Your country

>Your country
>Your opinion on on-street parking

Answer me

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>when the only available spot is street parking in a narrow residential area where there's just barely room for a single car to fit past all the cars parked on both sides

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This is what separates the boys from the men.

Anyway on-street parking is the best. Creates a barrier between sidewalk pedestrians and traffic, and it reduces the need for parking lots.

this doesn't look like the US

>it's alright but I think we should have large underground parking garages beneath buildings in an ideal world

I don't have a problem with it, but it is really fucking annoying when people do it on narrow streets. Pic related is not so bad, but I can't find examples of how horrible the street-parking can get.

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Where is this hood?

There're people who UNIRONICALLY gets annoyed 'bout on-street parking?

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Santiago de Surco, Lima.


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Yes, especially if you are an angry faggot like me.

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its the netherlands, very easy to recognize

woah its really douchbaggish

...but still its capable to move forward. Not like in our hoods, wheres a lot of people die coz ambulance cant get through cars that blocks the way

absolute cancer.

It's very common here particularly on streets with terraces. I don't mind it but then again I don't drive.

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I hate it when the street is filled with historic buildings because it looks hideous, but otherwise I'm ok with it

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Why is it so common in ex-USSR countries not to paint road marking?

Fine if the street is wide enough.
>mfw fucktards park on both sides of narrow streets, leaving just barely enough room for traffic

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Where are you supposed to put your cars ? Is the US full of parking lots ?

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this is holland

You get used to it and find out why many people have little cars.
Anyway I have a parking garage underneath my apartment.

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I like it but I prefer having a garage or parking lots underground, it's more practical. on-street parking shouldn't be free.

i hate it, all cars just smell and look dirty
cannot wait for the day of the rope for all cars to be banned and have nationwide metros

The real problem with it at least over here is the fact there’s less spots than cars within some streets. Luckily my city is a student town so most high density residential areas are like 50% or more students without cars but in cities like Amsterdam where many wealthier people live in pre WW2 apartment buildings there are massive shortages.
So often these streets are paid parking and only a limited amount of parking licenses are handed out to residents per street to make sure there won’t be more parked cars than spots.

The picture I posted was my street and has a 1 day waiting period, but I can imagine in other places you have to wait for others to move out.
Parking is one of our biggest challenges in urban planning

Cannot wait for you to grow up

lol ok delano fuck you and your shitty €500 "tuner"car

Sadly neither of those are true, but your post indicates you probably never had to make us of our public transit system for daily commutes. It’s expensive and slow. It works within cities but then again so does a bike.

it's scary when you're on a busy street and you have to do it right in one go and everyone is in a hurry for some reason so they get mad at you for taking a little too long.
On a calm street it's not so bad though, especially if you have two empty spots next to each other so you have lots of wiggle room.


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I see you’re out of arguments

ye i'm not posting my ns businesscard on Jow Forums

You mean your student OV

>Creates a barrier between sidewalk pedestrians and traffic
That's not good, makes it more dangerous in case someone wants to cross the road

Pretty bad kind of parking for residential areas if you ask me, but I guess that's the only way it can work out in such a location

a minute ago you were convinced i don't even use the public transport

>cross the road
Jaywalk? There’s designated road crossings you know except for when the speed limit is so low there’s little hazard

People can cross wherever. In and , it's easy to imagine a person emerging from between the cars and stepping onto the road without looking first and there's always the possibility of a child running onto the road.

>People can cross wherever
No they can't. You have to cross on a zebra crossing if you wish to cross the road and you cannot cross anywhere else.

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planners usually make sure you can't go fast anywhere where they build shit that narrow (15-30)

do you ever come outside you fucking faggot

Yes, you're supposed to cross on the zebra but people cross the street whether there is a crossing or not

You don't need a high speed to hurt someone so it's always a concern

>do you ever come outside you fucking faggot
Yes, laws exist for a reason.
>Yes, you're supposed to cross on the zebra but people cross the street whether there is a crossing or not
Then you should be allowed to hit them.

young kids get taught in school to always look left and right and all that jazz as well as their parents having to be being responsible for them, but yea as a driver you're sat with your arse tightened hoping no fucking kids run in front because at least here whatever happens the driver is to blame

>germanic cucks need the state to paint zebra crossing to cross a fucking road

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i don't think hes ever been outside desu
there are no zebras in residential areas

Oh my sweet summer child

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my grandmother once visited Switzerland (the french speaking part) and said if you cross the roads without zebra crossing people look at you like if you were a criminal

more like jap-tier robots

its fine here as long as you don't disturb those who are supposed to be on that road

non-robotic cultures will soon be obsolete.

I'd like to see you bump into any pedestrian and get away with it

robotic cunts are being invaded by impulsive people

That's because he was committing a crime.

they are changing a lot of the street parking to this around me.

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letting women drive was a mistake

A woman just drove her SUV into a bus in front of my house

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My neighbours are middle class shitheads with 3 Jeep Wranglers per family and think parking on footpaths solves the problem
Stupid, self-seeking arseholes

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THIS is why we need nation wide metros

I go outside all the time and the only roads you are free to cross have a 30km/h speed limit. It’s illegal to cross the A1 for example

but why are germanics so dominated by their laws ?

here people believe the law is meant to be broken

this unironically makes me hard

t. tried to find a parking spot for 20 minutes in paris

don't think you need to explain to anyone you're not supposed to cross motorways on foot if they're not from india or alike

>here people believe the law is meant to be broken
which is why you will never be as great as us.

Our laws state you are free to cross 30km/h roads but anything else required a zebra crossing.
Maybe in your village but in every city there’s clear distinction between residential areas where you are free to cross and actual roads for cars where you have to abide to laws

Don't underestimate the stupidity of southern europeans.

In Africa and France it’s normal to cross roads like this? Because these are the roads we are not allowed to cross freely

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>but in every city there’s clear distinction between residential areas and not residential areas
and WITHIN those there are no zebra paths


I live in NYC. Hispanics need to fucking stop double and triple parking. It fucks traffic up. Also, street cleaning 4 days a week when all the city does is blow dirty around and not actually clean anything is b.s.

this thread

is why I live in norway

why bother caring about stupid shit like parking..

>in africa
africans (not diaspora faggots, real africans) are 1000x more impulsive that us latins, there are no laws in africa
it's a bit dangerous but nobody cares except maybe a few women
yes people think it's normal to cross roads like these

>yes people think it's normal to cross roads like these
Jesus fucking christ

>we are not allowed to cross freely

And who's going to stop you if you do?

Be a man and cross the fucking road

that's obviously not true

the only way i'd cross that 3 lanes road is if there was no cars to be seen

>And who's going to stop you if you do?
a car doing 90 km/h probably at some point


it's shit, especially in the city centre where it is always congested
the underground parking lots are placed in shit locations and nobody is using them

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The discussion began when Slovenia/vakia remarked that parking like in the picture in the OP is dangerous for people wanting to cross the road.
I pointed out that roads such as in the OP over here are almost exclusively illegal to cross outside of designated crossings.

The speed limit there is surprisingly 50 which I have felt the hard way

t. Woman

What the fuck? Are those gypsies or what? And why does no one care?

>And why does no one care?

And when the fuck it was allowed to show things like this in youtube

Welcome to the 3rd world

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I fucking hate it.
Parallel parking does damage to your car and is biased to shitty little cars.
Poor visibility of pedestrians.

Same here, but the narrow streets aren't comon. I think.