
Me on the left edition

Good morning friends

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selamat pagi

you better be going to church this morning flips!

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Shut up blake I'm still sleepy.

>sent a navy task force to invade libya


Misleading thumbnail on a PTV4 video report showing a Chinese Type 054A with an edited Philippine Flag.

The original photo of the Chinese frigate may have been taken from Wikipedia.


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can't sleep forever

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>me on the left

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>A cup of hot moka pot coffee from freshly grinded Sumatran Mandheling beans

What a comfy morning

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>moka pot coffee from freshly grinded Sumatran Mandheling beans
based as fuck

why do you want to be orang utan, Blake?
do you wish for Indonesians to rape you?

>Straya invites Malaysia for a fighter jet meet
>Malaysia sends almost all of its Hornets
>Remaining Su-30s are out of commission
>Our new PH defence minister announce this to the entire world: please come and rape us
>PH sheep cyber warriors come out of the woodwork blaming Najib
>Hangar queens Su-30s and Fulcrums actually bought by Mahathir
Kek. This is Malaysia baru!

bangun tidur esok tetibe dengar anthem China hahaha


they cute

Why this Bentthedick Cumonsnitch just gave out his time stone to Thanos
Did he just lose his reason to live?
Or it's just a pussy he is?

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Slavshit is pure shit, why do you thing the AF put the requirement no slav planes on the MRCA plan?
The reason you never see the Su-30 carry any missiles till around 2014 is because those things couldn't even fire missiles as a result of Mahathir bribing all of Europe with purchases creating a rojak plane with software issues out the ass while the Hornets undergo upgrades, successfully bomb Suluk in Sabah and operate all year round instead of 100million fortified and air conditioned bunker for Su-30.
>Lets put Rafale parts into Flankers and see what software problem pops up and while at it burn all the money for A400M that the AF doesn't need
Brilliant, just look at the result of top tier european engineering, they haven't even produced the 30ton turbines for our A400M except for 1 plane.

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Tick Tock
Preapre to be educated by her in Federalism.
Tick tock tick tockhang

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Probably because itโ€™s the only outcome he saw in the future that would lead them to a victory of war. Who cares tho, just turn off your brain when you watch capeshit

Tickty Tock..

better get that pork barrel rolling and oay them

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Is Duterte gonna invade Sabah now that only 4 Flankers are operational right now?



jesus christ

even Nancy binay is not impresss


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On day one I doubt Mat Sabu is fit for the defense minister role. Heck, even Hishamuddin is better (Gee, maybe because he is actually competent Bugis compared to that Malay fatty; pardon my language). I questioned why he is even allowed to become the defense minister in the first place and the only thing that PHfags can come up with is
>dia ada semangat kepahlawanan
Kek, if I larp as Hang Tuah can I become defence minister?

Is Mocha already explaining and shilling shit any video link?
Anything about the 60-40 rule no foreigner land owning rule and is it abolished or retained?

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>ada orang melayu yang sanggup hidup di bawah Najib lagi selepas dia hampir hancurkan negara dan curi duit rakyat
Allahuakbar. Korang ni dah gila ke?

>to that Malay fatty
No need to invoke tribalism man, Mat Sabun has been a clown for a really long time.
>dia ada semangat kepahlawanan
Look at this, are you gonna deny his warrior spirit?

Ah, so we Malays are so backward now that "baling mikrofon" is a sign of the next reincarnation of Hang Tuah? Tak bertamadun ada la
The same shit the Arabs would say prior to the Arab Spring. Is their life better after "such an opressive regime got toppled"? As far as the average suicide bombing mosque freakos that is a definite, resounding NO

So, you're saying that you still want to live under the Najib regime. With all the thing uncovered about Najib, I still fucking wonder how you can still support him.

Well he's entertaining at least along with Kulasegaran. If everything is going up in flames might as well get some good laugh alongside watching Madey's bamboozle.

>nak Malaysia jadi negeri China
Gi mampus la kau babi.

Nothing wrong with being friends with China.

