david lunch lol
This is what they took from us.
kept staring at some coke whore's chebs last night, hope the gf didn't catch me looking ahahah
more like isn't real hahaha
when black & white work together we can achieve anything
Palestine? more like not a country lmao
>makes you question your sexuality
me and the lads
Bullied an autistic kid online for years, feel kind of bad about it now
not really. he's pretty but I'm not sexually attracted to the guy, wouldn't want to put my penis in him
in fact, the only reason he's pretty is because he looks very feminine, which kind of affirms an attraction to female traits instead of male traits
I don't even need sex
Just need my oneitis to hold my hand and smile at me
why? he's a bit uggo
just failed my second attempt at no fap august
Are you based and redpilled?
How is that even physically possible? I would have thought the most damaging part would be to the tendons or bones just snapping.
cheapest way to get fucked up on a Saturday?
I'm cringe and blackpilled
slimey jewish claws typed this post
say that shit to my face fucker
headbutt a brick wall
probably insanely high blood pressure
eww what is that troll looking thing?
probably a few bottles of shit wine from a supermarket
ridiculously cheap
if you actually care about Palestine then there's no way you're not a smelly goat fucking inbred Muslim cunt
When you lift weights like that you completely fuck everything in your body. The pressure on your veins is huge and the flow gets completely fucked.
I used to do a bit of amateur strongman stuff and when I did yolks (which is like a big frame) you become seriously light headed.
orange man bad
brown poo coloured people shouldn't exist to be honest. we should genetically engineer everyone to be perfect nordic specimens. not even racist just purely speaking in vain aesthetic terms.
orange man fucking nazi
alri rabbi, hows it going
can't have the light without the darkness innit
Some roaming gypsies marked my home last night but failed to realise who my family were in the gypsy community.
oh dear oh dear
Interesting. Would you know if it's that they block off flow to the important places or is it like the old joke that you only have enough blood to do one thing at a time?
don't know no rabbis, how's your imam though Iftikhar Abdullah Al-Rashid?
we can certainly try.
while you were picking pockets, I studied the bloodsucking
so this is how the romans felt
>don't know no rabbis
hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
Most of the pickpockets are roma scum, wouldn't wipe my arse with them.
when everyone's super
no one will be
Ottermode is the ideal
Anything bigger and you'll attract the wrong women
Looking like you lift in a shirt is a bad thing
Oh, so you're the other type of scum.
veggie patty from subbers is peng
Light headedness is mostly from the fact you aren't breathing at all during the lift. But Eddie lifted half a tonne so god knows how much that shit fucks you.
better to look like you lift in a shirt than to look like you're a shirtlifter
smelly dumb fenian scum
nice cope
would mog the shit out of you with my big arms any day
What's the name of that disease?
"i got you on my mind but you will never know" itis or something
will i die if i eat an out of date pot noodle
don't see how a pot noodle could go off so i'll be fine surely
Nah fampai
Ottermode above 6' still takes a 4 plate DL
>nice cope
>would mog the shit out of you with my big arms any day
never seen a good looking person who didn't at least have some european or north east asian blood in them. why are all the other races so ugly?
fat orange bastard nonce
My family is a long line of tinkers but have since moved off on my own.
yeah niggerpai
I've got abs
why did Nelson Mandela have a Japanese accent
From what I observe,girls are starting to pick up on this massive influx of autistic mongs trying to gymcel their way out of their misery and ending up as jacked boneheads with no social skills, no social life, distasteful narcissismand flaw-fuelledinsecurity.
So what this is doing is basically giving guys with muscled physiques a more "guilty until proven innocent" sort of approach by women because so many loser gymcels are devaluingmuscular physiques and giving them abad rep by association with incel lifestyles.You get screened harder as a gymcel because now people are like "well, he can either be a jock or he can be one of those weirdo gymcels" and people spend extra time and attention cultivating that information from a musclebound dude than they do a normal one. The spectrum of behaviours you're allowed to exhibit as a jacekd dude are much more refined and narrow.
She asked me if I do this every day, I said "Often"
Asked how many times she rode the wave, "Not so often"
Bitches down to do it either way, often
Baby I can make that pussy rain, often
Often, often, girl I do this often
Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it
Often, often, girl I do this often
Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it, often
my mate was trying to argue that aguero and suarez are around the same level as henry in his prime
they're both world class but come on now
The fast is very difficult today for some reason lads
Saw a gypsy marking my house once. Was probably after my dog.
girls talk about boys literally all the time it's so pathetic
would pulverise the snot out of any bog trotting irish fairy who dared come in my vicinity
oh fuck off with this NIGGER music
new two dollars twenty out lads
sometimes the gf will say something cheeky to be funny but I'll just completely ignore that she said anything like I didn't even hear her and change the conversation, putting her in her place
you know i'm right
The Weeknd is white, based and redpilled
*drives past you*
just got the 23andme
Liverpool Torres was the best striker in Premiership history
Mad how niggerfied the youtube trending section has become
their lives revolve around taking cock, and they aren't capable of intellectual discussion
might reinstall grindr
literally what
I dont even like clicking it
So fucking grim
Nice inbreeding there
baited for this exact virgin
>North Korea's nuclear programme has not been halted, says UN
ah yes president deals has done it again
it's undeniably henry stop being contrarian