Lebanese Police

This is Lebanese Police. Israel wants to kill this.

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Israel wants to kill THIS because THIS wants to kill Israel. Are you so dumb that you can't get this simple idea?

Good goy, remember the six gorillion. We Aryans need to die for Israel to make up for our sins.

>"police" armed with iphones
>not sluts hired for publicity
we will burn lebanon to the ground yaweh akbar

>Israel wants to kill THIS because THIS wants to kill Israel
Israel deserves to get killed.

>we will burn lebanon to the ground
This is why we hate you kikes.

Good kaffir
Jews > Africans > Chinks > Muslims

Deal with it, literally all non-leftist whites think this.

So is Lebanon
I wish they all mutually nuke each other and commit suicide

we will slaughter your men and rape you women and there is nothing you can do about it infidel scum

Who says Russians don't have a sense of humour?

Attached: petrosyan_large.jpg (58x71, 2K)

>we will slaughter your men and rape you women
Do you kikes intend to do it yourself or just by proxy through promoting mass immigration to white countries?

You obviously don't get that the Jews want trouble in the middle east so they can send the mudslimes to white countries while purifying their so-called Jewish homeland.

we will draw the mighty sword of judah and give our lives to yaweh, death is the only solution for infidels

Their black bulls will do the job
Your days are numbered, whitey

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So? Jews are so evil because Muslims and Christians were evil to them. Muslums and Christians absolutely deserve all the shit they're getting from Jews.

>You obviously don't get that the Jews want trouble in the middle east so they can send the mudslimes to white countries while purifying their so-called Jewish homeland.
Kill yourself Paki muslim scum

>You obviously don't get that the Jews want trouble in the middle east so they can send the mudslimes to white countries while purifying their so-called Jewish homeland.
The amounts of muslims the leftists have let into our countries far overshadow the amount of Muslims living in the territories Israel wants.

They want conflict between the middle east and europe so we eventually pick their side and fight their fights

Yeah, all muslims will leave for Europe, especially the palestinians
Are all "brits" that low IQ?

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>our country is so fucked we need to make women pseudo warriors
>bonus points! Because they're women and we'll definitely get foreign aid in the millions

Somebody has to buy the strap ons.


No, Israel wanted to kill MUDslime filth that tried to kill these and other Phoenician Christian qts. KYS, achmed