Can any Americans tell me why you guys are always so aggressive towards your police officers?

Can any Americans tell me why you guys are always so aggressive towards your police officers?

>Hello Sir, could I s-
>starts recording encounter
>Yes sir, bu-
>AM I BEING DETAINED (repeat 10 times)

Like holy shit man, I understand, I understand you do have all your rights and all that... but what's wrong with simply answering questions when/if the cop is being nice to you? I was never treated badly by a cop here in Brazil and our police can be quite shitty too, but I imagine it's because the few times I've been stopped I treated them nicely.

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We're not

Nobody ever sees the 10,000 encounters an officer has with people that are normal, they just see the bad ones.

Police officers are not in the business of "being nice to you". Their departments are funded by a combination of the fines they collects and kickbacks from privately owned prisons. They are NOT your friends.

Oh shut the fuck up.

You've obviously never worked with a police officer. They are some of the most professional people in all of the USA.
Not to mention there are countless times that they save people from suicide, risk their lives to keep people from being in danger, etc. etc.

You're just taking your information from cherrypicked stories and the anti-cop propaganda that has been spewed out over the past decade.


Attached: eazy_e_apu.jpg (552x378, 16K)

We can't just pay them off like you do

>save people from suicide
wtf i hate american police now. if someone wants to die let them

Nobody actually does this irl, stop basing your worldview off of Youtube Senor Retardo

Shut up

Suicide gives m*rgues business

The American supreme court unironically ruled that the American police has no constitutional duty to protect American citizens from harm. Se DeShaney v. Winnebago county.

If you haven't done anything wrong, the cops has no right to demand you to stop and harass you. They can act polite, but they're still making demands of you. Not cool.

If you have done something wrong, there's no reason to be polite to the cops. It's their job to prove you did something wrong, and if you're nice to them you're more likely to admit to something.

based. everyoe should have the right to end their miserable lives. nobody asks to be born. least you can do is go out on your own terms

Sovereign citizens

iirc not too long ago a SWAT team shot someone that wanted to kill himself

Because cops are retards

>Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops

>Not letting mutts kill themselves

It doesn't really matter if they're professional, they defend and support a corrupt goverment. If the legislators suddenly released yet another law that violates citizens' rights, cops are the ones enforcing it, and they do it voluntarily. They deserve no sympathy. Remember, it was normal, stable cops in germany during ww2 who ended up rounding up undersirables and shipping them off, or executing them outright. Always be wary of cops, soldiers, or anyone with a position of authority over you.

based and redpilled


At least we don't get shot, even when officers are clearly armed they also resort to fist fights.

Address the points in the post if you're going to reply at all, thanks.

based and redpilled

Thanks for another phrase to filter.

>Here's your $50000 bill for SWAT suicide rescue, sir, don't forget to tip.

You would get shot here desu.

never talk to cops

they are legally allowed to lie to you about anything and often are specifically trained to lie to you about your rights to trick you into doing somethig harmful to yourself

meanwhile, lying to a police officer is a serious crime and they wont hesitate to stick you in a cell overnight for it while also confiscating all your loose change and money in your wallet and requiring a 6-month long application process to get your money back which is nearly impossible

Dont Talk To Cops, EVER
They are NOT your friends

bäséd and rouge-pillé

Everyone knows Mexican police are owned by the drug cartels. When they want to make a point, they chop peoples heads off.

Attached: 1200.jpg (300x180, 15K)

>When they want to make a point, they chop peoples heads off.

Lick boot harder fucko

Those are just niggers
Niggers do anything to get attention and feel victimized whenever they're confronted with anything bad they've caused. Many believe niggers are entitled to their chimping, so the niggers get support whenever they throw a fit, encouraging more from their race to act in the same way without consequences.

Im happy i dont live in 3rd world shit hole

that sounds fucking awful, I'm sorry. they're just as terrible here, if not much worse. feel like only a handful of countries in the world have good cops

You watch too much liveleak

Here the military police is the fourth branch of the military. And they investigate shootings, corruption, organized crime, smuggling, etc. So if the police commits a crime it's not in their own hands.

They are basically the FBI/DEA/border patrol in one. Except trained and equipped as soldiers.

Attached: Gendarmerie_Around_the_World.png (1425x625, 47K)

Your situation is no different.

So you don't trust police officers in Finland?

Most people do, but most people are retarded.

leftypol mutt

I don't understand it either. All the cops I've met are very nice and a couple have offered ride alongs.
I want to be a corrections officer and maybe later a patrol officer. Many people here work at the prison and the jail because there isn't many jobs around here. It is stable and the pay is decent.

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my encounter with the american police was nice, we talked way too long tho.

in northern muttland cops shot ppl
in southern muttland (apezil) ppl shot cops

>thinks he can call other people mutts
>doesn't even know the difference between present and past tenses (shot - shoot)

Ok Terrone

why were you stopped though?


strange, American cops seem to get really mad at people who are speeding.

Good thing your encounter ended up nicely.

It was a little tense before i got a chance to explain that im a foreigner. Guess thats why he let me go off easy.

Because the police are not there to be your friend. They are there to look for trouble and if they cant find any they create it. Never ever cooperate with the policr because they'll probably just end up harassing you for something. Also in my experience cops tend to be incredibly rude and officious while making like $70k starting on tax dollars. The majority of them make over 100k a year. Why the fuck should i be nice to them?

>while making like $70k starting on tax dollars. The majority of them make over 100k a year
Ok, I'm moving to Canada to become a police officer.

lol, the cop i met was nice, he asked alot about sweden

They should be paid well but they simply don't earn it.

also he seems to be driving 98 on a 70 road, i was only 5 miles over the speed limit

I thought the police was well liked in Canada

It takes 2 years to become a police officer in Canada I think

Baserat och röddpillrat

Cops earn close to minimum wage here.

They're not. They just don't go around shooting everyone like American cops so few people actually hate them. Most everyone would like them to do a better job though.

what's minimum wage in dudeweedland?

Memes aside alot of cops here are pretty nice people. But alot of them also are super insecure and authority jerks