Yes, a very solid argument. The only reason I shill for China is so that Malaysia will allign itself with Russia and China. Go on then keep believing on the lies of the Wahabist clerics dividing the muslim world based on petty Sunni vs Shia argument. Orthodox Christian-Muslim alliance is coming true as the Hadith predicted it. Being on Russia and China's side is what you call "being on the right side of history". Gee, look at me now talking about religion all of the sudden...
Never said I liked Najib. He is very incompetent. Just because I shill for Umno doesn't mean I got rewarded by licking their asses.

Man the bamboozle keeps getting better, all the trains and rest of public transport canned for Proton 3.0 by 2020.

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>being a filthy Shia
Okay. I can see it now. Ya Allah. Ampunilah dosa hamba kamu ini. Dia tidak sengaja mempermainkan ajaran kamu. Tunjukkanlah dia jalan yang benar.

Ah, I'm a Shia now? Great observation. I don't believe in the different sects of Islam. Stop dividing among yourselves.
Not the best video there is but that is all I can remember for now. You want to believe it or not I dont give a fuck.

There's some other thing that i still don't understand
Why hulk did'nt want to come out? I this just Marvel's way to show off Hulkbuster?
Why did Thanos destroyed almost all dwarves in Nidavellir, not half like he did to other planets?
Only part that is fun is the GotG part desu

Wait? Why the hell did you even give me that video? How is this related to shia? The fuck user.

>Why did Thanos destroyed almost all dwarves in Nidavellir, not half like he did to other planets?
Dwarves are industrialist, Thanos is militant environmentalist. Look at the ending where he sat at a paddy fields without any farming machinery around.

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Apa yang dah berubah? Dah hentikan ECRL? Dah hentikan Forest City? Orang China dah tak boleh property di Malaysia? Ke masih sama lagi?

Kalau benci sangat Najib, tapi ganti dengan Mahathir, tu kerja gila. Ataupun kau ni umur bawah 20 dan tak tahu apa-apa pasal kersoasakan yang dilakukan Tun ketika memerintah Malaysia 22 tahun tapi kau la yang paling sibuk bernostalgia rindu zaman Tun.

Projek pengangkutan awam zaman Tun, failed. Semua bagi dekat kroni, semua bankrup. Kerajaan kena bail out balik. Tak ada sistem integrasi langsung. Perjanjian berat sebelah dengan ERL, lepastu salahkan najib bila tambang ERL naik.

Lebuhraya pun sama. Semua bagi kroni. Semua ada tol. Tol sentiasa naik. Lepas tu salahkan Najib. Bila Najib terpaksa ambil alih melalui Khazanah baru la dah tak ada kenaikan tol sepanjang masa. Tapi sibuk fokus yang Khazanah rugi RM80 juta labur syarikat jual baju dalam pada masa sama buat tak tahu yang aset Khazanah meningkat daripada RM33.4 billion kepada RM115.6 billion pada akhir 2017.

Prasarana dah berjaya bina MRT yang bagus dan berintegrasi, kena hentikan pembinaan MRT baru. Tak ada duit katanya. Tapi nak buat kereta nasional baru ada pula duit. Orang nak buat PHD dan Msster dah tak dapat bantuan MyBrain, tak ada duit katanya, tapi nak buat bail F1 ada duit.

Untuk orang PKR dan Selangor pula, best ke pecat Tan Sri Khalid? Sebelum 2013 bukan main puji yang Khalid MB terbaik dan bebas rasuah tapi lepas dia tak setuju nak bayar lebih (hanya RM250 juta bukan RM2.7 billion) kepada SPLASH (Pengerusi SPLASH Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah tu proxy Anwar) terus kena pecat, kata Khalid ada kes hutang dengan Bank Islam. Sebar surat layang pasal kononnya Khalid bersalah. Bila pergi mahkamah dan Khalid saman, Saifuddin Nasution sendiri kena minta maaf sebab sebar fitnah. Sekarang dah confirm Selangor beli SPLASH dengan harga RM2.55 billion instead of RM250 juta yang Khalid proposed. Ini namanya merompak terang-terangan tapi rakyat masih buta. Lepas ni air percuma akan kena tarik dan tarif akan naik. Kalau under Khalid, dia akan beri semua rakyat Selangor yang bayar bil air saham syarikat air (sepertimana dalam manifesto PR Selangor sebelum ni) tapi nasi dah jadi bubur. Yang menang tetap ahli perniagaan dan politikus bukannya rakyat biarpun slogan PKR adalah Demi Rakyat.

