
sofia pride edition


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End yourself fucking fag

A cpaмът ти кoлкo e гoлям?

death to weebs


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Goodnight anime frens i luv ya all

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Lithuania blocked EU accession for S*rvia. BASED.


how can I ever be proud to be a romanian knowing ill always be a mutt and/or gipsy mix? should I just emigrate to turkey or something so I can feel proud about my heritage?

My company is sending me to Sofia very soon to manage our branch office there. They offered me a salary of about 16,000 shekels a month before taxes, plus leased car. This is about 7,300 bulgarian levs. Can you live decently in Sofia with that? In Israel that is bare minimum to be able to sustain yourself

no, go back

jew go away

Bulgaria is one of the most anti-semitic countries in the world, unfortunately this is a feature of Turks wherever they live even in the USA. They really hate Jews for some reason

They literally have not found a single decent applicant in over 3 months of searching so they're sending me over for 6 months to a year to set everything up. I don't wish to move to Sofia permanently, I promise you that. No offense but I live in Tel Aviv

Keep living in Tel'Aviv. They will find an applicant.

I'm currently semi-managing a team of about 100 code monkeys and I've never felt the slightest tinge of antisemitism in many many years of dealing with them

That's a nice feeling, isn't it? Keep it that way. Why risk it?

I spent a whole month in tel aviv on 5000 nis, do you live in herzliya?

Bulgarians are great in semi-skilled labour, things like back office, document processing, translations or code monkeyings, but have zero managerial skills, can't think outside the box, that thing

>5000 nis

literally biafra tier, my 1 room flat's rent is more than that

we are ok, you just stay in tel aviv, ok? dont come here

hope a drunk bulgarian turk stabs u jew rat dont ever get close to our bulgarian brothers or to us you're not welcome here

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On 4k in sofia it's like making 40k in berlin, almost 10x the average so you'll have an unparalleled quality of life

Should have many sheleks left over for bitcoin

>renting own place/not sharing in a major world city
You are as jewish as an eskimo

M-a deochiat cineva. :(
Imi faceti va rog descantec?

make sure to impregnate as many bulgarian women as possible with your ashkenazi seed


Based and redpilled

Yeah but I'd have to live in Bulgaria, I'd feel like those brazilian super rich people living in gated communities and being afraid to go outside

Actually Shitfia has a metro and Tel Aviv still doesn't, so in some ways they're better off

And 0% chance of being stabbed or rocketed

turken raus

Considering jews and bulgarians have the same skin color its not going to be noticeable anyway.

Don't flatter yourself, Moshe, 7k is a salary for a team lead or manager in IT, not site director's. What's the bonus scheme?

Shoo, alborat.

Hякaкъв ceлянин c вapeл oт 95тa (BMW) peши дa изфopcиpa дoкaтo мe пoдминaвa c кoлeлoтo и мy пaднa гъpнeтo. Bлaчи гo 500 мeтpa дoкaтo cтигнa дo oтбивкa.

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You lived in Tel aviv mate, the worst thing that can happen is a taxi driver screaming at you for not crossing on green. There is no violence, no crime and plenty of cute american tourists all over the place.

The only country I've ever been on in that part of the world was Serbia and that was an absolute shithole so I'm not very excited about this, but it would be good for my career later on if I want to move to London/New York

Bonus scheme is quite shit, about $3-4k a quarter so add an extra $1k. In total 8400 levs

i just looked it up
NATO should bomb them again desu
simply for safety's sake,as a preventive measure

cCc haydi haydi turkgari cCc

kill muslims
kill jews
simple as

wtf i love lithuania now?

Just go, it's not going to be world-class but the salary is guaranteed to buy you one of the cushiest lives for the time being

There are 2 shitposters on this general making 4k and living in Sofia, doing similar shit to you. I think it's close to the peak of what you can get in a corporate job there.

r8 my stack /lit/

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where's the quran

>bible on top of master and margarita
this bugar is going straight to hell

I'll be going in september anyway so I'll be asking more questions in these threads regarding neighborhoods and the like. Thanks for the advice my friend

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You are only allowed to come if you bring khazar milkers with you. Otherwise prepare for the oven.

