A 13 year old used me she pretended to like me while she had a boyfriend her own age

a 13 year old used me she pretended to like me while she had a boyfriend her own age.

Attached: 1532246091618.png (550x535, 200K)

Did she grow up to be a nurse?

Hello. I am a deep web investigator from /qa/ inquiring about this nurse spammer. I was wondering, is he still active? What happened to him? What did he post?

Thank you.

are you the gay or retard?

Was active recently

Attached: nurse.png (1655x1442, 377K)

this is so funny, why is he complaining about nurses? also didn't he spam a bunch of threads about nurse hate with an image of a hanged red pepe? are these bot posts?

nobody knows
some say he is old as universe itself
poor lad

Attached: clfvwnhuc2d11.jpg (1860x971, 706K)

oh my god. you do not even know how hard that makes me lole. i wish there was a higher quality version of that image because it's so humorous.

thank you for not hating me anymore, finposter.

We suspect that the nurse thing was one of a few Ruses, His name is Lachlan and he allegedly can't hold down a job, is coddled by his single mother, MIGHT shit in the shower, might have some scrotam issues to go along with his micro dick...there is a lot of lore involved

Attached: 1532076877628.png (1339x615, 302K)

I hope he's cute because I want to meet him!

back to /qa/

what why

just kidding please stay we need more friendly posters

i love u freidn :)

thank u frin


holy shit can this faggot jevin go back to where they came from and never come back again the shear amount of cringe in this thread is off the charts.

can u stop being rude


bitch nigga kill yourself

i will kill your entire family


>someone reposted your screenshot
okay i feel accomplished

that's rich coming from a mexican