It pays really well user! Almost $20 an hour

>it pays really well user! Almost $20 an hour

If this is true in your country you are 3rd world

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20 bucks an hour buys a totally comfy life where I am if you aren't obsessed with spending money on frivolous shit all the time

$20 an hour is low-to-middling in my country, but only because of how fucking expensive absolutely everything here is, and how we're taxed up the ass for literally everything.

Where are you and what's your definition of comfy?

I wonder how much you pay for a banana in Iceland

Sounds like bogan pay to me t b h.

That's about 40k a year here. In the midwest that's not too bad.

Not really. $20 is an average starting pay for young people at McDonald's.

real talk is about double that

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Costs 2 usd 2 pounds of potatoes

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I live in rural WI, near a larger city. Comfy for me is being able to afford a cheap little house or apartment to rent, decent car, and can afford to reasonably keep up with my hobbies; all while none of my stuff or surroundings being shitty. I could do that on 20 without much effort. I don't really expect a ton from life, material object wise.

5 pounds of potatoes would cost 5usd
And where I live that would be about right what it costs.

usd or dollarydoos

You anywhere near Madison? I fuckin love that town.

Minimum here is $15 and cost of living is sky high. $20 here is still poverty pay.

I'm talking $20 AUD, which is about $27 USD right now.

Nope, closer to MN actually.

imagine working like a slave... while "living" in *celand! lmao

Attached: gdp ppp per hour.png (2667x1789, 534K)

I make 15 an hour but I don't have any bills so I'm okay for now.

>US norm is 30.80 hourly
That is completely astronomical to me, but then again, I am a certifiable pleb who lives OK at half that.

All depends on cost of living. That's homeless tier in san francisco but you can have a house and a car + disposable income in other areas.
I was making $24.5 an hour and easily could have bought a house despite a car payment, $400 a month in student loans, and spending my money on a lot of dumb shit.

Wtf I love the Netherlands now!

This really should have used median wage instead of mean. No telling how much the obscenely high upper incomes skew things.

Where'd ya live?

>a house
a *big cardboard box


Something something cuckshed something.

$20/hour is upper-tier wagecuck. You still aren't going to go anywhere in life but you sure as hell aren't going to feel anywhere near as much stress and anxiety as someone on actual min-wage.

Seeing all these high numbers while I make 14€/h makes me sad.

I thought you guys got paid pretty well. What's your job?

It's not even upper tier wagecuck really.

who else quit their job because they realized they would never make a fraction of what the richies are making and plan on kmsing once they run out of money

Factorycuck in the poorest region of the country

I've seriously considered exactly this. I make roughly $65k/year in an expensive city. I get by just fine but yeah. Richfag money will likely be forever beyond my grasp, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't piss me off. I'll also probably never get in a relationship again so add that to the question...

well i make $9 so it is very good

What is the poorest part of Finland? Up north? I only guess this because I've been told that's where Finland's version of rednecks are found.

One of my buddies went to school and got like a meme degree or some shit and he was working at apple for their maps and he got laid off cus he didn't pass their exams n shiet. So now he's working like a $15 an hour job. Crazy cus he has a degree, but I think In n Out pays their employees better...

The poor exist so the rich can exist. Don't work and they become poor too.

Oh, you're the same guy that asked if I lived nearby.

with 20$ per hour full time job you should have complete financial freedom at age 25-30, you can even pull it off at age 22 if you started at 18 and live with parents and save everything
financial freedom to to be an single neet and shitpost all day that is

Haha wtf how

Yeah exactly. That's why they want us to keep having kids and refuse to acknowledge overpopulation as an issue. The more the better.

can even do it earlier if you're willing to move to a 3rd world country

Nope that's the only post I made in this thread

Is Israel pretty expensive? Let's take Tel Aviv as our specific example since I'm sure it varies like in most cunts. Like what does a 1br apartment cost?

Fuckin sick quads, nigga.

You two need to either figure out how to become richfags eventually, or reevaluate your values that places so much emphasis on money and material possessions.

Southern Savonia, we only have one "proper city" here.

at 0 taxes and 0 expenses (both completely unrealistic anyway) that would be 160k USD

what crappy living standards are you willing to except if that is your income that is supposed to last from your early twenties for the rest of your lfie?

I wasted them t b h

I honstly don't know. Like he got an internship working with the city and working for with park rangers and shit cus he's all about nature, but after the apple maps crap he couldn't find anything better than a $15 an hour job. Sad!

