Is Poland first world?
Is Poland first world?
stop misusing 1st world, 2nd word, and 3rd world you fucking nigger, a 3rd world country can be richer and better than a 1st world country.
I've been looking through some pictures of Warsaw on flickr (I'm planning on visiting the city soon) and it just seems super comfy to me
I expected Poland to be a literal shithole 2bh
russia is giving slavs bad reputation.
We're not 1st world and we're not wh*Te fuck off and leave us alone
whites aren't wh*Te either
How are you not white
Wroclaw is very pretty too
true, I wish they stopped burning coal to heat their homes tho
If Canada is consider first world, Poland definitely is first world.
Large cities are first world.
Too deep in the countryside and it's a shithole.
We are poor Russia like shithole. Don't come here, you will get mugged.
>tfw not living in a comfy Polish village
This is a good example actually.
Trzebnica has a beautiful basilica, but the rest of the city is a bit sad.
no, you're a bit sad.
Poland either first world and only world in my heart
based Boris
They would be if it weren't for their shitty neighbours
It's close, but not quite there. It feels less developed than pretty much every Western European nation, but it's still better than most of its fellow Eastern European countries.
if they were they wouldn't be mass emmigrating to Western Europe
Another great exemple.
Jawor has a beautiful wooden church. The rest of the village is just depressing.
no u r just depressing, Poland is chill and comfy.-
Oh it is.
But in most of the countryside, the quality of life definetly isn't first world.
this city was ruined with german and dutch architecture, but still has beautiful parts
>Dutch culture
Who doesn't know about the Dutch conquest of Danzig and their forced cultural assimilation
>this flag, this post
Buddy, don't tell me anything about French countryside. I worked 6 months in France and I still can't believe anybody calls you 1st world.
well, I've been told it has dutch buildings, not an expert, still, german and/or dutch are equally a big turn off for a Polish city, they should demolish them and build proper kamienice.-
this, my Polish friend told me he had to drive 3 hours to the nearest hospital to treat his sick grandma, but they were full, so he had to drive another 3 hours. he said there is rusty old equipment and mold in the rooms. some villages do not have gas or running water. many depressing, decaying commieblocks and bad roads. lots of corruption. and Polish guys will be in groups and act like niggers and try to fight with you for no reason. Catholicism is very strong there and it has a mob mentality. Zero welfare state. Wages are extremely low. many people leaving and settling in North/Western Europe.
Warsaw's a shithole. Try Kraków instead.
Eastern Poland also has very qt places
not every city like that, there is depressing commieblocks everywhere also
I know, although most cities in the world has ugly and butifel parts 2bh, maybe it's not the case in scandy cunts, but in most places
Most old Polish architecture derives directly from either Hanseatic or Italian influences due to trade. Demolishing that would be demolishing all of Poland.
i guess to an Argie, anything is better than your country. but there is much more commie block cities than these medieval cities.
Where exactly ?
>I wish they stopped burning coal
Yeah, me too
these commieblocks don't even look bad user
fuck german architecture in my Poland, if they took inspiration in med buildings is irrelevant, they made a good job turning them into Polish/slavic style
>these commieblocks don't even look bad user
Show me an example of bad argie commie blocks for comparison pls
Hey that's Wroclaw
Corner of Nowy Targ
I don't know what you're trying to prove user, but it's not working
all argie ''''''''''''''architecture''''''''''''''' suck, I don't think we have large commieblocks, but if you want to know what a 3rd world country looks like, come here, not in Buenos Aires because all the jews are setled there and they stole euro buildings tho
I'd live there/10
no wonder Argies are crowding the Italian embassy to get their EU citizenship and escape to Europe, if you think these commieblocks look nice
I never said they look good, I said they don't look bad, that's different
so you're a troll eh
delusional mestizo will fetishize and romanticize anything remotely European
why are you so mad about Poland? not a real dane by chance?
that's fucking amazing
Let him be, it's probably some "grass is greener on the other side". He thinks 2nd world in Europe is better than 2nd world in South America or something.
the only 2nd world in sudacaland is Chile, the rest is Africa.
>Is Poland first world?
Not yet but slowly and surely getting there.
Trying to establish a one party state is setting them back though
It's a girl who's getting fucked by a polaken. Of course she's in love with his country.
Pic is what 70% of Poland looks like.
you know nothing, russian spy
pls don't poison me
That's pretty fucking comfy actually
I know if you was getting fucked by some russian you'd be posting pics of Petersburg and the likes.
you're relatively new aren't you?, my polandposting started way before any relationship with a pole
Is Argentina more developed than Croatia?
They were fucking part of the USSR block, they're second world
You fucks dont understand how these terms work
don't insult croatia comparing it to this shithole, dude
Is Ukraine first world?
Definetly not.
Is Azerbaijan first world?
Yeah you and I aren't neighbours so I know little about your personal affairs. Got me
but there are nice buildings! it must be first world!
Is Pakistan first world?
>you and I aren't neighbours
and you know the personal affairs of your neighbours, gossip Ivan? :3
these aren't nice buildings tho, silly germ
Why are you so obsessed with Poland tho? How did it start?
what's so odd about it?, I like the country, the people and their culture (yes, I also find their butthurt and whining quite amusing)
pretty sure , croatia has shitty parts like argentina.
Walls are thin.
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