Anyone else who's getting depressed while seeing pictures like this?

Anyone else who's getting depressed while seeing pictures like this?

Attached: Mountains.jpg (850x564, 405K)

No because I'm not a mountainlet

the sea is nice, too, dutchboi

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nah, the sea is for fags with scurvy

mountains are for redpilled people

t. guy who lives near the Harz

seeing pics of Norway just makes me want to kill my self dessu

I can just go outside and see the same, so no.


Where is this? Looks nice. Switzerland or Austria?

what, how

you have nicer, more diverse nature

More diverse yes, but even the average landscapes of Norway are just stunning. I have to go way out of my way to see anything that cool.

we don't have fjords or aurora borealis also climate change might fuck our already rare periods of snow

Attached: 1517494380933.png (205x246, 5K)

Nope, just wanderlust and awe in the diverse ecology of the planet we live in

too mountainous

But we have N-I-G-G-E-R-S

Kind of. It makes me feel lonely while pictures of busy streets in cities have an opposite effect on me.

i hate places like these

Fuck off

only cause i'm too lazy to move to a more scenic part of this country

I really like the North Sea. It's raw and shit. Very nice in it's own way

>grow up in small alpine village
>no jobs, so my parents move to the city
>not even a nice part because we have no money
>spend youth surrounded by concrete block all day err day

Living in a city sucks. I will try to get away from here after uni but outlook is bad, because even today there are not enough jobs. I will die surrounded by concrete blocks.

I grew up in rural Netherlands. It's hell

Don't be so edgy, faggot.

Where are you now?

What degree are you getting?


Afaik Netherlands is so densely populated the "rural" areas would be considered suburbs somewhere else. You're always relatively close to a city.

Looks like my backyard desu in early fall

>but outlook is bad
Südtirol und Tirol haben doch genug Industrie?

I live in the green heart.

Super comfy.

Not me. Looks nice.

Écoute moi bien fils de pute, tu doit vraiment être une putain de pédale pour chialer à propos des paysages français. La France possède quasiment tout les climats possibles sur terre, est l'un des pays européens les plus vastes, est présente sur six continents et dans tout les océans. On trouve en France des plages, des montagnes, des plaines et des vallées, des forêts, des pâturages, des grèves, des bords de mer, des collines, des jungles, des paysages arctiques et antarctiques, des îles tropicales et des terres glacées. Alors tu va pas chier pour des aurores boréales (que, au passage on trouve également à Saint Pierre et miquelon, c'est à dire en France).

no met,

pic is here I ride my bike

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Jesus I'm sorry. I grew up in Birmingham and Memphis is scary to me.

If I was there I'd jump off a fjord after having eaten my last knäckebröd.

C'est une pâte faite maison ?

>no met,
not, me

a-are there girls living like this?

Attached: 7fa3.jpg (736x1104, 106K)

What the fuck? She looks like me if I was a girl. That's disgusting.

actually, yes. but they dress like this only on special occasions

Do you often think about what you'd look like as a girl ?

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Americans learn that in school.

I'm not a queermosexual.

>Live in the countryside
>Indian reserve nearby builds a casino
>Countryside I grew up in gets raped as venture capitalists buy up all the land and convert it into all sorts of garbage to cash in on the new casino
>Can't see the night sky anymore due to light pollution
>Used to be able to walk to everything, now shitty sprawl is everywhere
>Daily robberies and break ins by drunks and gamblers
>The clean lake everyone used to swim in is now horribly polluted with trash and all the fish are dead
>Leaves get less colorful every autumn
I used to be baffled by the Unabomber, but now I know how Ted Kaczynski felt when he saw the few things he cared about be destroyed for profit.

I'm only getting depressed while looking at low quality uploads like this

But you have the Eiffel Tower, the Palace of Versailles, Lascaux, Carnac stones, Mont St Michel, Chenonceau, Mont Blanc, and more! Open your eyes and see the beauty in your own nation. Envying others without acknowledging your own beauty will only lead to a failure of self and a failure in your country. Be proud in your people, be proud in your country! You think people visit France to complain about the lack of fjords? No! They're complaining how they don't have a bakery back home that can make such good pain au chocolat! They complain about not getting the chance to live in the fresh French countryside! They complain about having only a week to experience the culmination of centuries' worth of quintessential European culture, all of which is compressed into the 543,940 km2 of metropolitan France! You may not have auroras to brighten the night sky, but why does that matter to the City of Light? You have great things right at the other side of your door, and I implore you to take a step down those rustic cobblestone roads, past that sweet boulangerie, and right into the essence of your country. Drink a cafe au lait, have a smoke, and just let the day go by as you revel in the authentic French experience others can only dream of having, for you are not German, Norwegian, or American, but as French as the Tricolour, Wine, and Baguettes!

Attached: 11203621_10153220645781223_6563244889493128829_o.jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

i don't know why you brought culture into this i was talking about climate and landscapes

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At least you guys get snow.

Because France has nice stuff too and you can't overlook all the great things you already have because it might not snow.

you have few reason to complain yourself though

Attached: greece.jpg (900x467, 129K)

Does it actually rarely snow in France? That's boring

>relatively large
>temperate oceanic climate with some Mediterranean in the South
>no blizzards and no massive droughts
>few earthquakes
>plenty of coastline both Atlantic and Mediterranean with many islands and beaches, rivieras
>mountains, alpine pastures, rolling hills
>tons of navigable rivers
>fertile land from North to South
>no deserts or very dry areas
>plenty of forests

France has near perfect geography.

Attached: France_coast.jpg (2005x1903, 1.14M)

And plenty of bougnoules.
All this ruins the perfect geography, which is an ideal climate for bougnoules to expand.

This desu.


"Golden coast" is a metaphor for the many vineyards there.

Attached: 800px-Vignoble_Morey_Saint_Denis.jpg (800x600, 138K)

It's only a map showing all regions with "Côte in it".

Trolltunga is for you

Attached: norway-bergen-fjords-trolltunga-view-as_8b788deac97ee849043488b90b63f7db.jpg (800x491, 119K)

every pic i see of Norway looks impressive but then i look up the height and that is only 950m tall

Does it really matter though? If you like heights, this place isn't for you. If you like fjords, you're welcome here anytime you want.

God. This never fails to make me sad.

I feel like it wouldn't be a big deal for me though because i've personally seen much larger and prettier Mountains/gorges

Actually it makes me calm, placid. I like it.



This, was going to post something similar.

no, I like where I live, yorkshire is a weird mix of bleakness and beauty

Attached: 12967308_10154155563744308_4968461398669583476_o.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

>tfw one state away from Norway tier views


Attached: Probability of a 'White Christmas'.png (673x767, 154K)

Looks like my backyard