

My life is just a void of pain.

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That's right. Bend over, you sissy m*nlet.

I am 20 cm taller than you. Come here.

Fuck off degenerate lanklets

I'm 168
fuck off lanket Pekka

I'm 162 cm, you don't know true manlet pain

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I know that feel...
I will never get a bf because I am too short...


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I am an absolute unit of a man.

be my gf

That's normal height
Taller than average than pretty much everywhere

be my gf

I'm not a girl

Really? Post photo

Are you immigrant scum? How can a Dane be so short?

>the chad manlet

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It's below average in all white countries.

Sorry frenchie. I want a cute small bf.

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real life isn't basketball. super-tall freaks are worse off than normal height people, too.

>post photo

Not an immigrant, and I don't know how

>192 cm

cry more fin boy

It's alright, we all want that. I'm 15 cm taller than you so I thought you could fit the bill.

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height doesn't matter, I'm 193cm but a virgin

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