God I love being American

God I love being American

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is this the ancap future




Based. Homeless people are a burden to society. This man is a good citizen.

[ ] Based
[ ] Redpilled
[X] All of the above

yes and it's beautiful

He violated the law so he had to pay with his blood

The tree of liberty is fed for another day.

>only 1 article
Seems fake to me


>The man he killed, with a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol, was Richard Hanley, a 38-year-old homeless man. It was shortly after noon, and Hanley had been loitering in the parking lot of the strip mall where Vinci's tattoo parlor stands, alongside a catering company. The woman who manages the caterer asked Hanley to move away from her business, and Hanley threw a plastic lint roller at her.

>Vinci came outside and started hitting Hanley with an ASP brand retractable baton. Hanley pulled out a knife and Vinci grabbed the pistol from his hip. He plugged Hanley once through the chest. Hanley died moments later.

>Hit homeless guy until he is forced to defend himself with his utility knife.
>*shoot him*

All white Americans should be gassed.


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>says man living under eiffel tower

Ah yes how dare he defend himself from being assaulted by a circumsized psychopath
That lint roller could clearly have blocked the wheels of a poor mobility scooter, I wish I could have shot the terrorist myself

Being homeless is no excuse to be a cunt. If you're without a home, go innawoods and build a fucking cabin there or something.

True patriot defending the defenseless. God bless.

I don't think your Sw*doid brain caught the fact that he was obstructing a CATERING company. Preventing Americans from being fed is tantamount to terrorism. This man is a real human being and a real hero.

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Dis is de brize of liberty

Good, we have too many degenerate homeless in this country.
Should gas them all