är väl blandad med keson eller vafan det är som är på höger
That looks different from the British version but it looks good.
Well that's fucking depressing.
>nordics talking about food
Mate at least put on a French or Italian proxy.
>blood pudding
we have something similar but its not common at all
do you like blood sausages too? here we call them morcilla
I think every country on earth must have its own version of blood sausage EXCEPT America. It's sad. I hear yours is one of the best.
Give me SOMETHING nice about UK cuisine.
No memes
No fast food
Only unironical replies
It's mostly a meme, it might smell fucking aweful but it's pretty good.
it's unironically British and unironically peng
Eh I like memes. I'd give it a shot.
all northern nations have shit cuisine
yummy food is a southron invention
>southron invention
*asian invention
we're good at savoury snacks like sausage rolls and scotch eggs
we're great at desserts like apple and rhubard pie
And we made the god tier roast dinner
Also the BLEACHED white bread
I love Asian food too but I love European food even more.
Well made meat pie looks delicious. Emphasis on "well made".
A stew or sorts?
Excellent, I'd love to try before you crash out of the EU with no survivours on your behalf
Do Germans have any dishes similar to this? It kind of seems like something you guys would like.
italians nicked all their food from china
english food is the opposite of french food
Look like shit but tastes good
user, I...
Not really. We have a lot of pies, but no one ever seems to have thought of putting meat in them in the same way Brits have. They exist but they're a niche phenomenon and have a different appearance with more of a block shape that can be cut in slices.
Not him but this made me renounce a vegetarian stint I was on
alright tbf your food is alright but its overrated badly
That looks like a british pork pie
Pork pies are a big different from the typical warm meaty ones, often eaten cold with pickle (think relish not american style)
[spoiler]the best bit is the jelly around the edges[/spoiler]
Israel and Jews have the matzo
That's the unleavened bread isn't it?
Come to think of it is blood kosher?