Why did we ever stop making our buildings like this? That's pretty snazzy and generally pleasant to look at

Why did we ever stop making our buildings like this? That's pretty snazzy and generally pleasant to look at.

Attached: bild.png (1280x1024, 2.62M)

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Because they are costly and you don't have alot of space I guess

Requires a long lost craftsmanship

Jews and european identity complex after ww2 did this

Thanks Marx
Thanks Lenin
Thanks Hitler
Thanks Stalin
Thanks Le Corbusier

that's how cuckpitalism works, everyone is looking for profit and nobody cares about aesthetic anymore

What about communism
They are capitalist too?

Attached: IMG_6580.jpg (800x533, 193K)

cuckpitalism and cuckmoonism are essentially the two side of the same coin. Stalinism was lot better about buildings though.

It’s really popular to do that in America lately.
The architectural details are less expensive but the form’s the same: built right up to the sidewalk, windows on all sides for natural light, retail/office at the street level, residential above.

Tons of space actually. Ones in my town have mezzanines and stuff. But they are expensive because they’re in high demand and (currently) short supply. They’re building these everywhere though.

Attached: 9194F7FB-6740-415D-9694-0CC91736F5E8.jpg (770x578, 119K)

I was talking about Bulgaria and maybe Europe in genral and not America

Because soviet modernism is way better and comfier.

Attached: petersburg.jpg (1280x853, 298K)


It's alrigh tatar your country is beautiful. There's worse places that don't have buildings like that at all to start with

>Thanks Stalin
Stalinist architecture isn't so bad actually. Neoclassicism was promoted.

Care to post an example?

no no plebe
that is fake bourgeois CRAP it is crass and ugly and disgusting
here is a real BEAUTIFUL building that actually SAYS something
time to get with the times okay gramps

Attached: ART.jpg (1500x1000, 1.48M)

more ppl
more efficiency
more cars
more more more

Neoclassicism is the start of the decline, really. It was intellectually and historically aligned with liberalism, republicanism, democracy, etc..

The whole of Western culture can be considered a battleground between the Gothic (detailed, beautiful, nuanced, creative, expressive, powerful, imposing, vital, brave, masculine) and the Classical (bland, ugly, minimalistic, reductive, meaningless, weak, mild, bloodless, meek, feminine).

lmao imagine being this much of an incel

He is meming, Stalinist architecture is atrocious, it has some neoclassicist influence, but it's also bombastic and dehumanised

>why are we not suck in the 1800's still waaaaaaaah

Same reason everyone doesn't wear top hats and wigs still.

stripped classicism was aligned with Fascism.

Attached: 1527361125430.jpg (1200x807, 173K)

I don't know


Attached: avenida rio branco rj.jpg (1024x1566, 494K)

>i like old buildings
*tips fedora*

>I don't like old buildings
*tops trilby*

Comrade Pekka pls go

Attached: you will never live here3.jpg (2000x2000, 421K)

Well, it really doesn't look that bad.

*sour grapes intensify*

Most of finnish architecture looks autistic.

Attached: OOPEAA-anssi-lassila-puukuokka-housing-block-jyvaskyla-finland-designboom-01.jpg (818x584, 199K)

We need to evolve and modernize

Sure, but do we have to make the new things ugly?

Attached: headquarters of the architect union of Romania.jpg (640x792, 101K)

Omg, who allowed this?

Fascism is a super-modern ideology just the same as communism and liberalism.

it's opposed to liberalism, republicanism, democracy

The Jews

this sucks man

Failed total genocide the worst day of my life

The Jews must be behind this

Just like brothers sometimes fight.

oh meu Deus, por que?
well, to each his own, personally I hate it, it's especially depressing in winter

Unironically true

We never made them to begin with.

Lol wtf is this trash
Classical civilization is the antithesis of literally everything you wrote

what are you? a monarchist?

The cancerous growth in pic related was designed by a Jew.

Attached: daniel-libeskind-architecture-05.jpg (5200x3232, 2.46M)

Wtf. Some of those windows wouldn't even get any light. What's the point?

That's why I prefer traditional achitecture and urban design: form follows function.

I'm okay with modern stuff as long as the form is traditional (aka functional).
It's nice to have some modern stuff to spruce up a stuffy traditionalist atmosphere. But that pic is weird.

: ^ )

Attached: cork hat.jpg (900x1200, 152K)

The old American skyscrapers were very traditional, while still welcoming in the modern age.

I'm a bigger fan of mid-rise buildings (because we have so few in America), but I always appreciate stuff like this. Really nice inside too.

Attached: john hand.jpg (750x1000, 119K)

Libeskind married into an influential Canadian family. As a visual artist he's a hack, although he was some kind of musical prodigy as a child.

Attached: stringio.jpg (1280x853, 277K)

>Classical civilization

>classical revivalism/neoclassicalism
Most assuredly not.

Early american skyscrapers are awesome.

Attached: Flatiron-NYC-M-Ciavardini.jpg (2448x3264, 2.9M)

Do you want me to post ugly buildings created by whites/Canadians?

There is no equivalent to Libeskind's cancerous defacement of an otherwise beautiful building.

>israeli architecture

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-01 13:56:57.png (1330x562, 1.1M)

What do you consider ugly though? Is this alright? It's Hearst Tower and it's been built on top of a six story office building from 1928. If you google it you'll see its true height, but I wanted to post the street level view to show what a pedestrian's impression of it is.

Attached: 3109167123_8f1a0147e0_o.jpg (768x1024, 373K)

I'm sure you've seen them all

Wow a pic from some shitty poor neighborhood (tbf Tel Aviv really is an ugly shithole)

pic related is more typical where I live

Attached: rosh-pina-sisam-house.jpg (500x375, 53K)

>I'm sure you've seen them all
Find me an example, merchant.

>Wow a pic from some shitty poor neighborhood (tbf Tel Aviv really is an ugly shithole)

It's representative of downtown Tel Aviv. Israelis drank their own modernist flavoraid.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-01 14:06:49.png (886x552, 1.17M)

I rather not waste my time looking for ugly shit, my point was that just because a Jew designed something doesn't mean all Jews like it

Glad I don't live in T*l Av*v

Literally looks like a tumor growing out of it

>I rather not waste my time looking for ugly shit
Poor bluff. Libeskind is a royal flush. Here's Libeskind's Jewish museum in Berlin. topkek

Attached: jewish-museum-berlin-libeskind-07.jpg (870x656, 193K)

It's pretty popular to build in or incorporate neo-classical styles here, although large housing projects entirely in neo-classical style are still rare

Attached: deveste.jpg (3284x2189, 3.09M)

I love it.


Looks comfy as hell. I'm assuming the street is for bikes and pedestrians rather than motor vehicles?

Proof that American architecture is the best

Me too, although it feels a bit creepy to me that everything is so perfectly straight and clean. Old city centers here have a certain charm because the houses show wear & tear, are often leaning to the side or front and just show their age with pride. Recreating those city centers, but this time with everything perfectly clean & straight just kind of creeps me out

Yes this part is for bikes and pedestrians only

Here is the google street view link for the housing project

I think one of the main issues is that every building starts to look similar after a while. If they used a moderately different style or material for each building, it would look much more varied and less like a shopping center.