Do you want to find love in France?

Attached: Französin2.jpg (460x657, 218K)

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Fuck off with this kind of thread mate.

Stop making these

I want to find lust in France

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Honestly I hate these threads. That girl is probably not even French, no one wears berets these days.


Attached: Französin.jpg (626x939, 149K)

Yes, and by find I mean bomb and by love I mean Infidels.

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Yes. I'll make lots of mutt babies with her.

>algerian girl

This is what real French women look like.

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She's French, bro. She's wearing a beret and is carrying bread.


that's not a beret you fucking cunt

he was being ironic you moron

your stupid "Do you want to find love in ...?" threads always remind me of this song:

Want to find love literally anywhere to be honest. The problem is I get bored with most girls very quickly, so would I still love her in three months?

No I want to find jews in France.

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Yes, i'm struggling

are you black?

Walk into any movie studio and news station then. They're everywhere.
USA level of ZOG

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Je sais que les qts françaises adorent mon accent :^)