Be foreigner living in China since a decade

>be foreigner living in China since a decade
>make video making a fair critique of China society, culture and education
>literally record what you're talking about as proof of your claims
>mad chinks rush in the comments saying how chinese are the most creative people on Earth and americans are just mad

Chinamen ETERNALLY SEETHING on being called out for being mindless insects

Attached: 1461603681898.jpg (549x549, 62K)

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Chinese Universities are a sham. Who would have thought?

>>mad chinks rush in the comments
Why is it that expats are so eager to defend their (former) countries from criticism?

You see it all the time on Jow Forums. German, Danish and Swiss flags rushing to the defence of Russia. French and Belgian flags rushing to the defence of Arabs. German and Dutch flags rushing to the defence of Turks. They argue for hours on end about how great a country they don't even live in is and get really angry and bitter at anyone who disagrees, meanwhile the people who actually live in those countries don't care or even admit that the issue in question is a problem they would like to see fixed.

Chinese have stolen trillions of R&D from America. Once America figures it out and they get camp'd again, it's over for China.

There are Russians in Switzerland??
How, I thought it was hard as fuck to immigrate there?

There's one there who posts here. There seems to be one in Spain as well who shows up often whenever something negative is said about Russia.

>people have a variety of opinions on who they like and dislike in the world

>record audio on a motorbike
stupid and distracting tb h

Motovlogging is a big thing nowadays

I despise chinks and other bug people

it's pretty comfy desu, and you get to see how much of a shithole China is

Amazed that they haven't gotten splattered on China's roads by now.

I think the visual is nice, but they should have just recorded the audio when sitting down. Otherwise, very informative video.

most of them must be western chink incels who cant even speak chinese or rich chinks who are exchange students.

mainland chinks do that too but their young people who are middle class know much better than those westernized chinks. they arent so easily triggered and listen to what foreigners say. aside from ccp shills.

could be 1 expat who makes 100 posts in a day, I can't read the language so I can't tell the context

I don't know it never bothered to me that much, I've been binge watching all their videos.
China is definitely third world in a ton of areas but there's something very relaxing about its country side. It's a natural beauty.

>american universities

But why would they come up with new stuff when they could just copy something already existing?

It has more to do with the western mindset that you need to be unique, different and interesting according to a common set of rules to be deemed succesful.

I already know the state of American Universities.

>tfw even finnish universities have gender studies now
It's all ogre

Quit with the defeatist attitude. They can't win. Its impossible.

The west can barely survive, the fifth column inside the west is extremely strong.

I know mate, but we need to stay strong though the world is only getting worse.

If I were living in China I would never criticize it in a public forum because I understand that Chinese do not receive social criticism in the same manner as westerners. If you're going to live in another country you can't go on acting like their cultural norms are the same as yours.

>angry chink tries to delfect

>the western mindset that you need to be unique, different and interesting according to a common set of rules to be deemed succesful
>implying this is bad
>impying you are not one of the eurofags who defends China and hates America
absolute cringe

t. Zhang

Well good thing that Youtube is blocked in China then, no Chinese will ever know.

Anybody who is a non-East Asian laowai who puts their life online especially their fucking family's life is fucking stupid. There are some crazy chinks and the police does nothing to stop these people from threatening or harassing foreigners and the local media often encourages it. Most westerners come to the PRC to lay low and you won't run into issues if you just shut the fuck up and stop being an attention whore for jewtube shekels. No sympathy for these two especially since one of them is literally running from his country to escape Niggerdom.

Literally everybody in the PRC has a VPN, the policed internet thing is kind of overrated. Unless you start visiting Falun Gung websites or start watching/following anti-Chinese social media like China Uncensored nothing will happen.

Most Russian expats on imageboards are the wealthy children of criminal oligarchs.