Argentina isn't whi-

Argentina isn't whi-

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>destroys your economy and enslaves your children
they are wh*te where it counts

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Funny thing: his family is from southern italy

Yes, he is mafioso

Mexico isn't whi-

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Mexico didnĀ“t receive 5 million europeans in the end of XIX century

just because joe montana is the president doesn't mean they're white

Dominican Republic is bl-

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Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile have received 12 million europeans since the end of XIX century,

Sao Paulo used to be the safest and one of the better places in the American Continent until the nogs from Northeast start to arrive in the state.

joe who? isn't that the Doctor Who dude?

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Isn't he crashing the Argentinian economy?

joe montana, won 4 superbowls

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No, that was Christina.

We have been on this road for years. He did nothing new.

probably. southrons are terrible with money. broad catholic heada cannot into exchange rates

both of them actually, just like literally every single president we've had since 1999

Unfucking what Cristina did must be hard as fuck, though.

Nice damage control.

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It was even worse before, and he got unlucky when the US dollar started to strengthen like crazy against everyone.

christina did what her husband already did
it's not his creation, but they have a weak economy, other than beef and soy they don't export much

Stfu, nobody is talking about Brazil

If he's white, then what color is that background next to him then?

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everyone here always has excuses when conservatives trash the economy

no, it's really not that hard when you actually know jackshit about economy

Then why don't you do it?

because, just like literally everyone in the government right now, I don't know jackshit about economy

no one who really knows about macro economy wants to get into the obscure corrupt shit that is argentinian politics

>Leftypol memes
Absolute cringe

Leftypol can't meme, less they degrade into some sort of infighting about communist praxis or what not.

I on the otherhand have no qualms about shitposting. Call me a reactionary if you will.

Chile received 90k or 2% of the pipulation at that time

Get over it, we are better than any of the other places and we are not wh*te, even our president is of INCAN descent

any of the other places you mentioned*

Ahh yes, keep feeding our egos, nothing better for an Argie to read "turns out Argentina isn't totally a shithole"