Post examples of regeneration in your city/country.
Post examples of regeneration in your city/country
Canadian master race
It's Italy, the only thing that changes is the photo quality
how is Salvini? Is he fixing italy or fucking it up?
the souls taste just as good as they tasted a thousand years ago
nice thread
Damn, Poland looks like THAT?
He's encouraging neo Nazis, soon people will feel free to shoot niggers on sight.
>Eastwood Ave
Detroit, my non-white friend :^)
That's fucking evil.
based, wish my country would do the same.
What's the difference except for better lighting and some paint?
fucking niggers
Look at the pavements and roads. It should be fairly obvious.
Bordeaux city
This is seriously infuriating. It's really sad in what Brazil had become.
some retarded little stubby war hero memorial vs the epic hueg spire (the biggest sculpture in the world
There used to be a normal traffic on the main square and it's gone. That's a good change
>don't have a war that turned your cities into dust
>still destroy your architecture anyway
brazil should be global warning sign to not mix with niggers
same place. fuck development
I luv ur threads
how does this happen?
real estate market has a lot of power
Tram lines really give cities a first world feel.
lol we replaced our old buildings with commieblocks
pic related is the other palace build in the same neighborhood by the same architect. still standing
Oscar Niemeyer, pretty much our Hausmann. He was very influential and used his influence to push the idea that Brazil needed to stop copying European architecture and form its own identity, which was futurist designs, thus Brasilia and the tearing down buildings that had no historic value.
This building was demolished because it was "obstructing traffic."
>the roads are renewed so it's not a shithole anymore now!
The thread is about regneration (improvements on buildings and infrastructure).
It's a fucking eyesore, blocked traffic, and was impossible to keep clean (car fumes stick to every nook and cranny, tinting the building a horrific yellow-brown)
Damn, that is awesome.
Dresden? Cologne?
Fucking brilliant job
post more, I like these
trams are 3rd world tier
t. car salesman
our road markings are so fucking ugly. ban double yellow lines
My favorite building in my city. Spanish-style skyscraper built in 1928.
For good photos of the ruins this guy made a blog
Now that room is a fancy restaurant and the building is luxury housing
The other favorite of mine. Abandoned for decades.
It's now a luxury hotel with some fancy restaurants. Exterior didn't change much obviously.
t. Charles Koch
When you have brick paved streets, are there road markings on the bricks? Recently my city began restoring sections of brick paved street but there's no road markings.
Oh... das ist wirklich wunderschön, danke user, hast mir ein wenig Hoffnung gegeben.
Dang, that looks comfy.
New Jersey is a rather stagnant place I guess. Old buildings have some sort of "you can't not demolish this it is historical value" license or somethin' like that.
I think I just creamed my pants
that's fucking sad
Hail Salvini
“Blocking traffic” is the dumbest reason to ever tear down anything.
Protip: nothing on the face of the earth makes traffic better, besides people leaving an area. But there are lots of things that make traffic worse, the biggest being urban sprawl.
Not my city but fuck modernism.
I think Birmingham UK would be a nice city today if it weren’t for tearing down all the nice stuff in the city center.
Not really much of an improvement.
>It's a fucking eyesore
Fuck off Hillary
At first when I heard about brutalism, I thought they were slagging the style.
I didn't realize it was the correct term and beloved by progressives.
OP said regeneration of your city, not destruction of your nature. Are you a Chink to pay so little respect for the nature?
i fucking love this place so much. that market in the middle is gangbusters.
>implying niggers have the money or influence to do this
this is all Wh*Toids fault.
>now that room is luxury housing
of fucking COURSE it is
they don't build anything besides luxury housing anymore god damn it
Times Square, after being made more pedestrian-friendly
Nice proxy fag
And what about 2018?
I've been there!