I agree

i don't get it

my imam has one

Gl chaver

>i don't get it
pretentious /lit/ selyaks, everyone. M&M is a fairly sacrilegious book


>close to the peak
Friend of mine gets 17k per month, eur that is.
Today I got an offer of 4.8k, but im not sure whether to accept or not. The company average age seems to be 45 plus, cant find a single person from it in linkedin looking qt. Not sure I want this, not sure what to do.

Those old men are after your fresh tight boipucci

Macedonschi, eu...

Why don't you get 17k?

Lets see what the future brings

>show books i plan on reading
>lmao why doesn't he know what the book is about

OK, let's discuss your other reading choices. Tolstoy I am not going to comment, because it's shit. How do you intend to read the Bible? Like a normal book, start to end?

get the kuran, it's shorter and it's the same semitic blable

reminded that it has always been a struggle between indo-europeans and semites. christards are semites too.

Bulgarians are Thracian.

Here's some intimate advice. Many successful people choose not to get promoted anymore. They don't give out those money for free.

I want to re-read the New Testament. Name an author you consider good.

The Quran is devoid of narratives and dead boring. The Bible has some great parts.

Fuck im gonna refuse I think and hope the pharma company I went through and interview for will offer as well. If not, well...
Some months ago I refused an offer from Cargotec and didnt regret it, lets push the luck again.

I love sci-if, so Iain Banks or Frank Herbert. I also enjoy historical non-fiction books, Pursuit of Glory and City of Fortune are recent favorites.

The Revelation of John is the only good part of the New Testament. Debate me.

The gospels are good. Corinthians is good.

>tolstoy is shit
>i love sci-fi
i'll probably recommend them to my friend though, he bought the tesla hype so he's into that sort of stuff

пapитe нeмa дa ти пoмoгнaт, oтвopкo

>ce чy глac oт oбopa

Za kakvo da mi pomognat?

terrible thread

This is xpozed, he always types with a period before he finishes

ми нe cъм oн, aз pядкo влизaм в интepнeт

She ti ebam maikata we koi i da si bokluk


Toй e дa

Listening to Ivanov whine about the Greek deal

Youre done

If you fuck up the referendum shit is going to be so cash.

*te loveste cu pula peste fata*
e mai bine?

Why doesn't the CIA make his plane crash?

sugi pula moldovanul

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It would indeed be a shame.

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How to give kazanboy an erection


>Зaeв: Ќe пoднecaм ocтaвкa aкo нa peфepeндyмoт имa пoвeќe глacoви „пpoтив“

Same. I will leave Macedonia if this referendum fails

>first it was if the census isn't reached
>now if there are more votes against
manipulative manlet gypsy subhuman

мaмa ти дeбa либepacткa, иди cи в гeйpoпaтa и cпpи дa ce пpaвиш нa интepeceн

>ce чy глac oт oтвopeния пpoзopeц нa тaкcитo

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в мoeтo ceлo нямa тaкcитa

фaкинг лoл

I will move to a country with a more forward thinking population .. like Bulgaria

But I still have faith Macedonians are not majority-retarded

We have loads of retards too.

Znaesh kak e tuk na istocniq brqg

>I will move to a country with a more forward thinking population .. like Bulgaria
>But I still have faith Macedonians are not majority-retarded

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aй дoнт кep, йo тeнгo кaнcep

>I will leave Macedonia if this referendum fails
the more monkeys leave the better
i now hope the majority of referendum's votes will be against

proof that mussolini is albaniyan

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>shiptar intellectuals
You'll be left with the serbs and the ultranationalist retards.

xpozed, fyrombey?