Masa nak dekat pilihan raya baru ni PAS pula dituduh terima duit UMNO yang datang dari 1MDB sebanyak RM90 juta. Modus oprandi yang sama, sebar surat layang dan "bukti" melalui Whatsapp. Bila minta kemuka bukti secara berdepan, kata masih belum jadi kerajaan dan masih ada kongkongan. Sekarang dah jadi kerajaan, buktikanlah PAS terima duit di akaun mana. Senang je. PAS dah cabar pun di Parlimen. Kenapa tak boleh jawab? Bila Haji Hadi saman Clare Brown di London, ada kau baca kertas pembelaan oleh Clare Brown? Aku dah. Tak ada satu pun bukti melainkan dia pergi sembang pasal 1MDB dan cuba kaitkan yang pemimpin PAS ada pakai kereta mewah. Tu je.

Ok pergi isu Najib. Kalau kau belum nyanyuk, masa keluar isu 1MDB mula-mula tuduh Najib curi RM42 billion dab RM42 billion tu lesap begitu saja (sebagaimana zaman mahathir lesap RM30 billion sebab Forex tapi sekarang dah suci). Bila dah diterangkan yang RM42 billion tu hutang 1MDB yang didasarkan kepada aset, PH tukar pula angka lain, kepada RM2.6 billion. Sekarang bila tuduh Najib di mahkamah, tak keluar pula angka RM2.6 billion, kali ni RM42 juta pula. 1% daripada apa yang dituduh awal-awal. Bila peguam Najib minta diawalkan kes mahkamah, peguam negara cakap kena tunggu dulu sebab kertas pertuduhan dah siap. Aik? Tapi masa berkempen cakap kertas pertuduhan dah siap dan sebab tu Gani Patail kena pecat, MACC chief kena pecat. US, Swiss nak dakwa. Tapi sekarang senyap pula. Dan macam yang aku dah sebut kat sini dulu, kebanyakan hutang 1MDB adalah untuk membeli balik IPP milik kroni Mahathir. Perjanjian berat sebelah dengan IPP yang menyebabkan tarik elektrik naik. Bila naik, salahkan Najib. Bila Najib nak selesaikan, salahkan Najib juga. Apa pun tahniah, tarif elektrik naik lepas PH menang. Naik komplen BN = Barang Naik lagi tak?


Because I'm not a Shia you dumbfuck. I don't believe in different sects of Islam (I repeated it twice). Its a combination of escathology and geopolitics. Or is critising muslim rulers that bomb innocent children in Yemen a Shia thing now? Wait, where is the so called Mecca clerics that plebs look up to? Yea they are paid to be silenced and none talk of Saudi atrocities. C'mon man how can you not see the blatant wahabists prevalent in our imams and clerics

Ramai yang puji Mahathir sebab dia berani lawan kuasa besar, bersuara lantang. Cukup ke nak lawan kuasa bear dengan mulut lantang je? ATM di bawah pemerintahan Mahathir hancur. Habiskan berbillion ringgit, tapi aset negara semua tak boleh pakai. Elok-elok nak beli kereta kebal yang lebih elok, dia overrule panglima dan pergi beli PT91 yang overprice dan tak boleh pakai. Beli Sukhoi yang asyik kena baiki. Angkatan laut pun hancur. Kroni macam Boustead kaya la. Kalau Thailand serang sekarang, sekejap je dah kalah.

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Watching Duterthanos

what Im I in for?

