Attempted assassination of Maduro in Venezuela

Attempted assassination of Maduro in Venezuela

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>drone attack

da fuck

ISIS style

I want it to be real because it would be the first attempted assassination by drone. gonna wait on a better source to confirm it though

It's real, dude.

>They didn't get him

My condolences Venezuela, better luck next time.

>that ending

Attached: 1531298470022.jpg (394x509, 112K)

So sad they missed

>spics in charge of assasination attempts

you should have called the Mossad

You're right kike, send us some jews. They need to kill that leftist cuck.

stfu dumb jew

One day some rebel who doesn't fear being gunned down will do the job.

wtf ending synced with the horse

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Chávez and Maduro expelled Mossad from Venezuela.

Fuck off, we've already killed multiple presidential candidates, a president, Trotsky, and an emperor.

Sephardic false flag


>tfw drone assasinations are going to be common things in the near future
this cyberpunk future is really happening huh

We are pretty successful with these.

True true, pardoning the lying and manipulation, one thing Jews are good for is assassination. No offense.

It was a drone carrying an artisanal bomb ?

Yes, hand crafted by Athony Bourdain


Attached: Inspection.png (657x527, 297K)

quite sure it's bullshit

Holy shit. Venezuela vs Colombia war happening soon?

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Good thread

Based Santos.

>Venezuela vs Colombia war happening soon?
No, because that would get Maduro overthrown or killed.

Why would he say this?

>it was the colombians!!

ffs, they're worse than american leftists with russians

>It's true

ready up bois, we have a war in our continent.

This will eventually happen anyway, might as well go with a bang instead of going like Gaddafi.

What does it say?

He's accusing the Colombian president and the far-right factions of Colombia of trying to assassinate him.

Better get ready for the mass exodus when war breaks out and Venezuelans flee in hordes.

I just hope this is not a false flag or some shit carried out by Americans, as this will be blamed on us (it's already been).

there was a pretty deep coup plot against him that was almost ready to go before it was uncovered a few months ago

>american leftists with russians
Democrats are not "leftists".
>defending russians
>president is literally named Ivan

In fairness, Colombia not long back was working with Stratfor and the Americans to overthrow Maduro in a coup.
Wikileaks leaked the Documents, it was called "McRevolution" by the American's involved.

If your cunt really did it I hope its on its own
If it was because the americans told you to do it you are 101% puppets

The "Ivan" name has the Jewish origin lol

>immediately blame Colombia

Full scale war when?

Attached: maximum violence.jpg (536x619, 407K)

Democratic party is being subverted by leftists.

It's probably the later as our leaders are a spineless bunch when it comes to Americans' and their will in regards to our territory. They'll never say NO, fuck off, to whatever Americans tell them to
>it was called "McRevolution" by the American's involved.
Americans truly live by the memes.
But leaving that aside, it has been speculated by years. However, it's just one side of the coin, since Venezuelans have been trying to subvert this country for a long time through multiple fronts and even have attempted to carry out assassinations (particularly of that guy Uribe, whom they hate so much) in collaboration with Cuban agents.
As an anecdote, One of my relatives was enticed and recruited by a chavista Venezuelan girl infiltrating the uni he attended and convinced him to leave for Venezuela, but he got bored and returned soon after.
They're also known to have tried to infiltrate neighborhood organizations known as "juntas de accion comunal" to radicalize its members and turn them into sympathizers of their "revolution" and active fifth columnists ready to act in a situation of social turmoil that could benefit their interests)

I hope never.
I don't want this place to get involved in that mess.
If Venezuelans are going to get out of their predicament I expect they do it by their own means.
Or if your country is so eager to go to war, I hope they launch it from their territory.