Wtf korea

Wtf korea.

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>India is safe from this

Always one step ahead

Fucking in public toilets is a fetish of mine, so that would just make it even hotter desu

>epedemic is unfolding
Asian voyeur has been big for a decade.

Wasn't that just a nip thing?

is it actually good?

this poster is correct.
idiot people just realised it

Shouldn't have banned porn

It's illegal to shoot women on the street in Korea.

If you're a guy then why would you care, it's not like you're affected by it

Just Persecutory delusion of Kimchi feminists

wont defend sk but bbc is very tolerant to being a pedophile in the uk

>going to the toilets when you're not home
The absolute state of foreigners

I wouldn't want everyone to see my tiny 12 cm pecker.


By the way. Guys, what's new in north korea? Are they alive? Didn't blow a nuke?

this. shit womad

Wait I thought all those voyeur porn videos were staged? They were actually real?

I too want to know this

>Would you use a public toilet if there was a chance someone had hidden a camera inside?
I'd wanna use it even more

It's illegal to shoot women anywhere, mate.

>Ban porn
>Make your society full of sexually frustrated creeps

>"poo in loo", they said
this is why Korea won't be a superpower by 2020

creeps > street shitters
huezil is both, so we know

>implying Indian dudes aren't known for being creepy
come on lad

i bet that that is only on social media

More rape happens in india than the rest of the world combined.

yeah irl Indian men are #1 most desired by women all over

Who the fuck us attracted to women shitting and peeing ah the gooks.

Where are they posting the pics though?

I dont mind if someone takes a picture of my penis

More rape happens in a day in US prisons than an entire year in India.

>highly technologically advanced society filled with socially awkward people in urban environments
>ban porn
>young men turn into sexually frustrated weirdos

There are multiple large imageboard style sites where koreans post their shit. If you want to jerk off just google 화장실 뱃사공

That's hot

based af
now (((they))) can't manipulate based koreans anymore with cuck porn

More proof that m*les are horny apes and should be castrated if they don't have a gf by 18.

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That's what I thought as well until now.


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Korea banned porn?

it's banned in both koreas

the leaf says the truth

Or they could, you know, go out and socialize with women...


In b4 “but if you do everything women want 24/7 they would never do that to you!”

>socializing with women
Yellow subhumans are the most beta population in the world. You're asking too much.

It means photo shoot.

>go out and socialize with women...
Hahaha i bet you kiss girls too you fucking faggot

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it's possible if protestantism and confucianism are mixed,
Korea is no different from the taliban.

t. Rajeesh

>ban porn
>ban sex doll
>ban sex manga
>ban to take a picture of women in public because someone can masturbate to see it

this is Confucian taliban

t. la cucaracha

>Or they could, you know, go out and socialize with women...

Korea is a feminist shithole, that doesn't work for the natives.

maybe its more of your cucked christianity. purism and puritan crap come from christianity not confucianism

though your regimes are historically very strict for nothing, and your society tends to focus on "virtue"

Implying banning porn is bad

It's true that asceticism is the result of christians accepted from america after independence.

but confucianism is enough shit. rankism, authoritarianism, customs that ignore commerce and industry.. Confucianism only has left many fucking shit cultures