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Zaman Mahathir jurutera JKR mekanikal kena buang sampai Baling sebab tak mahu tandatangan borang lupus.
>Beli BMW 300k
>Lupus sebab 'kerosakan kritikal' kena jual Rm3k kat kroni
>Alatan pejabat semua 9x
Nasib baik PAS Kedah pi cuci kroni
Boustead yang selamatkan Kedah class, kroni dia dari Penang Shipbuilding and Construction dah lari dengan duit untuk lagi 21 kapal dan exocet. Mig-29 pun lagi satu, nak berlagak Malaysia ada 3rd gen sekarang semua tak boleh pakai dan Indonesia dan Singapore beli banyak F-16 yang sentiasa ada spare part dan perkhidmatan servis.

Half the druggies get EJK, the other half become his cronies. Typical 3rd world plot twist.

I told you guys it was going to be a wild ride, and that we will be fucked either way

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Still can't believe Malays still believe in the meme that is Wahabism. Even having the balls to call me a Shia. What has this world come to?

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t. rafidah

"wahabism" is a jewish myth, it doesn't exist

>implying people support wahabism
I just hate people that actually support shia shit. Unless you are a fucking shia, don't support ajaran sesat. Arabs now are a lost cause. Imam Mahdi will be a malay.

Ok Ayen why are you in Thailand? Are you looking for some cheap cute trap hookers?

In the next election if PAS & UMNO work together to avoid 3 corners fight, they can win Kedah. Even based on this recent election, they can win 29 out of 36 (because of 3 corners, PAS won 15 and UMNO 3). However PAS supporters need more convincing. In Sg Kandis it seems that they didn't even bother to come out to vote. Maybe a rebranding is needed. Contest under UMNO flag instead of BN. BN is dead anyway. Zahid and Najib are not good face for UMNO. Need to use Mat Hassan instead.

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Based janny range-banned me

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What is it like to drink alcohol and get drunk?

I blacked out and do embarrassing things.

vomit. a lot. it wasn't fun.

Perbezaan antara dosa kecil dan dosa besar


It's warm.

So you stayed in Thailand to post on /asean/? A new low t b h

and I thought I was addicted.

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>not enjoying hot weekend sun under the shade of roadside stall while sipping thai iced milk tea and making eye contact with thai soldier at checkpoint that exist at every corner of the town

feels like an undercover hamas operative in palestine

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It will be an uphill task, Mukhriz is popular and competent and if he is successful in implementing both Rubber city project and Kedah Integrated Fishing Terminal the chinese would be pleased and Xi will probably fund their war coffers in addition to money plundered from Petronas,PNB and Khazanah.
KIFT is his personal pet project and its not a mere wet market but 2x2km offshore terminal to house an entire chinese fishing armada.
>while sipping thai iced milk tea
>Not drinking roasted coconut at Songkhla
Ayen I thought you have good taste.

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>not saying Sanjura or Singora
And I'm a Southerner
I saw you posting at 1 in the morning yesterday with the thai flag. Don't tell me you stayed at the same stall until 1. I'm sensing you are taking advantage of poor Patani girls

My dad and mom look old now.

Pic related

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>not loving orangutan the best and most loveable animal in the world

10/10 kek'd

Is that the latest?


Wew that's a funny way of saying singgora

Yes. Based on GE14. From an article on Malaysiakini (so that I'm not branded as biased).


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>replying to 8 hour old post

>mfw filed a leave on 20, 23 and 24

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indon jago sirkus

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alasan belaka, terutama bagi orang yang tinggal di negara tropis

Then who's going to shill anti duterte facebook posts?
oh wait you doing it for free

One Piece

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Remember when we fund her glamorous 21st birthday party?


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>that one indon-anons room

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Be careful Ayen,they knew

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>that face
indo pedo-kun

At least we know now paid Dutertard and Marcos tard shills are 24/7 lmao

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She's for headpat only!
Lieutenant is not the kind of girl that you can easily take to the bed!!

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Nobody cares fuck off

I don't wanna live no more.

headpat with mah dick

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Why doesn't The Philippine Star talk about the MPBL?

Why must she hates us?

Two of those "leftist" are Dutdut's cabinet members


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Wew lad

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wtf is this

why she has youtube channel with production and looks like mature comedy material but she looks 9 years old
