>The Trump administration has overturned bans on the use of pesticides linked to declining bee populations and the cultivation of genetically modified crops in US national wildlife refuges.
Why do Americans hate nature?
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People here are literally retarded so they will vote against their own interests
Why isn't this decided by the congress in the first place?
woah americans, control your niggers syngenta and dupont
FDA is an executive department
>forgetting Monsanto
People on the 'right' here 'hate' nature because people on the 'left' here 'love' nature.
There's literally nothing wrong with GMOs
They don't. America is a corporate oligarchy, what the people want don't matter.
Because Jews hate nature.
They really do. Look it up.
A stupid trade war is obviously not enough to destroy American agriculture and depopulate rural America. Now they double down and poison the land.
So? Deciding what is legal and what isn't is the job of the legislative.
You have to come back
Do you think only america uses gmo? Most european products are gmo too
Most are eugenics. The Netherlands is world leading when it comes to plant eugenics but I don’t think we use a lot of GMO
Not in this regard
It was never a law in the first place
Monsanto does not exist any more. It's now part of Bayer. The German company that brought you Heroin and Zyklon B.
The EU is absolutely retarded about this topic. They prefer to listen to Greenpeace type of """""activists""""" instead of their own scientists out of political gain. After all, what kind of GMO monster hates nature and wants to cause cancer, right haha?
The evil of your current administration is reaching cartoonish levels ameribros. It's absolutely hilarious.
Based. Euros always go on about American anti-vaccers being nutcases but they are literally absolutely no different with their GMO hysteria.
EU blocked the takeover of Monsanto actually, but you won’t hear all the butthurt right wingers about it
FUCK bees and FUCK white people
We definitely import GMOs from brazil and argentina.
There’s a lot of business interest behind seemingly leftist policies enacted by the EU.
The reason bee populations are declining has more to do with the conversion of vast areas of the Midwest into corn, wheat, and soybean fields which are all wind pollinated crops that are useless to bees as a food source.
Based Americans conserved their nature historically much more than Europeans. Too bad neo cons and drumpfs always want to change that
Yes and feed it to cows and pretend we live GMO free
It is literally proven that neonicotinoids are responsible.
Keep your damage control/lies for somewhere else please.
>EU blocked the takeover of Monsanto
>tfw your garden has become a sanctuary for bumblebros
I see them almost every day, visiting the peppers, cucumbers, herbs, and some bushy vine growing on the neighbour's fence.
Get some lavender. They love that shit and it smells good if you plant a lot all in one spot.
I actually have lavender seeds but haven't tried planting them yet. I'll definitely give them a try.
When our oregano started flowering, it wasn't unusual to see 2-3 bumblebees visiting them around noon.
Welp, not surprising the US are a corporations playground if you only need to "persuade" one person to reverse everything that the former governments did.
For a country that is proud of its checks and balances, this is absolutely ridiculous.
We don't have checks and balances. Besides, this country is basically an open air mall.
Just like fracking doesnt pollute the groundwater, i remember americans on Jow Forums calling us retarded for that.
Americans should really be lobotomised at birth, wouldnt make much a difference in the end.
my garden is full of them too. I planted these beauties for them. They like them alot
We do tho
what's with the edgy hate. Americans are not one poster
>using pesticides and GM crops in wildlife refuges
I think as soon as a government agency has been created by the president, the president is the one calling all the shots there.
I mean, anti-vaccers literally started because of a fucking brit """doctor""". Fucking measles is making a come back in several Euro nations because important sectors in their countries actually bought into the autism and big pharma memes.
>my garden is full of them too. I planted these beauties for them. They like them alot
It's fucking comfy. They're much better to see in my garden than the wasps who seem more interested in bugging me.
>Fucking measles is making a come back in several Euro nations because important sectors in their countries actually bought into the autism and big pharma memes.
Measles only appear in towns where SGP, a hardcore reformed protestant party, is the biggest. Leftists over here actually created laws making it possible for the state to take custody over your child for 1 day to vaccinate them.
>People on the 'right' here 'hate' nature because people on the 'left' here 'love' nature.
Fucking hell
> Leftists over here actually created laws making it possible for the state to take custody over your child for 1 day to vaccinate them.
>GM plants are bad for the environment
>Wanting Americans to charge royalties for your seeds
I guess there are limits to cucking.
>Leftists over here actually created laws making it possible for the state to take custody over your child for 1 day to vaccinate them.
Fucking BASED.
Because nature stands in the way of profit, goy.
it's a meme not all conservatives are anti nature. Republicans in my county are pro- parks, open space and farmer markets
Imagine being a right winger.
I wonder why Americans always roll with these smug snowflake excuses for shitting on earth. Do they think they are cool and edgy or what the fuck?
>innocent bees
Pro-farmer =/ pro-nature. Farmers are some of the worst offenders when it comes to ruining the environment. The rest what you listed is about zoning, which is irrelevant when it comes to environmentalism.
Congress doesn't use half the ones they have the power to use.
Literally nothing you said is about nature. That's about zoning and businesses, typical Republican focuses. The farmer one is explicitly anti-nature, they are the worst.
What is even the benefit of this? It's a wild life refuge meant to be left alone
The only excuse I can imagine is that they want to plant things close to it that would be carried over by water/wind/wildlife etc
When you ask "Why is my administration doing this?!" the answer is with 99% certainty "big business interest". The rest 1% is trump playing up to his base.
Americans will bring the end we all deserve.
Departments created by the executive are just there to fulfill the legislative declarations set by the legislature. They generally have a lot of flex because the legislature usually provides just a general directive, but if something like this became a big deal the legislature still has the power to outright change specific regulations like this
>What is even the benefit of this?
Democrats are more in bed with big business. Unless you think big corporations having rainbow logos was 'organic' or something like that. Republicans are just cucks to Israel and the Saudis.
>Democrats are more in bed with big business
Even if that's true it's a very retarded thought
It's not a game of who is more fucked up, the degree to which both parties are is unacceptable
While Republicans are retards with a hard on for Democracy and Israel, the Democrats are an active subversive element in the government who openly campaign for destroying the country.
>the Democrats are an active subversive element in the government who openly campaign for destroying the country
You can say the same exact thing about republicans, but you seem to be giving them a pass for some reason
Is allowing practices commonly known to destroy bee populations somehow not destroying the country?
Obama didn't overturn bans on pesticides at the command of monsanto, syngenta and abyer though. Obama put Gina McCarthy, a notoriously anti-business person, as the head of EPA in 2013. Obama rejected the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Obama signed and used multiple acts for environmentalist reasons. Your current administration has done nothing similar, all they have done is dismantle what obama built to serve the interests of big business. Your deflection attempts are either retarded or desperate, depending on whether or not you're arguing in good or bad faith.
You cant use reason and logic to argue with yanks finbro. Theyre far too stupid for such nuance. Dont waste your time.
Partisan retards like you should hang. Republicans are cancer.
It would take too much time. Congress sets up these departments and gives them the power to make laws for them. At any time congress could overturn any decision they make or destroy a department altogether. The president technically doesn't have these powers but he's in charge of people who do. It doesn't matter though as long as it gives congress time to do nothing and waste money. Freedom isn't free