Tfw all i do in lectures at university is sit up the back...

>tfw all i do in lectures at university is sit up the back, open up grindr on my phone and chat to cute guys that are within a few metres of me and organise hook-ups in the bathroom

is this gay, Jow Forums?

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it's pretty based if you ask me

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Do they have cute pink assholes or manass sewage pipes?


do you take it or give it

i only ever fuck cute twinks and clean shaved guys

Australia is a GAY, Englishman culture of gentleman?

i only give anal and usually get blowjobs, but if he has a really nice dick i might blow him too

Are you gay?

a man amongst men

bi (with a preference for girls but guys are waaayyyy easier to get with so...._

I guess it's gay then

Agreed, women make it so difficult to accept my pooper-scooper

i've had tinder for longer than i've had grindr, and i've gotten like six matches ever on there, and only two chats that were more than a couple of sentences; with grindr i just have to go on and in a couple of minutes i've already arranged to get a bj; guys are just massive horny sluts in general, especially at university

Dicks are based

Based & Redpilled

I'm glad you guys agree.


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i wish i was at your uni

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are you a qt tho?

no i'm tall, have large shoulders, hairy belly and also have big veiny hands

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We all do Pierre

sorry user but you're not really my type :(

at least i can be on top right ?

i don't bottom though

Lets make a cross-continental sandwich

am I ur type?

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yes definitely, im visiting the uk this december too ;)

how old are you user, and from what part of the uk?

19 in the north-west

i'm going from manchester to york, maybe i can make a detour for you....

wew lad

never mind probably working class leftist

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>never mind probably working class leftist
Isn't London the place that's absolutely filled to the brim with leftists though? Hence them being the epicentre of the "Remaim" vote?

half and half
there are places filled with ANTIFA stickers and "kill torries" graphite but there are also areas in which the upper middle and lower middle class still thrive

I would fold you with one thrust


do post more

>probably working class leftist
nowt wrong with that

You are beautiful.

probably have a ugly inbred face

This. Guys are a lot easier to seduce in general.

>tfw no cute and short bf

how do u cope

They're also fun to play with. They wiggle and twitch and move around. Vulvas are just slits with lips around them.

not interested in bf's, just sluts and fwb's

it would be quite a big detour


this is all i've got

damn 0_0

I do not!

unfortunately I'm 6ft :(

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goddamn, this is one of the best bodies i've seen.... do you have kik?

stop trying to be cute you are a filthy poorthern
put your money where your mouth is and post your face