The absolute state of br*ts

>be br*t
>go to Magaluf
>try to shit from a 6th floor balcony just for the bants
>fall down
>become vegetable wrapped in shit
>local police, civil guard and two ambulances went immediately to the place where they encountered an eschatological scene because the fallen guy was with his pants down and wrapped in his excrement.

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Didnt like 4 of them die ? I think some Dutch teen is a vegetable too now

yeah, the 4th one was a 41 fucking year old brit lady that fell off from a second floor

Crazypartying is so 90s.

Fucking chavs so many of them die messing around on balconies in Spain every year, just as well balconies are non-existant here.

Such is the life of the sort of people who holiday in """shagaluf"""

Falling/jumping off balconies is an ancient and sacred English tradition

One of the first ones who died, a 18 year old brit fell off from pic related. His mother is complaining that the security measures are not enough as his son thought that was a shortcut to his hotel

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it seem ok, is the bar over 120 cm?
This, respect for balconing

>it seem ok, is the bar over 120 cm?
I don't know, but seems high enough as it's same height as the handrails on the inside of the building if not higher.

Yeah they always complain about security measures. They’re the only ones drowining in the Amsterdam canals every year and every year their crying parents are on tv again complaining about how it’s not their drugged up sons fault he’s dead

If only the poms here would kill themselves.

Which "them"? Was there some big event? A big group?

brits are unironically subhumans

They do this every year


>balconies are non-existant here.
>Falling/jumping off balconies is an ancient and sacred English tradition

>Hurr durr we good bois we dindu nuffin our 3rd world tier health and safety infrastructure isn't to blame

Falling/jumping off foreign balconies is an ancient and sacred English tradition

sorry for the confusion

>his son thought that was a shortcut to his hotel

Kek. Well he wasn't wrong.

>meanwhile at 1st world H&S infrastructure

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2% of those killed were white, who cares?


So 98% of brits died

every time I get back home from Spain, I feel like I'm in a world made for 5 year old. No more places to fell to death.
I guess it's the same in Britain.

And 80% of the drowners are British

how do we stop brits from defecating everywhere?

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and how do we encourage them to wash their hands afterwards?

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we act so awful abroad, and I have no idea why

It's only the lower class people who go to places like this usually.

brits who stay in britain are just as subhuman as the tourists.

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Probably because shit like Ladbible encourages this behaviour.
>lol this drunk woman is attacking a kebab place because she couldnt take the entire kebab home lol what a mad gal
I mean in reality she was just destroying someone’s property encouraged by mob behaviour

smelly turkish hands

fuck off tarquins
anything goes when the lads are on tour

>dutch idiot trying to speak English


>chavs go on holiday and die in silly and avoidable ways

Wow what a suprise.

I know a few blokes who think like this and they're legitimate cunts 99% of the time.

statistically speaking there is a higher chance that your hands are covered in faeces

thought russians were supposed to be good at maths?

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>his son thought that was a shortcut to his hotel

yeah it indeed was a shortcut

>trying to tame the eternal Anglo
Mate, not gonna happen.

looks like i struck a nerve.

Foreign tourism destinations in Spain sound incredible. I wish there were dirt cheap flights from Australia to the Iberian Peninsula, so our dropkicks would travel over their and splat themselves. The world needs less bogans.

Speaking of dropkicks, awkward.

>be British abroad
>”yeah we mad lads we can take anything”
>*dies from a little heroin*

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KEK brits BTFO'd

you know i think open defecation in india is something the British invented

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except winning world cups

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They went from ruling half of the world to being the sewer of europe

Poo in pool haha

BREAKING NEWS: Johnny Foreigner unable to handle the banter yet AGAIN. Sources say he is currently crying into his replica Prussian military helmet and frantically searching his "brit hate" folder for pictures of toast sandwiches

Honestly feel bad for the people who have to live where brits commonly holiday. You should start lynching them or something.

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You bongs are truly something else

it seems my summer time lesuire habits are the subject of some controversy

the brits are officialy 3rd worlders now

What seems to be the problem, gents?

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These brits are true environmentalists. By ridding the world of themselves and of their carbon footprints, they are performing a great service to the planet.

Doing a poo as we speak boys

I feel like we don't get enough credit for taking all the subhuman anglos and reducing their numbers because of "unfortunate accidents".

Yeah it's never alcohol or drugs, always badly secured infrastructure.

based and redpilled

In Amsterdam they feed them poison and push them into the canals when they’re passed out drunk.


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simply based
thank you for your service

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This i why br*ts dying in stupid situations
You just grew up unprepared for real world without any "safety" and their blaiming others for that they don't going on british way with safety and other meme shit

Why brits can't poo int he loo?

Please don't judge the UK by our working class scum tourists. The class system is most apparent in how we act abroad.

And where upper-class having vacations?

Probably in greek islands or south Italy.


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Kek, S

whats left of britain if you substract the working class scum?

Top tier humor and good documentaries?

>tfw half Brit

W-W-Will I die during this summer? I now have an urge to throw myself off balconies.

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It could be a shortcut



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>Please don't judge the UK by our working class scum tourists. The class system is most apparent in how we act abroad.

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A green and pleasant land.

Upper class don't matter. Middle class travel pretty much everywhere and are almost exclusively good, respectful tourists. Though they will drink, they won't do it to the same extent.

>his son thought that was a shortcut to his hotel
Well, he wasn't wrong

I visited Magaluf two years ago, and I was taken back by how ridicelously trashy Brits are.
In hindsight, we should have gone in the Scandinavian season, but tickets were cheaper in the British one, so thats when we went.
Yeah, sure, I know Scandinavians in Spain can be trash too, but there really is no comparison.
Around 05:00-06:00 every morning, maintance workers had to clean the streets for puke, glass, and even drunk people sleeping on the ground.
People were constantly trying to pick fights for no reason at all.
There are pretty British girls, but most of them look like trolls straight out of a fairytale.

We mostly only went to the British places to buy breakfast. Other than that we hanged around in the Scandinavian bars.



At least most of you lads can tan and will wear sunscreen like the locals. That's better than most Brits.

Feel bad for the locals living in deano mecca, literally an entire town filled with LADS LADS LADS every summer

Stool in a pool you fool

>That's better than most Brits
That was another thing that suprised me. I have never been to any Anglo country, so my visit to Magaluf was really the first time I ever saw a lot of Brits in the same place.
I thought the whole "Brits have bad skin" thing was a meme. But it really does look like the only thing they eat is fish& chips.

Might as well cede magaluf to the Brits

if you give back gibraltar

Yeah.Portuguese people are taught since they're children to always apply sunscreen in the sun (the pales one like me, even more). Otherwise is lobster time or halfway to a melanoma. Brits for some reason ignore that. They're demented.

Nah its ours now and soon you will just give us all your deano containment zones to us

Again, you're seeing the absolute dregs of our society.

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