2 million Japanese women of prime age suddenly move to your country. How fucked are you?

2 million Japanese women of prime age suddenly move to your country. How fucked are you?

Attached: 1527171288695.jpg (2641x1294, 1.07M)

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Not at all because they all mvoe to Germany the next day to fuck Turks.

>prime age
Maybe four or five years prior.

Japanese girls love aussie cock, so I'll be pretty good.


I highly doubt that

Attached: 1514655212470.jpg (960x720, 90K)


A lot, I hope.

Fuck off pedo. Prime age is 18-22.

Attached: 1528691359044.webm (640x1136, 2.76M)

You're either a faggot or have mother issues.

>Fuck off pedo
Jow Forums is for lolicons. You aren't welcome here.
>Prime age is 18-22.
Yeah, not biologically, not evolutionary, not historically and not by any reasonable standards of beauty women themselves try to achieve today. You're objectively wrong and completely fucking delusional.

Don't be such a self-hater

Everything stays the same really. It's a 300mil country with a huge japanese community, it'll just add more.

all those colored eyes...all those hair colors...all those hair types...

Why white people want do die so much ?

Attached: bor.jpg (250x250, 6K)

All our problems would go away

ronin for 17

it actually isn't it's 14-18, they stop growing around that age mentally and physically.

Attached: look at those repeated digits.jpg (456x384, 49K)

very fucked, genocided really, but there would also be many girls begging for relations, so it would be okay.

rolling for 7

Pretty damned ticked off that whatever meme god did this couldn't have just made me into a qt japanese schoolgirl while they were at it.


that's a whole lot of diligent workers

Prime is 11-13 if you ask me.

Why don't you vote for it? Most channers seem to agree that prime is 11-13 or 13-15.



Nice data mining operation you are running there


not rolling

what the fuck, it only goes up to 89.

is the only one who can appreciate a joke really the german ?


Attached: 1527975572352.gif (512x481, 646K)

кpyчy вepчy бypятoчкy хoчy


We would have to expand liberdade quite a bit to fit them.



Not much

Make a law prohibitting racemixing, so we don't become a nation of asianmasculinity users.

I'm not fucked at all, in fact, I will be the one doing the fucking.

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What would be the purpose? Wanting to pork 11 year olds isn't illegal.


Why would any of us be fucked?

Aaand roll




This wouldn't affect my life in any way.