What do japs think about weebs?

what do japs think about weebs?
if i were a jap, I would think it's cool for all those people to like my country but god damn those people are cringy as fuck
same thing goes to those white hoes watching korean "dorama"

Attached: Weebs+think+my+country+is+anime+land+_e5eadb4f84ad2e23a2300ca79a459eda.jpg (502x523, 41K)

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nothing, we don't care about them
they may be good tourists

but we do hate all anti-Japan activists in Korea/China/Japan

Just as cringe as kpop fans

Jesus Christ

What about foreigners obsessed with K-pop stars? Seems retarded to me

but your women love Japan

Attached: russian pub in chiba japan.jpg (485x354, 25K)

from my experience normal weebs are dying out. instead sjweebs have come into existence. they are much more annoying af and turn the same hatred of whites toward japanese despite consuming japanese media hard.

I hope your joking.

they certainly exist. take a look at liberal leaning nerd sites like resetera. they consume anything japanese and definitely secretly fap to hentai yet bash japanese/japanese culture hard. they cant stop picking on it. i dunno bout the reason tho.


and Japanese women love Russian men

Attached: 1533039140494.jpg (1068x960, 340K)

those are russian sex workers in japan
it will cost around 95usd per hour

Attached: elsa.jpg (927x604, 79K)

there are also many hot Korean girls here and there

Attached: hot korean girls in Texas.jpg (600x750, 76K)

Cool story, mate.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-04-23-01-34-616_com.android.chrome.jpg (720x1234, 200K)

hard to accept the truth? kek!

Attached: kasai Hcup.jpg (929x600, 115K)


there's 100 000 Japs living in Britain
majority of them are women and have british husbands/boyfriends

Weebs can only be a good thing for Japan, they will integrate and help out with their declining birthrates.

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its too bad this is the reality when you go to Japan

Attached: 1524751371461.jpg (1600x1200, 513K)



pic related, Japanese princess - great-granddaughter of Hirohito

Attached: japanese princess.jpg (400x400, 18K)

>proud of wmaf
>wm like these af


Attached: retard.jpg.w300h341.jpg (300x341, 17K)


Attached: South Korea National Women's Soccer Team.jpg (1024x395, 127K)

Japanese women who come here are beautiful Yamato Nadeshikos
They love British gentlemen so much it can't be helped

but you are ugly gook in the uk anyway, so unrelated

Attached: gook player in uk.jpg (642x520, 87K)