163 million people

>163 million people
>8th biggest country in the world
>No one ever talks about it
What the fuck happens here? And why is the circle on their flag off-center?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png (1200x720, 6K)

Floods and drownings. They invented the bungalow.

People breed in massive quantities whenever there is enough heat and water, just like cockroaches.

Not a real country, just a rebellious province of Pakistan

t. Paki

Its one big textile industry sweatshop. Used to be part of Pakistan but they fought for independence in civil war. Yuri Bezmenov said that some of his KGB bros involved in foreign affairs smuggled guns inside the country and that USSR govt fueled the war

>Pakistan was supported by US
>turns into a terrorist-harboring shithole

>India and Bangladesh was supported by USSR
>turns into more secular and capitalistic nations

Really gets the noggin joggin

compare their contribution to human civilization to Great Britain, Germany or the jews

and then tell me that men are equal

>only 6 posts in and we're already discussing eugenics
Jesus. Remind me again how this board isn't pretty much Jow Forums 2.0?

Jow Forums is like 95% autistic racists whereas Jow Forums is more like 60%

Just one big inpoveriched sweatshop

>8th biggest country in the world
Thats Argentina, dumb mutt

There is always some autist who knows nothing about given topic and just feels the need to post some bullshit

Tbf, their government has done a pretty good job promoting birth control over the past couple of decades. Their fertility rate in now the lowest in that entire region. But it's still too little, too late. The real damage was done in the 70's and 80's, when their population exploded.

iirc the flag is this way because the pole is supposed to be on the right and therefore, once the flag is raised, the circle is centered

Interesting fact

Attached: pop.jpg (1200x630, 82K)

Why did was their fertility so high in the 70s and 80s? The green revolution?

Most of Russia is uninhabitable frozen wasteland. That being said, russkies habitate some of these wastelands nevertheless

South Americans wished they never received US "support"

I obviously meant by population and not literal size.

Wow it's almost like soil productivity is related to population density

Baby booming because winning the liberation war?

Doubt. South America was and will always be a shithole without America's investments. Majority of south american youth love the US and dream about moving there or at least making their own country as American (US-like i mean) as possible.

Yep. Same as every other third world country. The Green Revolution is the single worst thing to ever happen to humanity. Billions of humans beings, who should never have been born, artificially bought into a world that can't sustain them. Condemned to a life of intense competition and suffering. The only people who have benefited are Western mega corporations, who now have a seemingly endless supply of cheap labour.

>South America was and will always be a shithole without America's investments. Majority of south american youth love the US and dream about moving there or at least making their own country as American (US-like i mean) as possible.

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I have worse.
Nigeria 200 million people, 210 millions tomorrow and 220 millions the day after tomorrow is even more irrelevant.

One might say the same thing about the haber-bosch process

How much aid do they receive? If its close to none, then its absolutely fine. If its like Nigger countries that receive 500+ million in aid throughout Africa then its a problem.

International charity is essentially a money laundering operation for wealthy industrialists

All those shit-spraying Indians crowded into such a small area. It must be the worst country in the world.

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