

Attached: dabbing pepe illusion gang.jpg (640x320, 34K)

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Favourite Cadbury Favourite?

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are you not smart enough to realise he's a fictional character and extremely flawed?

love the youthful toad meme

breakfast eggs means breakfast eggs

I have been to Wakefield

twirl is GOAT

i have to say flake


a'ight lads

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not convincingly villanious
cute at best

Seeing lots of people on the ‘pchat going to various pride parades

Mmm yes, I am incredibly proud of shoving my knob in people’s arses


NASA has done far more research into our galaxy than any other space organisation in the world, which will benefit all of us
Stop being such a seething partisan little tankie and just appreciate all effort regardless from where it comes from if you're truly interested in the advancement of going into space and not just cheerleading for the USSR

cold turkey for one whole entire day

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think you have some odd people on t' 'chat then

>studying in a hospital in Aberdeen
>have to go to a tutorial led by a speech and language therapist because we're on our neuro block
>she's a 10/10 freshly graduated Kiwi

Dunno how the fuck she ended up in a miserable city in Scotland

Intelligent people are the cause of the world's suffering.

>clearly an actual aspie
>interest in LARPing
>namefagging with a rare flag

but it’s not mark lads

>dude space lmao

>kiwi speech and language therapist
deary me

erm. yikes.

heard it's good for banter

I invented the elevator

That curry fucked me up last night

Great for a night out and a fight

>for less than a fifth of the cost of the Iraq War, Britain could have been the second nation on earth to land on the moon

far rather destabalise Middle Eastern countries 2bh

my mouth could take it but my arse couldn't

>>clearly an actual aspie
prove it. nowt wrong with my cognitive abilities.

"I'll be back"
~the pooinator

have invented 7 items in regular use by western people

Proper, on bog now

you little shits

I love to belch
i love to fart
get yer tits out

i can take partial credit for the foundation of civilisation

Rather fond of the term, Supertaxi

fire pic related up bum

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anyone remember yesterday afternoons thread
was really grim and full of underage runts

Alri 'frica


just trying to fit into my new persona thanks.

how old were you lads when you had your first wank?

any 17+ stone man in?
thoroughly enjoy not being a twink

Just give us the tl;dr of your experience getting v& on terrorism charges and i’ll stop bothering you

/brit/ is actually a very tolerant and patient bunch

lads i really need to take a shit

13, put my cock 'tween two cushions, thoroughly remember it

*jiggles your belly*

done one already

fat cunt

not me. you'll have to ask mark.


didn't check but I felt somewhat lighter afterwards

cherry ripe > flake > picnic > dream > bubble > caramello > boost > moro > milk chocolate > marvellous creations >>>>>> turkish delight
simple as

house all to myself today. think i'll steal one of my sister's dresses and panties and masturbate loudly.

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what am I doing right now? why a poo of course

*on trial in Australia*
me: this is a kangaroo court
*everyone laughs*
I'm free to go

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Is it Pride every fucking weekend? Christ, you like shoving your penis up men's hairy arseholes. We get it.

alri tismullato

Raged when I saw they'd put the Pride colours on Uber, I'd like to think Mudassar and Ahmed did too


giggled out loud

same same

doing the ol' laundry or the 'dry as i like to call it because i am a busy man and don't have time for syllables

Used to be a night janitor for a building in london.
Was just me and 1 other guy alone in a huge building.

>i use uber

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doing a coke-fueled anxiety

I used to do this a lot

drinking green tea.

>Childish Gambino - This is America will be the "song of 2018"

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what was it like?
did you bum each other?

any weeb in?

do spoilers work here? [spoiler]wahey[/spoiler]

what's wrong with using available taxi service? is it considered chique over there?


wish pewdiepie's wife would get blacked

dont make me post those embarrassing tweets of his

nah mate it’s tismullato
mans an absolute degenerate nonce and bent twat

did you get time to fuck about or were you just in and out

cant get anything to work on my plex media centre

>nah mate it’s tismullato
>mans an absolute degenerate nonce and bent twat

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sounds comfy

Wasn't much to fuck out with. You just clocked in, got on with it and killed time until you're meant to leave.

back from my morning poo
had to split it into a two-parter with liberal use of bog roll and toilet bleach

fellow femoid co-toiler at the neo-mines keeps looking at me. every time I look at her I stare her deep in the eyes and she reciprocates. pretty sure i'm going to breed with her.

mcoys, ribena and a twirl
and a twirl


t. mark

>what's wrong with using available taxi service? is it considered chique over there?

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Listening to the Interstellar soundtrack whilst I clean up the house

fat fucking cunt


does sound a bit shit

>fellow femoid
r u a girl

uninformed simpleton

rollin rollin rollin got me stargazing


no, i meant fellow as in co-toiler.