There are still diesel trains in Norway

>There are still diesel trains in Norway
>99% of the railroad system is one track instead of double track
>The railroad ends in Bodo, there is no railroad north of that
Sweden has electrified railway all the way to bumfuck Storlien ages ago but Norway haven't so there is no unified electrified railway from Trondheim to Stockholm, but you have to change trains at Storlien.

Attached: dieseltog.jpg (1600x912, 216K)

>There are still diesel trains in Norway

Same here, a lot of them.

>99% of the railroad system is one track instead of double track

With your population density you simply don't need more

>Sweden has electrified railway all the way to bumfuck Storlien

Sweden was a big empire and a European powerhouse, Norway was always a provincial backwater so you had no need for a dense railway network.

>Sweden was a big empire and a European powerhouse, Norway was always a provincial backwater so you had no need for a dense railway network.
Do not remind me, just look at the railroad system a 100 years ago as well!

Attached: Kart_over_jernbaner_i_Norge,_Sverige_og_Danmark_(1897) enda mindre.jpg (1776x2325, 2.11M)

why take the train if you can just drive down a six-lane highway?

Attached: Vestfold.jpg (408x439, 46K)

More like 2 lanes at best and one most of time

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nah, we actually have multiple-lane roads here. you're thinking of the mountain apes

There is literally nothing wrong with diesel trains, the engines they have, especially the more modern ones are exceedingly efficient.

>claim your electric trains are more eco friendly
>electric trains use electricity generated from fossil fuel while diesel train uses it directly
Guess which one is more efficient

>electric trains use electricity generated from fossil fuel

Attached: Et-vannkraftverk-web[1].jpg (600x382, 102K)

>electric trains use electricity generated from fossil fuel
That's not the case here.

Attached: renewables.jpg (467x822, 168K)

Dude, Norway produces so much hydropower electricity we have enough electricity for two Norways. We are rich from selling electricity to Germany.

Probably not the small engine starting and stopping and not running on optimal rpms.

As someone who grew up in a junction town (it literally had the word "Junction" in the name up until the late 19th century) with not even a double, not even a triple, but a quadruple train track... I actually can't comprehend your feels

I'm a very heavy sleeper because I had to acclimate to the constant sound of cargo trains and passenger trains 24/7.

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Bravo Albania

Why would anyone ever want to travel from Trondheim to Stockholm by train when they can fly there in like an hour? The real problem is that there's no proper railway connecting Trondheim to Bergen and Bergen to Stavanger without taking a ridiculously long detour through Oslo.

Ours is as bad except we're a small country with flat terrain.

>Why would anyone ever want to travel from Trondheim to Stockholm by train when they can fly there in like an hour?
Because it would be nicer if they could make a cheaper train to do it.

Electrified railroad can actually take heavier cargo than diesel trains. That is why the railroad between Narvik and Kiruna that transports millions of tons of iron ore every year is electrified.

Why Albania and not Nepal or Iceland?

At least you're not Denmark.

>25 kV just as a fuck you to the neighbors

Attached: scandinavian-peninsulas.png (1244x2053, 104K)

>train engine
>starting and stopping
>running at inefficient rpms
Wtf dude how do you even manage to be so wrong?

its easy to be 100% renewable when no one has access to electricity like in albania

That railway would need to be between 700 and 800km long using the shortest route. A high-speed train would never be able to compete with air travel on such a long distance. Just covering the costs of building such a railway would take decades with the low number of passengers here, Japan could barely make their Shinkansen competitive with air travel on such distances.

Engine efficiency and generation efficiency are two separate things. Electric engines for a large part, are more efficient compared to combustion engines, most common trains have around 36% efficiency, where as electric trains sit at roughly 90%. It doesnt matter how the energy is generated (fossil vs renewable) its that electric trains are being far more efficient at using that energy.

>australian intelligence

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Nice map.

lol, I literally work there

Trondheim and Stockholm are both port cities though, so I doubt there's a lot of land cargo between the two considering how much lower the costs of sea cargo are. Kiruna is a different story, they need a good railway connection to Narvik to get their exports to sea.

Combustion engines have a lower efficiency due to the laws of thermodynamics and the work to heat conversion ratio. The higher the efficiency, the less fuel it will use. So the only way to get a net loss of efficiency is to have a generation ineffeciency of 56% or higher.

Its as efficient to run an internal combustion train on diesel, than it is to run an electric train with 3 reciprocating steam engines from 1881

Norway is not a train country... way too small population for that considering our country is longer than the distance from Madrid to Berlin or the distance from Mexico to Canada on the US west coast.

Also, our terrain is not train (te-train?) friendly.

True. But considering the size and length of Norway and the population... it's to be expected.
It's a huge country.

>We are rich from selling electricity to Germany.

Rich from that? FAR from it. Stupid politicians building cables to the continent and selling OUR water. We used to have some of the cheapest electricity in Europe... now it's going to become way more expensive because of the export (that we didn't have before).

Only plus is that we actually IMPORTED electricity from Germany this summer because of the dry weather.

Are you saying it is a efficient way to produce electricity? Makes me wonder why power plants are in the 500MV tier and trains what? Less than 2MV?

MW even.

Well, you could say the same about gas.

I have all of this within 100km of me.

Hurray for spotty population density!

let me tell you something. trains are overrated.
you can just drive or fly. norway is a miniature america. they don't need no fucking trains

You have the world's longest rail network, and do more shipping on it than Europe.

The US rail network is longer than all of the EU?
Could be, but considering how much rails there are on the European continent... I find it a bit hard to believe.

>eurolets cant afford trains

Attached: Cs1OMksW8AAJowr.jpg (480x854, 61K)

How is our salmon doing?

>be rich
>poison our salmon industry because you still need more money

Longer than any country in the EU, but they do send more goods across it daily than the entire EU


We literally created your salmon industry

>but they do send more goods across it daily than the entire EU

I believe that. I've seen some vids from some INSANELY long never ending US trains