
Anglo Saxons only edition

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The UK is probably the worst developed country on Earth.

>tiny houses that are connected to each other for half a mile on treeless, grim streets that cost a literal fortune
>almost all economic activity is concentrated in London at the expense of the rest of the country
>draconian government and servile, easily led populace
> people still view everything through through the vector of the Victorian class system
>highest level of functional illiteracy in the developed world owing to farcical education system where swathes are enumerate, monolingual, and have to ask how to spell words with more than two syllables
>Brexit is realistically only going to make things worse, amounting to nothing more than economic sabotage on behalf of boomers, with young people footing the bill
>ancient dialects dying in favour of th-fronted Jamaican patois in which people pronounce "think" as "fink", and "this" and "that" as "dis" and "dat"
>enormous white underclass with cultural relativist, fatalist, victim mindset akin to African Americans that has been fostered in them by sociologists, denying them any agency, dignity and desire to improve
>academic fetishism that spits on vocational education and generates student debt, leading to over-qualified, under-skilled workforce
>probably the only country on the planet with growing GDP but falling real wages, having only a facade of wealth
>diminishing cultural output that formerly had bands like Wire and The Fall to its name, now just grime which is like drum and bass for brown people
>utter failure to integrate migrant population, leading to places like Blackburn where you can practically go your entire life without speaking English
>foremost British past-time is numbing your mind with alcohol as frequently as possible to avoid having to think of how much a dead-end Britain is for young people, the only future it has being basically a browner version of Bosnia, instead of airy, prosperous nations like Canada, Australia and New Zealand

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might cop this scooty

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why do arrogant, racist little englanders think they speak for everyone on these isles?


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Icke is probably the most based and redpilled person alive today

Lena Headey was proper fit in the Parole Officer

not gonna read that but based

Goodbye to the people who hated on me

small brain: paul chuckle
big brain: barry chuckle
glowing brain: no slacking lad

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feeling sad lads

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Why do you keep shifting proxies? You just look like an obsessed weirdo

>utter failure to integrate migrant population

they could never be integrated you deluded leftymong gimp

Because we fucking do


it's the US and it's not even close

even their life expectancy is declining

goodbye to the people who loved me

It’s only hilarious because every single point you typed out applies more to your country than theirs.

Wish politics was just like The Thick of It. Oh wait it is, just damper and sadder.

no shit

>Anglo Saxons only edition
whew it's good that I'm an Anglo Saxon now

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they need to make another few seasons of that

Why are none of you at church?

Upskirt? No thank you. Down-blouse? Yes please.

it was also the first Alan Partridge movie



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death 2 canucks

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I'm an Atheist. That's right, you heard me. I'M AN ATHEIST!!!!

the ivy on dawson street is disgusting

Just follow UK politics, it's the same shit.

this is genuinely true

USA is shit, but still so much better than the UK


>not a Chuckle edition
Fuck off

Where about in Liverpool are You? So i can stab you

I'm an alabama nigger and I wanna be free

I am the drum and bass father

is it worth watching?

What are those skirts girls are wearing these days? The kind of skirt that makes any arse look great.

I see fitizen made an absolute plank of himself last thread AGAIN

oh I do mate, it's almost beyond parody at the moment




Moes Blow and Grow


love R&B like the rolling stones and beyonce

Fuck me man, nothing I like more than an attractive girl with a cigarette. It just turns my cock to diamonds. Makes me want to cum.

Aye and nowt we can do about it. Revolution is off the table as most just wanna watch love island.

Ireland is fucking grim.

Yes it's literally one of the best comedy films this century, it's on par with the best Alan Partridge episodes. I don't know why it isn't more widely known, but i guess you can say that for a lot of good british films

>Anglo Saxon only edition
Americans Australians and the Irish fuck off anyone else is welcome even the Dutch


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My veins seethe with noble Teutonic blood

>new star trek series with Picard back

based. they need to bring shatner back too

>t. 1/8th irish

these things are usually formed preadolescence
any significant females in your late childhood smokers? hot babysitter perhaps?

Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Was the death of king harold at battle of hastings the exact point in history where the island was doomed ?

>'member picard?

quick rundown on mboko

>teenager from cavan
>just him and his polish single mother
>half black from a nigerian father hes never met
>member of PBP & AAA
>in cahoots with george soros
>wears his west brittery on his shoulder with pride
>nose starts bleeding when Amhrán na bhFiann starts playing
>wishes for a mixed raced ireland where he doesn't feel so left out
>is NEET but too young to collect jobseekers yet
>hates Patrick pearse
>hates pints
>loves abortions

I wonder what percent of the population have a smoking fetish. Probably less than 1%. It's fairly rare.

It's the best man. It's literally the hottest thing.

amereeka isnt any better


Does anyone else get intense memories of a cringeworthy moments in their life then randomly shout out swear words when thinking about it? happens daily to me

he's a good ulster lad

west brits will save ireland from damnation

i've travelled about quite a bit and the worst place i've been to was america by far

when i get these memories, i get shivers down my spin, and sweaty hands

>Anglo Saxon only edition
Irish Australians Americans and Canadians fuck off anyone else is welcome even the Dutch and Koreans



>STD is the superior show to TOS and TNG

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yeah I have that
can't pee at a urinal if someone else is there

QUICK someone call me based

fuck I thought it was only me

bAnne ?

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yeah but now I only say n*gger when it happens. said it at work a few days ago but the closest person to me was wearing headphones so I don't think he heard me

Got my history degree now
Don’t know what to do with my life

This. Taigs go back to /éire/.


do what I did and work an office job for a bit before quitting because it's absolutely shit and dominated by females

might screech nigger

so this... is the average /brit/ poster

yes, one time my uncle was visiting and was having a conversation with my dad, i was 6 or something at the time, there were some sweets on the table and i i picked up the plate and asked him if he wanted some, he ignored me and pointed with his hand for me to put the plate back, i wanted to off myself at that moment.

fuck this is literally me, the only word I say is nigger though. I feel like i can semi control it because I've yet to say it out loud in public even when i have a memory like it, but when Im in my house I say it really loudly

Liverpool on the map

My first orgasm, I didn't even know what I was doing, I was watching a movie with my family with this really attractive lady who was smoking throughout the movie. I literally discovered how good playing with my penis was watching that movie, and the smoking chick was what kept getting me horny.

It's been the same since. It's still the thing that gets me the horniest.

Really do genuinely dislike the Scottish.
As a nation they have zero redeeming features.
I have honestly never met a pleasant or agreeable Scottish person, and it's not for lack of meeting Scottish people, I have met lots.
Just a bunch of miserable cunts.

In a call centre at the moment and I despise it
Need to leave but don’t know what to

jesus christ you guys are going to say nigger for all the weekend?

australia is a proud anglo-celtic nation


what film

>ywn be gifted a large tea plantation in India for your service to Queen Victoria and spend the rest of your days watching your slaves play cricket and drinking IPA

*enters thread*
*pungent muslimanicCc stench enter my nostrils*
*close the thread immediately*

fuck off niggerlover

post /fa/ inspo

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hello jordan how big are your boobs

>slaves under queen victoria

Astral brain: No slacking is the third chuckle brother

>what film

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