Realistically, no. Assuming $30000/year after taxes that all goes to savings, you would have $360k after working for 12 years from age 18 to 30. If you assume that you're going to live until 80 years old, you would have to live on $7200/year, which is not tenable in any first world country. Could be possible in a third world country though if you own property (which would put a dent in your $360k savings), but then you have to live in a third world country.


180 kr per kg

In addition, that $7200/year is going to have increasingly less purchasing power as the decades go by.


You sure about that

You're on the right track but that's a bit of a stretch even if you were able to save and invest everything and forgo having health insurance.

I had to Google the conversion for your currency but that's pretty good. Is shit not normally expensive there because of shipping?

It's a decent working class income. A good wage for someone who doesn't have a lot of skills or education. I could live live comfortable on that money as I do not have kids and am a bit of a minimalist.

it is
Laughing my ass of at americans complaining about fuel prices $8 a gallon is a good price here and I used too drive a cummins ram and it didnt feel so bad

Yeah gas seems to be more expensive most places than it is here. I'm just saying that based on Jow Forums conversations.

I make 31k/yr in the midwest. It would be more than enough to live comfortably if I didn't have to live in a shithole city and take a bus to work everyday.

fuck off iceland, we should annex you and greenland

>it would be more than enough to live comfortably if it was enough to live comfortably

tel aviv is one of the most expensive cities in the world
and mcdonalds wagecucks make 8$ per hour here

but if you live in a settlement you can get a bedroom with separate entrance for like 100-200$ per month
you don't live off the savings for the rest of your life lol, you invest it and live off the passive income, for example you can buy a property and you can live off the rent in a cheap place since you don't need to worry about being close to your job/a place with jobs.
how much does it cost in the us?

OK I worded that weird. I could make this much easily living in a much more affordable place, but this is my first job out of college so I don't want to quit until I get some experience.

Which shithole do you live in?

What's it like being poor? Serious question.

>tel aviv is one of the most expensive cities in the world
How expensive as far as housing?

>health insurance
I broke a leg, had an xray an ambulance and a cast done and it cost me $150

>you invest it and live off the passive income
quite obviously so but my point is, 160k is not nearly enough to do so

The profit generated by a place that cost $300k-$400k isn't going to be much after you factor in all the costs such as utilities, maintenance and property management.

With just two to three days of working at that salary, that would net me the minimum wage here

This pays €20 for 10 minutes is3.Jow

If you make over 31k you are amongst the world's 1%, since I make over 3 times that, I am not well equipped to answer that

>except anything below $100k/year
You should just kill yourselves desu.

t. underage

mfw $4 an hour

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>20 dollars an hour

Working 8 hours a day, from monday to friday, that's 800 dollars a week, or ~3500 dollars a month.

A person with a salary like this would be classified as "almost rich" here in Brazil.

Funny to think that I make that in 6 minutes on night shifts

How far does that get you in South Africa?

>tfw get paid onde dollar a hour

Yeah but everything is probably proportionally cheaper there.

shitty 1 room apartments go for 800-1200$ per month
donno how it is in other places but here for example you can buy an apartment or a share in an apartment for 160k$ that you can rent for like 350-400 dollar per month which is enough to live in a small apartment in a cheap area with internet/minimum health insurance/basic food.
and if you move to a 3rd world country you can live much better.

2 days ago someone sent me a free sample of an iphone case costing 10 Euro + another 5 USD for me just to write an Amazon review
I will return it to Amazon, so writing the review earned me almost 20 USD
she also sent me 1 USD too much and when I asked if she wants a refund she refused

>shitty 1 room apartments go for 800-1200$ per month
Not too bad actually. I pay $1250 here for a one bedroom.

>and if you move to a 3rd world country you can live much better.
I had the same ideas 3 years ago, but it really doesn't work out unless you are willing to live in a 50 USD apartment in rural India/Indonesia and eat nothing but fried carbohydrates
if you don't die off boredom, you will die from a heartstroke at age 60 after having been malnourished for decades

it's a nice supplemental income though. my own plan is to stop working fulltime when I saved 100k Euro, move to a big Asian city and work as a freelancer for a few hours a week, which is still a good enough compromise between living a good life and not having to work too much

Kind of, São Paulo is quite expensive.

>minimum wage: 270 dollars a month

>rent: at least 350 dollars a month
>dollar menu at McDonalds: 8 dollars

The nicest shack in the bantustan

I think you would have a better time moving somewhere in Eastern Europe than Asia, for a similar price.

wew i want to go to brazil

Sucks buying eletronics though

20 Australian dollars = 11 American dollars

state of my life

not very far. still live with my mom desu

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