Be me

>be me
>doing week 1 day 1 of couch to 5k
>trying to turn my life around
>some guys passing in a car throw half a big mac at me

why can’t people be more supportive of fat people trying to get their lives together? i was doing so well with the diet i started this morning but that half a big mac had 300 calories in it. why would someone sabotage me like that?

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relax babe

Have you ate that half of big mac?

Damn girl..... post your hair...

Hit the gym along with having a diet, you first world roastie/tranny.


They were just speaking Danish


fuck that, keep it up

get your tits out love

not bad, actually rather good, what I mean to say is that you're based

because they are right, that's why you're improving yourself. sometimes bad experiences will help you to keep you motivate

>i was doing so well with the diet i started this morning but that half a big mac had 300 calories in it. why would someone sabotage me like that?
epic bait

You can come live on my pig farm bby

if you are so fat that people make fun of you, running is doing more harm than good
it will destroy your knees and burn less calories than you would save by skipping the fourth slice of cake in your average day
just stop stuffing your mouth you dumb shit, it's not so hard, and if you wanna exercise get a stationary bike and hope it doesn't collapse under your gigantic ass

Lol I would make fun of any chubby person if I saw them running

I wouldn't. I would encourage a fat girl then get to sniff on her ass when she slims down

I would sniff on her ass while she's slimming down...

But I mean that if I saw a stranger, fat girl or fat man jogging I would yell "RUN FATTY RUN"

No you wouldn't man come on, no Finnish person or Swede for that matter would. Unless you are unusual

But imagine sniffing the butt of a girl with a big sweaty ass after she has been running in the warm summer weather

You don't know Finns mate.
You're driving with your bros, you see a fatty running, you open the window and yell "RUN FATTY RUN" and you and your bros laugh. Nothing wrong with that.

>But imagine sniffing the butt of a girl with a big sweaty ass after she has been running in the warm summer weather
Yes that would be awesome

Post tummy

The other day I saw a literal 10/10 blonde wearing a grey dress and she had a dark sweat mark just above her ass, kind of where the lower back translates down into the buttcheeks. It was an amazing visit to the store. Naturally I inhaled the scent but I was too far away to really get a nice sniff

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I feel like fat people are permanently corrupted. Even if they get in shape they'll always have been fat, will always carry that with them, just below the surface with but a fairly convincing bandage covering it up.

t. Former fat guy

You betcha

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Sport is useless when it comes down to stopping obesity. All that fellow dude tried to tell you was to stay home and count your calories or at least pick cardio sport which doesnt obliterate your joints in two weeks.

Running is top tier peak sport only the most fit people can do without dying in the process. Fatasses should do simple walking or swimming. Save running for when you hit 23 bmi.

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