Go to Jow Forums hoping to talk about interest theory and finance

>go to Jow Forums hoping to talk about interest theory and finance
>it's just a bunch of cryptoshills

Why are the other boards so shit? What boards do you visit?
Jow Forums 99% of the time

Sometimes I go to Jow Forums but seeing that much retardation is bad for you.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jow Forums /sp/ and /a/ mostly for watamote threads

/his/ because I have an interest in history and at least some people over there take it vaguely seriously and want to have discussions

Jow Forums because I like seeing what country people I talk to are from, and also to give them shit and have some banter with them because of that

/soc/ to sometimes try to meet people or just chat

/gif/ to jerk off

Only Jow Forums and /o/ and sometimes /v/.

Jow Forums

Jow Forums because see flag
Jow Forums because I like different languages and talking to Europeans, I hope to go to Europe one day even though I am poor

I spend most of my online time on Jow Forums, but I've been bored of that board. I come here second most often, after that it's probably Jow Forums.

Jow Forums can't mem-


>/gif/ to jerk off
Aye Reuben, you up for the scuba?

Are you me?

release the funds


Idk, do you live in Ohio?

Jow Forums, /trv/

/spint/ reporting in, anyone else?

Is a finance and economics major I must say do not take advice from anyone on Jow Forums ever

Jow Forums is my main board
Also go to /sp/ and /e/ sometimes

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>>go to Jow Forums hoping to talk about interest theory and finance

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You haven't seen the webm of the aussies in a kitchen while one of them is rear ending some asian chick and someone else is filming? It's pretty tasteless but pretty funny. Fucking guy goes to wash his dick in the sink when they're done

/v/: I don't even fucking know why
/tv/: see above
Jow Forums

Jow Forums

no i haven't seen that, but it sounds fucking hilarious

Jow Forums
/ck/ but it's pretty bad because of the y*nk fast foodoids and e-chefs

you also thought it was all people posting their homecooked food and recipes when you went there for first time?

i assumed that a website full of NEETs would have a board full of balanced people with healthy diets
i was naive

Jow Forums is my main board
/tv/ is pretty funny
/wsg/ for a laugh and there's some interesting stuff there
/v/ but the threads are too long and fast to be comfortable to read
/mu/ though i hardly ever go there now since there's very little actual discussion

Jow Forums

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

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Jow Forums is my home board and i love it even though it's shit
second most used board is /vg/ where i typically browse /4ccg/ and /owg/
third most used is /tg/ because i'm a DM and sometimes like to read threads from there

occasionally i visit /co/ and /vp/

Jow Forums
And I like to go to /x/ and /mu/ hoping for a diamond thread between all the shit.

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Jow Forums
Jow Forums

Kind of like the "technology" board here where it is just 14 year olds talking about their cell phones.

Or /fa/ where it is just chavs and hipsters also in that age group.

was so much fun in the peak of crypto. Pink Wojaks never stopped making me laugh

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These days I only visit /tg/. I used to frequent /co/ and /ic/ when I drew comics but I gave up on that.