I demand mods change my flag

I'm Nordic, not a fucking LEAF

Attached: Vinland_flag.svg.png (1200x873, 5K)

youre a mutt like us

>le 100% face

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 5.52.33 PM.png (1988x554, 77K)

i wish scania got independence so i could move back and have a cool flag

At least you're not a frog

Based vinnish NORDBVLL

More like Nodick, lol

Hello brethren

that's not representative of canada mr pajeet

>0% west asian
>mr pajeet

Attached: vinlandarms.png (600x868, 201K)

No but it is representative of him


and probably any of the non med posters on this board

oh you need a flag change alright

Attached: leaf police recruits.jpg (1200x675, 174K)

That picture doesnt prove you arent a mutt. Let's see the rest of the DNA and if it doesnt say 95%+ of one region you are mutted

>that one miserable looking white guy in the middle

>he thinks he cant be a mutt just because he is all european
the absolute state of c*nada

Scared to post full dna cuz of g*ds chosen people but here

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 12.11.39 AM.png (1738x824, 125K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 7.01.57 PM.png (1736x700, 97K)

Attached: 1533250550234.jpg (348x405, 23K)

weird test, here check out a real European man

Attached: my ancestor.jpg (406x648, 36K)

is your cuck shed in cottage country?


this is your nordic flag. come home, blad

Attached: dk.gif (16x11, 365)

you still dont understand what a mutt is do you?

Attached: Screenshot_20180719-092916_Chrome.jpg (1439x1469, 222K)

Despite what Jow Forumsellectuals want you the think, the 56% mutt meme is from a pew research report stating 56% of americans are non white hispanic

*non hispanic white*

one day brother, one day

Keep telling yourself that fellow mutt. Frenchie + Anglo leads to a mutt just like Turk + German

I said i'm NORD not Fr*nch or A*nglo

Attached: 1532313278879.jpg (2048x1536, 766K)

What's this supposed to imply? Nobody there is Vinnish like me

I live in a Vinnish ethnostate in the north that you cannot find on google maps

no proof given

I support this

Attached: 1532313021400.jpg (1200x800, 94K)


Again, no VINN BVLLS


Attached: hijab.png (1013x555, 669K)

That's not a representation of the Vinnish ethnostate I live in


Attached: military of Canada.png (897x772, 688K)

you're a fucking chink though

Canada isn't, but VINLAND is.
>learn the difference, it could save your life


We are coming together, we are getting bigger, we are getting stronger, we are getting tougher. We have to be, because we are preparing for the fight of our lives! The time is here, for Vinn's to stand up and take back our land from the anglo and french scum and win back our land we have inhabited for over a century!

Do you live in gimli, manitoba?

fucking hell you just exposed us
>inb4 we are flooded with anglos, frogs, chinks, and pajeets

I am sorry my nordic brother.

>shitty ripoff of Veps flag

desu it was great while it lasted

That is literally Forest Finns flag

I am also of another flag despite not being of that nationality or geographic location :^)

we have others but we want our flag to look like that of our volk

Attached: vinlandvalknut.png (2000x1449, 36K)

Attached: altvin.png (3298x2578, 331K)

>cringy band flag