The older the religion the more correct it is

>the older the religion the more correct it is

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>any religion being correct

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Desu brainlets and geniuses are religious.
Moderately smart people are atheists.

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>christianity is a european religion

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Organized religion is OOGA BOOGA-tier to be quite honest

Not all religion is organized.

>if we make some new scripture it's not Judiasm

literally Christianity and Islam, the Jews must have hilarious conversations in private about how pathetic it is

This, but unironcally.

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I mean, the problem here is that everything with a tradition and customs can be considered organized, which would include all spiritual traditions of today, even animism and paganism
Anyone with an IQ above 80 knows how purest religious form works, which doesn't necessarily imply to reject all these ritual expressions but to invent them for yourself and create your own fashion to address god, why do we still cling to historical spiritual leaders as guides when we're aware of an eternal law that was always and will always be relevant, not only for a brief period of time in a certain place

I think you might be losing perspective. Religion should be a means to an end. You should be more concerned with your spiritual well being. Whether you achieve that on your own or with the help of a mentor doesn't matter.

Who are you quoting?

judea was literally a roman province though so its def western and jesus was white so its fair to call it european

>I'm atheist

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>paganism is native European religion

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Are you in some new age cult or something then?

What is it if not European m8?

>calling the religions native to north europe 'paganism'

Eurasian steppe rape baby

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I must be a brainlet. I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here.

>jesus was white
Umm, define "white" in your own words.

You realize how dumb you are if you're religious?

Hellenic religion is older than Judaism.
My Hellenic faith is superior to every other mythology.

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>assuming anything we perceive with our senses is real and not just our brain's best guess at what it is perceiving
>implying anything is correct, including religion
take the true redpill, brothers

literally noone has ever said that

If the stories in your holy book require magick to work then it's based real events as much as any other fantasy book is.

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>Religion makes you dumb

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>if we make some new scripture it's not zoroastrism

Literally judaism. Zoroastranists must have hilarious conversations in private about how pathetic it is