How do we stop abortion? Our country needs more children

How do we stop abortion? Our country needs more children.

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Make Romania Orthodox Again

Austria single handedly saving Western Europe. Damn

It's not working...

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Only Hollanders (filled with foreigners) abort people.

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Well there's a reason they call them Irish twins

Abortions are usually done by lower class people and especially immigrants, they have a positive eugenic effect.

Based Poles and Austrians, only moral Europeans.

Abortions are based and redpilled.

The absolute state of Ukraine.

based israel, makes me laugh when people from europe talk about how immoral they are, then you see this map. eurofags can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk

bullshit meme map

Tel Aviv is the Sodom and Gomorrah of our times. Rest of Israel is fine though.

The world needs a lot less people but europe isn't really the biggest problem

>Our country needs more children.
Why the fuck would you want that?

The world can sustain a lot of people, even with non-renewable resources. The problem is that most of the world's population is third-world Africans and Asians and that the powers that be handle such resources extremely poorly. Europe doesn't need to worry about over population.

We're going extinct.

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Why is this a concern? You're not gonna be alive by the time that happens. We need to focus on improving our country, not on shitting out more people that will go abroad anyway.

in due time, vietnamese and thais will help us

>tfw no asian romanian gf

Nothing can be done by the government to further or help our people.

Supporting a few easily marketable policies that help our people is the most you should expect out of the government the rest lies in the communities of people.

Abortion should be banned.

>Why is this a concern? You're not gonna be alive by the time that happens
I want my nation to survive.
>We need to focus on improving our country, not on shitting out more people that will go abroad anyway
To improve the country we need to reduce both emigration and increase the birthrate.

The government are the slave owners and we are the slaves they view you not as equals.

How to increase birthrate?
Obtain income or a profession and have many children, 20 or so should be fine.

Make sure people of your community are doing their part as well, educate the children, feed them and when they grow up they can obtain professions and occupations.

let the BLACK BULLs do the magic for you

Da-ti-mi voie ca sa va explic: Romanii, pe de o parte sunt 90% suboameni cu un iq de 2 cifre, pe de alta parte sunt egoisti care nu vor sa isi asume o asa MARE responsabilitate.


I understand, but you shouldn't focus on increasing the birthrate when there are other crippling issues, like low development and government corruption that need to be addressed first. Abortion is murder but so is letting people die in a shit country.

Those are issues that can be resolved later. This is an existential issue that will only get worse if we ignore it longer.

>Our country needs more children.

You will die anyway. At least you don't have to live your days in the overpopulated country.

You neonatalists are fucking retarded.

>shit out more children
>but let the country get worse at the hands of gypsies and corrupt politicians
Codreanu would be rolling in his grave

Codreanu lived at a time when the population was in full growth.

And when the country wasn't absolute shit.

but it was. we were always behind 50 steps behind the big boi elite brotherhood also called "The West" ®. just accept the fact that we are one of the transitory territory between "The West" ® and big bad red boi(you know who)