
You had to sneak into my room just to read my diary
It was just to see, just to see
All the things you knew I'd written about you

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Other urls found in this thread:



i'm balto-celtic aka chinese-indian

Eventually all communists will be rounded up and shot.
Traitors deserve traitor's deaths

any woke man in

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I am celibate



dont say to that to em


Yes that'll be one portion of Wonton Soup and some Dim Sum please chop chop

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I don't like sex or women

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fight fight fight

You have to pay to see that grave

i knew you were'n indian

DESPISE modernism

shall be posting in this one

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how can you know that if you haven't tried it

lmao really?


This is her

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lesbos? big fan

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howling how nobody uses chinkspammers threads any more

he is universally hated

Anyone who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them — instead of answering their arguments.

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need her to beat me up

the state of creepy antifa dweebs

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sadly britain is a capitalist state, yes

>nothing happening
I'll wait for the highlight webms tomorrow.

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any master race man in?

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haha stupid rorke twat

the British state isn't forcing the cemetery to charge entry, that is up to the cemetery





whoever wrote this wouldn't DARE utter a single of this shite in front of me irl

need to change my facebook profile pic but don't have any friends and don't go anywhere where a picture could be taken of me
what am i supposed to do

mental how nobody in this thread will ever shag anything even half as fit as her


the anthem

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yeah the cops showed up again
i like to see it happen live though in case something newsworthy happens
need to watch for hours
boring and cringey though

REALLY REALLY REALLY makes you think

what's this virgin hairstyle called

essential SuKino

You are not very perceptive

I've shagged prettier

delete your facebook

thoughts on the leeds powerhouse?

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gloomtube finished
do you have a better one?

had something to share with you lads but now I've forgot it

fuck's sake why does this keep happening, I was cracking up when I first thought of it

"shagged" better

drinking whiskey again
still don't like whiskey


what brand?

Did you edit those ten year old statistics?

thinking of spending my day yelling at people on the street supervised by some policemen

Can I ask you chaps a question?



livestream it on periscope and link us

that's the only thing you could possibly ask


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Only if you've got a question license.


the sad little chinkspammer is posting in his own thread with beto lmao

absolute cringe factory

on yer bike, sadiq

based hues

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redpill me on sueposter, who is he? why is he obsessed with sue? how unhinged is he?

never had it, is it good?

You arrive in Singapore

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he's some weeb
he even flew to japan and met her I think

might consider letting her have sexual intercourse with me
as a favour to her

apparently related to french royalty
the kingdom lives on

peng ting

It's not weird at all that Leeds is the only one with a round number.

peng aethete

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very peaty so has a distinct taste to it
it's ok i suppose

is there a reason you're drinking?

Australians [would] not live as a white race over the head of a subject people, even if they could do so. Their ideal is to keep Australia, if possible, a land where their children can live the healthy Western life of their British fathers. That ideal you must allow them. This is the last land open to the white man — the only one that can be purely British. South Africa cannot be a white man’s land, simply because you cannot spirit away millions of blacks. The United States — even our magnificent Canada — will be less purely Anglo-Saxon as time goes on. Australia, of all countries in the world, is an ideal one for the white man to live in. That is what a White Australia means to Australia and to England.

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Morrissey is so cocky and pretentious, yet he absolutely owns it. What a guy

Do you like boobs?

a really attractive stripper once grinded on me until I came in my pants if that counts

may i suggest some slogans to shout?

He hails from Lancashire
Was an exchange student in Italy for some time
Is a massive weeb and has visited Japan
Was previoulsy a large fan of the Kpop star and Harajaku fashion icon Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and has seen her live on at least two occasions

>Brazilian royal
I didn't know that was a thing.


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you think it's all a massive coincidence that russia today just happens to be at all these violent extremist rallies in the US?

What irritates me about this sort of rhetoric is the ambiguity of it all. Like, say if whites truly are the receivers of some nebulous inherited privilege, at what point are they no longer privileged or does this just extend on forever? Who sets the privilege level? How is it measured? Does it apply to every single person with white skin, Swedes as equally as Poles as equally as Czechs as equally Scots as equally as Dutch etc? Can it be overcome once and for all? Can the entire collective of the white skinned population of the earth pay off a sum of money and be relinquished of it? Or is it in fact a convenient tool to shake down people with a bit too much much empathy and a lack of sense?

not going to sleep any time soon so i'd prefer to spend the night relaxed

anyone tried benzedrex?

big fan

Yes but they're not my favourite part.

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any /SatAloneInsideEveryWeekendGettingPissed/ man in

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They had an Empire

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